

Slash Slash

"Mastering the 4 th moves of Hinokami sword art and Tsukuyomi sword art is tough.

But I can feel it, I'm much closer to mastering it than before."

Before practising IceFire Divine body, I could feel that I was still ways away from mastering the 4th move.

But now that I have practised it, I can feel that the 4th move is not so far away. It's just that it takes time.

'I guess it's time for me to fight the dummies. '

After completely mastering Blazing fire sword art and Frozen frost sword art, I started to fight with multiple dummies of the same level.

Why do you ask?

Because I need experience.

I came from a different world where peace was not a dream. It was Reality!

But this world, Although it shows peace, its only on the surface.

Deep down as the one who read the whole novel, I know how much chaotic the insides are.

Or else Azul would not have died even after fighting the demon king.


"Let's see, let me change it to 50 dummies."

To be honest, my first fight with the dummies was... Horrible.

Although I knew powerful arts, what I lacked was to decide when to correctly use them.

Due to this, I was beaten down horribly.

But as the saying goes, "Learn from your mistakes."

So I did exactly that.

I learned from my mistakes and drastically improved my combat ability.

From 10 to 20, then 20 to 30 and 30 to 40, and now I'm fighting 50.

My goal was simple, and that was to defeat multiple opponents in the least time possible.

And thus I settled at 50 right now.

At first, it took me 2 hours just to kill everything with myself getting injuries in the process.

But then I tried to decrease my time and find flaws in my fighting style.

And fortunately, I had this training room.

You know this training room has helped me a lot in the field of finding my flaws.

Yes, it analyzes my fights and shows me the results.

Like how much strength I wasted, shifting my torso instead of completely dodging, etc.

And due to this, I was able to improve massively.

But before I went to fight,

"Let's see, which music should I choose now?" I select some songs to be played in my mind while fighting.

Well, this was all thanks to the system's help.

With 'search' I could search for songs and play them as well.

Although it was a pity, in the long river of time, many songs of my time were forgotten.

So I had no choice but to use the system.

Although it complained a lot, ignored it.

The reason why Im playing songs was simple actually.

It's just...Cool.

'Unholy. Let's go with that .'

Selecting the song I prepared for battle.

"I should finish this in one minute..."

'That's my goal today... '


"Fuuu... I never get tired of the scene of 50 robots holding swords coming for my head." Standing straight and touching the hilt of my katana, I looked straight at the dummies with straight eyes.

"Start." Immediately 5 robots came straight for my abdomen, legs and hands respectively.

Two robots aiming for my left and right hands from the sides.

Two were aiming for my legs from behind and one was aiming for my abdomen from the front.

It was a deadlock!

But I kept my calm.

When the attack was just a few inches away from me, I muttered under my breath.

" Ice pillar..."

Under my feet, a thick circular ice pillar was formed which moved me up 2 meters in the air, dodging all the attacks.

The robots which were attacking me couldn't stop their momentum on time and were about to hit the pillar.

And just before they hit the pillar I jumped in the air.


The pillar broke and fell 90 degrees towards the front towards one of the robots catching it off guard and thus breaking it.

I who was in the air shifted my body upside down and touched the hilt of my sword, and when I was just at their eye level, facing my gaze at the robots towards my side and back,

" Freezing frost sword art 1st style- Circular wave frost.."


Rotating my body in the air I slashed my sword which was cold as Ice, Slicing the necks of the robots neatly.


The 4 robots fell towards the ground.

Again shifting my body upside down I lightly landed on the ground sheathing my Katana again.

Just when my feet touched the ground, I tilted my neck slightly towards the side.


A lightning bolt just barely grazed past me.

Although it would not kill me, it would sure paralyze me for a few seconds which was deadly at group battles.

Rotating my neck I saw 20 robots coming to attack me.

Ignoring all those I kept my sight on the robot that attacked me with a lightning bolt and saw that it was a few meters away from me with 10 robots in between.

Ignoring all those attacking robots, I touched the hilt of my sword aiming my gaze at the lightning bolt robot,

"Blazing Fire sword art second style- straight blaze..."

White steam was rising from my sword.


Like a knife on the butter, I blazed through the robot, slicing the heads of the robots towards the lightning bolt robot in a straight line.

Bang bang bang

10 robots including the lightning bolt robot fell towards the ground!

Although it looks as if too much time has passed, it only took a few moments for me to kill 16 robots.

Seeing the other 34 robots coming at me from all sides, I sheathed my sword and touched my hands to the ground.

Just when the nearest robots were a few meters away from me, I muttered,

"Ice spikes..."

Shiing shiing shiing...

Countless ice spikes emerged from the ground piercing the 20 robots near me in a circular motion!

'Thats 36 down... '

I counted in my head.

Seeing around and still seeing 16 robots coming at me as if their life depended on it, I unsheathed my Katana jumping at them.


Slicing and thrusting my Katana at them with Fire and Ice...


"Is he not here?..."

Freya just came to the training room.

Seeing that there was no one in the training room she shook her head.

' Anyways let's go towards the multiple dummies room and train. '

Thinking like that she moved towards the training room.

'He should have gone for lunch I guess... '

Freya absentmindedly was going to open the door.

But before she could open the door, the door opened itself.

Freya was surprised.

Not because of opening the door, but because of the figure beyond the door, currently in front of her.

The figure was bruised and cut in some areas with minor injuries but blood all over his clothes.

Especially his Red eyes which held a whole new level of calmness in them like a red moon.

'Beautiful... '

She thought.

She wanted to speak with him but before she could he was a few meters away from her entering the recovery area.

'I missed the chance... '

She shook her head.

'But was he sparring here? Maybe one or two dummies or maybe 5?..'

She tried to guess.

'Let's see... '

She entered the room to look.

But when she did...

"For the love of god, What the hell happened here!!??"

She couldn't help but question herself.

In front of her is what you would call... A Massacre!

50 robots were lying in different areas of the room lying down lifelessly!

Some were pierced, some bruised, some severed from their body, some sliced in half, some burned or some even frozen!

Even the room was not in one piece!

There were broken floors, burned walls, and sword marks everywhere.

'What is the time it took him to do this? '

She turned her head towards the wall showing the time.

But what she saw was more unbelieving than the massacre!

1 minute 2 seconds!

That was all it took for this mess!

'And you are telling me all it took was some minor injuries to pay for this massacre? '

Freya frowned...

To tell the truth, Even she or Layla or Azul or James or even Mary can do this.

But the catch was that they would not come in one piece after that. Especially when fighting with those of the same level.

They had to pay a limb to do this kind of damage.

But just now someone, who should be ranked far behind them, did all this with just some minor injuries?

Freya frowned even more...

She realized just now.

She realized that she... No, everyone in this academy was fooled by Kai!

She realized just now that He was a Monster on the same level or higher than them!

A Monster who can crush them and neglect their training.

Freya realized just how much of a mistake she was committing by wasting her time.

Not only she, but even others were also committing the same mistakes thinking that there was no one in this academy can match them!

Looking towards the place Kai disappeared, she muttered,

"Thank you..."

'Thank you for making me realize that the world was a big place and that we are all just like a speck of dust.'

Kai was just like a wake-up call for her.

A small spark lit in her heart.

'It's time I wake up from my dream and work hard diligently...so that you don't surpass me. '

A spirit of competitiveness and resoluteness was reflected in her beautiful silver eyes.

Unknowingly, Kai had become a monstrous genius in Freya's eyes.

But, it was not false.

She would know in the future that she witnessed the birth of a true monster.

A monster who is more monstrous than the Demon King itself!!

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