
CHAPTER 1 The Beginning of death

" Why does it always have to be me? " Gina asked herself as her father scolded her blabbering about everything putting all the blame on her, while Gina just stood still and tears forming in her eyes.


" WHY IS IT THAT YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING HUH?!? " I just wish I could walk away from this mess, why should I be the one always to blame even though it wasn't even my fault if only those stupid little brats never showed up in the first place we wouldn't be here.

" Explain yourself Gina, what has gotten in your mind that you had to ruin our family reunion " should I really explain? because I know he will just say that I am talking back to him disrespectfully, well here goes nothing " I am very sorry father but—" " No! I can see in you that you are just an ungrateful child always I should have just left you where! —" My step mother then interrupted " Stop it Finn! you are already going too far, what's done is done okay? " my stepmom sighed sounded like she is in a stressful state " all of us are just tired it's okay the family forgives her it was an accident—" oh no here comes the second coming " why do you always have to be on her side she isn't even your real daughter—" that really spiked me through my heart.. " still you are married to me and that makes me her mother as well, and I am not picking sides it is just because you are already too much we all need rest you, me, and everybody else let's go".

I don't know if I should say thank you or what, me and my stepmom still needs more communication it is just weird to me that we have been together and we do not talk that much. she is a good person and all but for me I just avoided her because of her kids, they really know how to make me look like a bi*ch on her period. while everyone is asleep I snuck out to relax my mind, have a smoke maybe? no one cares anyways.

in the balcony there I stood, " wow it is really cold tonight " I took a puff and that actually made me feel better, then I sensed someone behind me I looked back as fast as I could and it was just my siblings. "hey you look like s*it tonight" my brother said as he chuckled annoyingly while walking towards me with my sister and other brother, they are the only ones that actually cared for me since....the accident.... " Hey you okay? " my sister asked as she looked at me with her beautiful ocean eyes I could not resist myself to lie, but still I have to keep my thoughts from her. It just fascinates me as her deep blue shiny eyes just makes me feel overwhelmed and warm. "yeah, I am fine just really tired the party was boring until "I" ruined it" we all laughed it out as I took another puff and exhaled it out.

" okay, I will take this from you thank you" "Hey-" then my brother slapped the cigarette from my hands, my sister then spoke " You know stress will not kill you, the cigarettes will you should stop it " I gave her a side eye jokingly as I teased " okay doctor, I will" I need to take this one seriously because from the look of my sisters face she is just so done with me, "Let us all get some sleep we really need it " My youngest brother yawned as it also made us yawn so we had no other choice to do so and go back inside.