
Start of the Adventure

Out of nowhere a meteor came speeding through the earth's atmosphere.


It burned to the size of a pebble, but this pebble was still enough to kill anyone who got in its way.

And Novis was one such unlucky person, he was casually walking down the sidewalk like any other day, talking on his cellphone.


A hole the size of a tiny pebble appeared in between his eyes, he fell back and his body went limp. His life force quickly drained from his body, and the heat gradually left him.. His body went cold and was lifeless..

He had died. His last conscious thought was..

'I wonder what I will eat for lunch today..'

But too bad for him, he didn't live long enough to decide.

And just like that, he went from an average person walking on the street, to a dead man. Sniped by a meteorite the size of a rice grain from outer space.


Novis abruptly woke up in a cold sweat, heavily panting, his eyes held a gleam of insanity in them.

He looked around at his surroundings and realized he was in a very luxurious room. The bed he was laying on was extremely big and looked to be like 4 queen sized beds combined. The frame was made of a well carved and glossy wood and with carvings of dragons and roses.

The sheets and blankets were soft vanilla silk and had many different patterns embroidered in gold on them. The carpet was royal blue, and the perimeter of it had gold trimmings. The walls were also wooden, and there were many beast skins hung on them, aswell as two broadswords directly above the bed.

He reached out and touched his forehead where the rock had hit him. But there was no hole… No injury or scar, he went to look in the mirror and was shocked to find out that.

He was not in his body, and that he had in fact transmigrated! Of course, this came as a surprise to him since he never really thought it would ever happen.

'I mean we can only dream about these things, and read them in novels.. right?'

He walked over to what seemed to be the bathroom, which was connected to the luxurious bedroom. And he stared in the mirror at himself for a while, admiring his new body. He was still human but he was extremely handsome with a sharp jawline. And he had sword-like eyebrows, along with blue eyes that could suffocate someone, his teeth were well defined, and white like pearls.

He was in the middle of admiring his new body when he paused, and he realized something;

'Wait. If I reincarnated that should mean I have some kind of cheat right? Just to be sure let's try…'


And then the status screen appeared as he had slightly expected, however…


{Name: Novis Dawn

{Race: [Unknown]

{Level: 1


{Cultivation: None

{Cultivation Method: None


{Health: 10

{Strength: 10

{Defense: 10

{Speed: 10

{Magic: 10

{Intelligence: 10

{Charm: 20


{Full Comprehension State: MAX

- A limbo-like state where the user fully comprehends a single technique. This process cannot be interrupted or the host will fail the comprehension and have to await the cool down period. Current Limit: 1 Technique A Month.

{Superior Reflexes: MAX

- No matter what it is, you will be able to dodge it unless its speed exceeds your {Speed} value. Current Speed: 10

{Battle Prediction: MAX

- Get a glimpse of your enemies next move before they do it, the higher level this skill is the better you will be able to see. Current Intelligence: 10




"Wh-What the hell?! The passive skills are already maxed out? Also why do I already have passive skills, and why is my race 'Unknown'?"

He frantically searched through all the system menus, {Inventory}, {Quests}, {Companions} and finally {Notifications} for answers.

He found nothing in any of them, but when he had accidentally refreshed his notifications there was a single one there. And it explained everything;

{Re: SystemResetTeam

- Subject: Partial System Reset

- Message: We regret to inform you that your request for a full system reset has failed to fully process, due to an unknown glitch in our own systems. For an unknown reason all of your passive skills proficiency levels have not been wiped. Please contact us again through the main channel to get a senior representative sent over to perform a manual reset.}

"I see, but.. this…"

After a few minutes of deliberation he figured it wasn't all bad, he felt good that he gained something to start with.

'At least I won't have to suffer to gain a foothold in this new world, but I wonder.. Who was the original owner of this body to own such a lavish bedroom?'

Suddenly someone kicked in the door, twenty people suited in armor poured swiftly into the room. The one who looked like the leader spoke in a loud and commanding voice;


Novis's eyes widened in confusion and shock.

"Wait what..?"

One of the armored men briskly walked over to Novis and bent down to whisper in his ear.

"Novis you must go quickly, the inquisition is after you, and they'll search our entire mansion for you. I can't afford for you to get caught, so you must quickly go and build your strength. Only then, can you come back unhindered."

Novis now had a vague inkling of what was happening, so he nodded and grabbed what he believed he needed. He packed up his stuff and left the mansion, being led by the man in silver armor.

Along the way, memories of the original owner were slowly coming back, so he could recognize where he was.

Earlier he woke up inside of Eleanor Manor, located in Shell City, in the country of Blue Rivers. Which was one of the four major countries of the East Continent. The four major countries of the Eastern Continent are as follows;

1. Blue River(s)

2. Green Mountain(s)

3. Yellow Field(s)

4. Red Plane(s)

As you can probably tell, the names of the countries are due to their make-up. In the North the country of Blue River, the South is the Red Planes. In the West is the Yellow Fields, and in the East the country of Green Mountains.

After that brief refresher he understood some things about the world, although he still lacked its common sense. And he also did not know its economy and money values, that did not stop him from doing what he had to.

Soon they arrived in the woods, half a mile northeast of the manor. The man, armored in silver, took out a rolled up paper and handed it to Novis.

"You must go to the place I marked on this map, I've already informed them you would be coming. Now go!"

The man said to him one last time before jogging off into the distance, leaving Novis in confusion.

'What the heck is happening? I am so lost..'

Despite his repetitive mental complaining and whining, he still did his best to find his way to the marked place.

And so began Novis's journey.

Next chapter