
The Great Thief

He had never invested in shares or bought a lottery ticket, and neither did he have any experience in the general business industry. Lu Li found that the only thing he could do was play games. Luckily he had experienced rebirth, and was one step ahead of everyone else. Luckily, games had been developing extremely quickly, and there were many people who had become rich through playing games. In his ‘past life’, he had spent countless nights awake, in grief and anguish. However, although all of this had been washed away, so what…? This life, he was determined make a fierce counterattack against fate and stand at the very top! ------ Release Rate: 5 Chapters/Week; will be released on Mon, Wed, Fri and Weekend;

Boating Lyrics · Games
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1977 Chs

King of Cuteness

Editor: Halcyon Translations

"Do you believe that I'm 18 now?" the little girl asked as she squatted on the ground and stared at Lu Li. "Big bro, can you give me some water to drink? You can kill me after I've had a drink…"

"Heavens, who would actually want to kill such a cute kid!?" Lu Li thought to himself.

Fortunately, he didn't have any intentions of killing her. Otherwise, if he killed her after seeing her weeping face, he probably wouldn't be able to live with himself.

"I didn't say I was going to kill you," Lu Li said as he took out his water bag and threw it at her.

Not An Elementary Student caught it and noticed that Lu Li had another one attached to his waist.

"Thank you. Why do you have two of these bags?"

"Loot," Lu Li responded casually.

In the end, no matter how cute she was, she wasn't his own sister. If she dared to attack him, Lu Li wouldn't think twice about killing her.