haha read and find out
The Green Garden
As she rested the over ornamented necklace in its box, ignoring her mother's advice on beauty, Clary reached for the paper. She wasn't accustomed to writing informal letters, but she had to for Eric. It had been their small arrangement back when they were little, that if any of them had difficult feelings to describe, they would write a letter.
As she scribbled on her stuttering feeling, Alice wondered if Eric still remembered. Or will she make a fool out of herself? They were just master and servant. It was accustomed for a witch to have an Elf servant. But since they were met as a child, she as his future master and him as her destined servant did not support their close friendship.
Both Marry and Marvin knew Clary had grew too fond of Eric. It had resulted in him being removed. Sent away to follow school and training. They were not allowed to have any romantic relationship. The child they would create will be too unstable magic wise. It was written in the Book of Green, page 30 that the children of nature and the children of the moon may not harbor feelings for one another.
The thought of this stopped her. She looked up, staring at the large ceiling tall window beside her desk, looking out the land her father owned.
What was she doing now? Was this not why they were separated in the first place. He was her servant, a slave even. He simply lived with her and worked for her. She shouldn't be writing stupid letters like this.
She slipped the paper in her drawer. Her heart pounded loudly in her chest. She never thought seeing Eric again, someone who was to replace her old maid, could make her feel so strange. An anticipation of something she couldn't name what.
"Excuse me, Miss, but your mother have returned with Mr. Eric. Shall I prepare your shoes?" Anna popped in from the door. She had a bad habit of entering without knocking. But since she only ever came for her, Anna never gotten the good stern talk the others get. She was more like a friend.
"No need Ann, I have shoes on already. What do you think?" She asked, lifting her shoes to reveal a pair of near pearly shoes.
"I think it looks marvellous with your new dress." Anna replied as she sat on the bed. This too was also something that happened only with them.
"Alright, I'm ready. Shall we?"
"Yes Miss, I'm sure you will be fine with Eric. When I saw him I almost could not look away." Anna said, a light blush on her cheeks.
Clary followed beside her, bracing her heart. She told herself she would not be disappointed if he did not remember her.
By the time Clary reached at the entry, her mother was served warm tea and cookies. She sat in the porch with a satisfied look.
"Ah darling! Just the person I want to see! How are you, dear?" Marry busted out of her seat.
Clary always enjoyed her mother's enthusiastic attitude, but the heavy pressure in her stomach could only let her smile.
"I'm alright mother, thank you so much for doing this for me."
Marry waved it away, "Of course sweetheart, you were sick. It was better if you stayed home."
Clary forced a smile. Her eyes wandered passed Marry, to a pair of sharp dark eyes. He was tall with a fair layer of muscle. He looked elegant in his suit, the black sharp style of his hair made him look attractive. At least for her.
With horror Clary realized she was already looking at him as a man. The soft curve of his smile as he laid his eyes on her made Clary shiver. Did he felt the same as she did?
"Ah and Clary, I thought you'd like to know that Eric had passed all his schooling with top grades. Isn't that right Eric?" Marry asked without looking. She sipped her tea while Eric stood with a humble smile.
Clary stood waiting for a formal introduction, but Marry did no such thing. She gestured for her to take a seat next to her. And the morning tea continued like that. As if Eric had never left and returned to her after all these years.
In their silent tea drinking, Damian, their father's personal butler came to her mother's side. His tall figure loomed over them, his slightly gray hair coloured his temple.
"Mam, may I please inform you that Mr. Hemming requests your audience in the reading room."
He didn't have to ask twice. Marry bursted out of her chair with a cheerful smile, with a pat on Clary's shoulder, left them to meet her beloved husband.
Clary smiled to Damian, which was returned with a polite nod. Even after all these years, she had never found any tinge of the real Damian behind his suit and formal demeanour. She feared the same will come from Eric. She wanted him to share his thoughts with her, no matter how strange that might seem to the society. And besides, they didn't have to know.
The moment they were left alone, Clary turned to face Eric who still stood behind her mother's spot earlier. His gaze wandered to the outstretched land Marvin owned.
"Eric," She called to him, unsure what she wanted from him. What was she expecting? A hug and a 'How are you?'. These weren't supposed to be asked.
He looked over at her, his face expressionless as he bowed to her. "Yes Miss?"
It was hurtful to see him so distant. It only seemed that the boy she used to share her secrets with was gone. Replaced by this stranger.
"I wish to return to my sleeping chamber. Come." She demanded.
Clary followed the long way up to her room. Their favourite path around the back garden was beautiful in the middle of summer.
"Do you remember, we used to play here as a child?" Clary asked, looking for any hints of her old friend. If there was, he did not show.
"I remember. You had a crown made of flowers." He added. His voice soft and heavy.
She looked around, searching in his cold eyes. She didn't think he would remember that much of her. She was ten and he was thirteen. And she remembered when she sat down next to him, looking up at his face that she saw him more than just a brother. Her heart racing in her chest, an angry shade of red on her cheeks. Clary hates to admit, he was her first love.
"Shall we Miss?" Eric asked. It snapped her out of her thoughts. She had been standing there staring at him for God knows how long.
Clary turned abruptly, leading them both in silence until they reached her room. Standing in one room together, she turned around. He stood just a few steps behind her.
"I think I will be preparing to meet my father soon. Can you please fetch me my evening dress?" She asked with a smile. Now she had him back, although disappointments were there. The show must go on. It was until now did she realize; she had not thought of her plan to speak to her father. Marvin. If she was lucky he'd let her take over her grandmother's plantation, as a witch of her kind, it was expected of her to do thus. The question is whether her father agrees to this or not.