3 One single and very pitiful Dog!

" Pfffff ... what pitiful beautiful lady, I can help you register if you want."

A smooth and playful voice coming from the top of the border wall interepted Illyanor angry and miserable thoughts.

With one overplayed jump the voice owner who was clearly showing off sadly landed very far away from her.


Damn it my lady killer move failed miserably lets just play it cool.

"What do you say beautiful lady do you wants me to help ?"

Illyanor sized the man carefully,

he was obviously a young man in his 20s, he has above average face and a muscled fighter body, a long spear was hanging on his back.

" I guess It will not be free of charge ?"

" Not just beautiful but clever too."

"What do you wants in return ?"

" Nothing costly, you seem in a hurry and our party will depart to Loei tomorrow the journey will take about a week. You just have to be my girlfriend for a week what do you say?"

" I refuse farewell."


Do you have to be so straight forward, couldn't you give it a thought. This my last chance I cant let her go.

"Wait ! Please wait beautiful lady ! "

Ignoring his plea she continues to walk forward. But this busybody caught up to her and start walking by her side.

" Listen to me beautiful lady you don't have to be my real girlfriend just pretend to, what do you think not a bad deal ?"

Illyanor couldn't help but sneer in disdain, what a playboy ! Does he take her as stupid or dimwit ? What kind of nonsense deal is this ! .

" No."

" Are you sure ?will you not consider it ?"

"Not interested."

" Please i won't ask anything from you ! I will not even ask to hold your hand, just stick by my side in the journey I beg you."

" Still No."

Does she have to be so refusing to the idea ?? Do I have to travel with them alone again ?! No way I cant do it ! I refuse to do it !

As the saying goes a shameless act always pays off I will go all out.

Throwing himself on the ground and shamelessly grabbing her leg he started weeping like child.

" Beautiful lady please just go with me and see my circumstances...sob… I am sure you will understand...sob...sob... I promise if you don't want to after that I will still register you !..sob...I swear."

Illyanor didn't see that coming, damn it his grip sure is powerful ! I can't move at all!

" Let me go !"

" Sob ... don't be heartless beautiful lady …sob...come with me."

" NO! Let go !"

" No way, I really can't ! You have to come with me it's too much mental stress for me to be in this journey alone ! I will have breakdown !."

"Fine just let me go,you will rip my pants off."

As soon as he heard that his eyes shone brightly.this is great if I continue to act shamelessly she won't have chance to refuse me.

" Really !? You are coming ?"

" it's not like I have choice ! How shameless can you be, keep in mind that if i don't like your so-called circumstances i won't go !"

" Of course, lets go to meet my party members."

The Velvet Inn

The velvet Inn is the biggest inn here and an inn for Mercenaries only,anyone who wish to hire them this is the place to find them. This shameless guy is part of mercenary group, and we are here to meet his party members and see his miserable circumstances.

" What are you stalling for now?"

" Beautiful lady don't be rush lets go to the dining hall they should be there."

There wasn't many people inside the hall just few here and there except a table in the middle of the hall that had six people dining together three females and three males.

The atmosphere on that table could be described with one term ~lovey _ dovey~.

"Waver honey try this dish its delicious."

" Rios darling say AAAA..."

"Kail dear have more food when we set off we won't be able to eat good food for a while."



" I guess those are your friends."

" You get it right ! Please beautiful lady don't leave me alone I feel invisible around them !"

" So to put it bluntly your so-called circumstances is that you have been eating too much Dog food when you are around them?"


that's way too blunt beautiful lady !.

" The problem is I am always with them !I was fine until my last two teammates started dating 6 months ago, I cant stop them and I can't leave them for such a reason, and not only that you didn't see the looks people give me when they see us it all say 'what a third wheel' all I can do is find someone who could at least notice my existence during the journey ."

" You mean a seventh wheel."

That is not the point beautiful lady !

" It makes no difference I am still a spare wheel!"

" Lucas you are back!"

A lively and childish voice of lady interrupted them, look like they noticed us.

" Who is the lady with you Lucas?"

" This is illya, and she wishes to join us in the journey tomorrow, illiya this is iris beside her is her boyfriend waver. On the left is Kail our team leader and Enora his wife. Lastly Vona and her fiancé Rios."

" Lucas you forget the most important thing! You have to introduce the group name first for a better business how many times do I have to tell you that !?"

" Right, we are The Four Devils and Three Angels mercenary group."


Illyanor lips twitched at the choice of name, four devils and three angels ? More like Three Couples and One Dog mercenary group ! don't you think it fit more !

One single and very pitiful Dog!

Next chapter