
The Great Swordsman Of The Shinobi World (Paused)

It’s on pause until it’s worth continuing. ------ Hayashi found himself reincarnated into the world of Naruto, where he discovered the Template System, which granted him the skills of the Greatest Swordsman from the One Piece universe. As he honed his abilities, Hayashi surpassed even the legendary White Fang of Konoha in swordsmanship, earning recognition in the ninja world. ------ ------ Story is AU and modified. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com I don't own Naruto or One Piece. Kudos to Masashi Kishimoto and Eiichirō Oda. If you want to read the original version without alterations: 火影世界的大剑豪 ------ ------ This is my first time writing. I appreciate all your feedbacks. If you find errors, do not be kind - just be truthful. I can guarantee a minimum of 3 chapters per week.

Malphegor · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Tranquil Waters

As the day neared its end, Team 8 dispersed upon reaching the familiar streets of Konoha.

Hayashi, with Hinata in tow, trudged back to his house, the weight of exhaustion bearing down on their shoulders.

As they stepped into the house, Hinata couldn't shake off the worry etched onto her features.

"Are you alright, Hayashi?"

Her voice, though soft, carried a weight of concern as she turned to him, her eyes searching his for any sign of distress.


Hayashi met her gaze with a calm reassurance. With a casual wave of his hand, he brushed aside her concerns as if they were mere dust in the wind.

"Worried about me?"

He said, his tone gentle yet firm.

"No need, Hinata. You know my sword skills don't drain chakra, and teleportation has no effect on me like it does on you."

With a soft chuckle, Hayashi reached out to affectionately pinch Hinata's nose.

"I'm perfectly fine," he reassured her with warmth in his eyes.

"But you must be exhausted. Why don't you go take a relaxing bath and get some well-deserved rest?"


Grateful for his concern, Hinata nodded before making her way towards the bathroom.

Once she was out of sight, Hayashi couldn't help but wince as he rubbed his sore shoulders. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling of irritation towards Iruka.

Why hadn't he warned them about the strain teleportation could put on their bodies? It seemed like a careless oversight on the part of their teacher.

Feeling the discomfort in his shoulders, Hayashi made a mental note to reinforce them with his Haki the next time he teleported.


As he lay on the bed, the rhythmic sound of water dripping from the bathroom provided a soothing backdrop to his thoughts.

Minutes drifted by, marked only by the soft rhythm of the dripping faucet. Then, the bathroom door creaked open, signaling Hinata's emergence

Clad in a towel, she cast a gentle glance at Hayashi, her voice a tender melody in the quiet room as she offered, "Hayashi, I've prepared the water for you. You should take a bath too."


Hayashi acknowledged with a nod, grateful for her considerate gesture. As he watched her movements, he couldn't help but notice the curve of her shoulders, tinged with a soft shade of red.

"Next time you teleport, remember to shield your shoulders with chakra," he softly reminded her.

As Hayashi disappeared into the bathroom, time slipped away unnoticed, the minutes melting into one another like droplets of water.


Emerging from the bathroom, Hayashi was cloaked in a light bathrobe, his aura one of serene contentment. Across the room, Hinata awaited, her expression serene yet inviting.

"Hayashi, come here. I'll massage your back," Hinata offered, her tone filled with care and concern.

"Thank you, Hinata."

Gratefully accepting her offer, he loosened the tie of his robe, leaving it on but allowing his back to be accessible.

He settled onto the floor, feeling the cool tiles against his skin, his lower region still modestly covered. Hinata joined him, moving with practiced ease as she straddled his back.


With the focused gaze of her Byakugan, she traced the acupuncture points with precision, her hands expertly applying the medicinal ointment.

Each touch was gentle, yet purposeful, as she worked the ointment into his skin, applying just the right amount of pressure to ease his fatigue.

Hayashi surrendered to the soothing sensation, his contented hum echoing the harmony of their connection. With each careful stroke, he felt himself melting into a state of bliss, the Gentle Fist technique employed by the Hyuga family proving to be a masterful tool for relaxation.


In the quiet intimacy of their shared space, Hayashi marveled at Hinata's skill. Her touch seemed to dissolve the chaos of the world, leaving behind only peace and belonging.

The fragrance of the ointment filled the air, blending with the warmth of their closeness to create an ambiance of tranquility.

Together, they existed in a bubble of serenity, where the outside world faded into insignificance, leaving only the comforting embrace of their shared moment.


As Hinata worked her fingers into the tense muscles of Hayashi's shoulders, he gazed out of the window, searching for a way to break the silence that had settled between them.

"Hinata, how would you feel about staying here for the next five days?" his eyes flickering with hidden meaning.


Hinata's cheeks flushed with surprise at Hayashi's sudden proposal. She stumbled over her words, her response hesitant, "I-I... I'm not sure..."


"Your family doesn't know we've arrived at the central tower ahead of schedule," Hayashi continued, his gaze softening as he turned to face her.

"With dozens of candidates eliminated in the first exam and more expected in the second, we'll have some downtime before the final duel. We could use this time to work together and improve our skills."




Caught off guard by his seriousness, Hinata found herself unable to resist his infectious enthusiasm. With a soft murmur of agreement, she yielded to his proposal, her heart fluttering with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Seeing her agreement, Hayashi's smile widened as he pulled her into a warm embrace.



As the time limit of the second exam drew to a close, Hayashi and Hinata found themselves in a world of their own, their bond deepening with each passing moment.

For four days, Hinata and Hayashi's days were filled with laughter, deep conversations, and intimate moments that brought them closer together.

In the mornings, they would rise with the sun, sharing a simple breakfast of rice balls and tea before embarking on their training regimen.

Their laughter echoed through the training grounds as they sparred and practiced their respective techniques.


"Hinata, watch closely. This is the Gentle Sword," Hayashi would say, demonstrating a precise sword technique with fluid elegance.

"See how I move? It's all about speed and timing."

With a nod of eagerness, Hinata mimicked Hayashi's movements, her own sword flashing in the morning light.

At first, her movements were hesitant. However, with Hayashi's patient guidance, she soon found her rhythm.


Each stroke became more fluid, more confident, as she immersed herself in the dance of combat under his watchful eye.

As she practiced, her confidence blossomed, mirroring the gradual unfolding of a flower's petals. With each attempt, her movements grew more fluid and precise, transforming her into a swordswoman of remarkable skill with every passing moment.

During their breaks, they would sit by the edge of the lake, the gentle breeze playing with their hair as they shared their hopes and dreams for the future.


"I've always wanted to be strong, like you, Hayashi," Hinata would admit, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue.

Hayashi would smile softly, his eyes reflecting the deep bond that had formed between them.

"And you will be, Hinata. With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, they sat by the tranquil lake, the gentle ripples of the water reflecting the fading light.


Hinata smiled, her eyes tracing the dance of colors on the lake's surface.

"It's so beautiful here," she remarked softly, her voice carrying a sense of wonder.

"Yeah, beautiful," Hayashi agreed, his gaze briefly lingering on Hinata as he spoke, admiring her without her notice.

"It's one of my favorite spots," he continued, his tone tinged with nostalgia as he shifted his gaze to the horizon.

The tranquility of the scene seemed to wash over them, enveloping them in a serene moment of shared appreciation for the beauty of their surroundings.