

I sat by my bedroom window staring at the address she gave to me yesterday questioning myself if I should go or not and also wondering why she wanted to see me.

    "She did say she was going to wait"

    "Who are you talking to? "

I turned back in shock.

    " Oh, no one, yeah Allen can I ask you something? "

    "Yeah sure anything bro, I gotcha"

    "If someone very frustrating asks you to meet them somewhere would you go?"

    " It depends bro, I mean this is your situation if you wanna go, go, if you don't, then don't, it's all logic buddy, but if it was my situation trust me I can't go cause from the sound of things who ever you are talking about they sound very annoying, and I even don't know what they did yet"

    " Thanks"

    " Yeah sure anytime"

I went out to clear my mind with some fresh air soaking up nothing but the cold aroma around, as I walked down the street I found the cafe Angel told me to meet her and to my surprise I saw her there and it seemed like she was actually waiting for me.

    "Seriously what does she want"

Trying as much as possible for her not to see me, I walked away, it seemed kinda odd at this point I didn't even thank her for standing up for me and getting that paint of my face, who am I kidding I've been awful to her and I didn't even see it.

I kept on walking along the frozen path but could only feel a hot sensation in me burning like fire because I couldn't help but get the feeling that I am badly hurting someone already, and that someone was Angel. After filling myself with these thoughts I decided to head back home, then I noticed it was already dark, I've been walking for hours but I couldn't help but think about her.

    "Could she still be there, well she did say she was going to wait"

Without a second to lose I started running back hoping to see her, well at least that was what I thought.

I stopped in shock trying to catch my breath, as I saw someone sitting by the door step since the cafe' was closed.

    "You..you waited? "

    "I told you I was going to wait for you"

    " But why? "

    " Why?, well because you looked gloomy and I felt like you needed a friend"

I've never felt emotional like this before, I could feel tears built up in my eyes as I held them back with a bite in my lip, she tried to come closer and it broke me.

    "You should go home it's getting to cold out hear, waiting for me was an honest mistake trust me I never wanted to come, it was just a coincidence I happened to pass by"

She looked at me with nothing but confusion but yet those eyes  pierced through my entire body down to my soul, so I know I couldn't take it anymore so I had to leave, I passed her as she grabbed my hand to make me stay but it was of no use, I couldn't let her see me like this so I forcefully left her.

Wondering how she would ever look at me again on monday after what I just did. I couldn't sleep well throughout the weekend only thoughts going through my head telling me I was a bad person, to the extent I kept on yawning every step on my way to school. After I came in, it wasn't quite long before Angel did too and i decided maybe I should talk to her but immediately she saw me she looked furious and so I turned away completely avoiding eye contact.

    "Ay, baby what's with the long face"

    "Look Freddie I don't have time for you right now"

    " Oh no baby, you don't need to have time for me cause the time I have for you is plenty enough to fill for the both of us"

    "Boy just give it up she doesn't like you"

    " Look Dick this isn't your fight so stay out of it"

    " Fight?, Fight for what"

    " Fight for my love of course, my heart beats a thousand drums for this fair maiden your eyes bestow upon"

    " Oh please Freddie stop,  your poetry is terrible"

    " What do you know about poetry Ve-ron-i-ca"

    " A lot Freddie,I know a lot"

    " All eyes on me all eyes on me, class to Anna I repeat class to Anna"

    " What do you what"

    " Oh me, I'm here to announce that the party Veronica is hosting is this wednesday night hopefully you'll all be there"

    " Strong move Veronica, but why didn't you tell us yourself?, you were already in the class"

    " You know what, next time how bout you stick to your own problems and let me deal with mine okay HUNTER"

    " Geez angry much"

    " Oh no I'm not angry, cause if I was angry words won't be able to come out of that gutter you clam to have as a mouth"

    " Oh you better take that back"

    " Take it back, or what? come on James tell me what you're going to do, uh WHAT?"

    " Alright class, lecture starts now"

I could hear nothing,it was almost like I've gone deaf but no I was drifting off again I couldn't help but think about what I did to her, she will never forgive me and I'll probably never forgive myself either. It was getting even more cold outside that the windows seem not too different from the walls anymore, they were all frozen shot, cold breeze moved and sang through the air, all the trees had replaced their leaves with pounds of snow, the roads and pathways were nothing but fluffy white, lights had already decorated every house and shop on the streets since Wednesday was Christmas Eve a lot of people already planned on throwing big parties while some prefer nothing but dinner with family.

Next chapter