
The greatest gamer alive

Monkeisded · Games
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Chapter 2: The arrival of the destined king



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Character sheet:

Name: Kang Sheng


Level: 0

EXP: 0/500

Class: ???

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Title: Novice


Level 1 ( dagger ) damage+5 agility+2 speed+3

Level 1 ( ring of the wind ) +5 agility +5 speed (Bonus) There's a 50% chance to get critical damage when fighting against level 1 monsters.


Kang Sheng took a look around of his surroundings and he can't believe that the rumors are true he thought it was impossible a game with a realistic graphics sound fake to him as all of the games he played are not as realistic as this game it was like he was reincarnated he was speechless.

He looked around to his surroundings and saw a sign says "Welcome to Avalior new players" Kang Sheng red about the game and even researched it so he knows what to do and how to level up easy and get coins.

Kang Sheng quickly went to the center of the town where they give quest for begginers he immediately took a quest .


"Quest: Slay the darkness that lurks around the village rewards: 10000 gold and 1000 XP and a chest".


Kang sheng immediately ran to the dark corners of the alley way and then he saw a shadow lurking intimidately the shadow looked at Kang sheng and used Red eyes.


Dark figure: level 10 difficulty: 2000

health 1000/1000

attack damage:50

loot: unknown

Red eyes: weakens the enemy also enrages the user.


Kang sheng immediately ran towards the forest but the creature followed him Kang sheng immediately turned around and attacked it with stab.

The creature lost 5 hp the creature disappeared after taking damage and immediately teleports at Kang sheng's back the creature attacked Kang sheng quickly dodged and used stab again.

-5 the creature immediately vanishes again

Kang sheng was alert and saw the creature charging at him with full force Kang sheng decided that it was too late to dodge so he blocked the damage instead.

Kang sheng took 73 damage!

He immediately ran towards the light where

the shadowy creature stopped and let out a terrifying noice

"If I can't beat him in a close combat I need to think of a new strategy"

Kang sheng used a small healing potion and recovered 50 HP Kang sheng knew what he has to do now then he put out a serious face and Kang sheng immediately sprung at the creature and it attack with a slash but Kang sheng disappeared the creature was confuse the creature took a look a round then the creature heard rustling leaves and twigs breaking, confusing the creature where Kang sheng's where abouts and then the creature took damage -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 the creature lost 50 health from that.

Kang sheng:77/100

Dark Figure: 940/1000

The damage keeps going on until the creatures health turns into 800

the creature used Endless battle.

Endless battle level 5: boost the user's attack and stamina.

Then Kang sheng appeared Kang sheng was standing still the creature the quickly charged at Kang sheng, Kang sheng stood like a rock then Kang sheng immediatly activates his trap

and then suddenly the trees in the forest were cut in half, There's a reason why Kang sheng fought the creature in the forest because it was all part of his plan he chopped the side of the trees and set off a trap that will make the trees fall down to release sunlight because thats the only reason why the shadowy creature can fight in the forest because the tree was blocking the sunlight so Kang sheng planned to lure the creature and activate his trap which will cut down the trees and let the sunlight shine.

Then the dark creature immediately took damage -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 -100 the creature was deafeted and let out a terrifying scream.


Dark figure defeated

Quest complete

Rewards:10,000 gold and 1000XP

Golden chest


Kang sheng widened his eyes like he has seen a ghost Kang sheng looked at the chest and immediately opened it.


Chest rarities by weakest to strongest: common, novice, silver, golden, destructive, godly

Golden chest loots:

1000 gold

Blood blade level 5: +30 attack damage +10 attack speed

Skill book: Three hurricane skill 10 second cool down

Golden souls chest plate +20 defense +5 movement speed +10 stamina +100 health


Kang sheng was jumping out of joy and immediately equip Blood blade and Golden souls chest plate he felt power flowing in his body.

Do you want to learn Three hurricane skill?



Successfully learned three hurricane skill. Kang sheng checked his stats.


Kang sheng

HP 200/200

level: 1


class: none

Title: rookie

Race: Human


Hope you enjoy I made it a little longer remember I am new here its my first time writing so don't judge me :( anyways bye.