



In the present day, the world has come to know the Rynths as one of the six branches of the Great Mother. They all share striking resemblances: their hair is as white as freshly fallen snow, and their eyes shimmer with a vibrant blue color, resembling the clear expanse of the sky. Two horns gracefully protrude above their eyes, adding a touch of elegance to their appearance, each one no bigger than a delicate pinky finger. 

A great deal is known about them, as they are the most peaceful of the six branches and have served the Great Mother Tree the most during the time of the gods. 



It is believed that the Pherrows possess the wisdom of the Great Mother, offering the most precise knowledge of historical events and their enduring significance. They show little kindness towards the other branches; their lack of kindness even extends to themselves. 

Their appearance exudes an intimidating aura, adorned with sleek black or brown fur, while their owl-like heads command attention with piercing green eyes. The most striking feature, no doubt, is the large antlers that gracefully protrude from both sides of their heads, signifying their uniqueness among the six branches.



Throughout history and even in modern times, the portrayal of Earthman has often led people to believe that they prefer seclusion, choosing to roam the world in secret, far from the prying eyes of other civilizations, to avoid any potential conflict. 

They are described as appearing timid unless provoked, and their beast-like appearance is often noted as distinctive. Their skin is adorned with luscious brown fur, while their paws boast sharp and retractable claws. They possess an elongated nose, which grants them the sharpest sense of smell. Moreover, their eyes bestow upon them the incredible ability to see with clarity even in total darkness.



Of the six branches, humans are renowned for their dangerous, unpredictable, and arrogant nature. They carry out wars for control and territory as if the world revolves around them, resorting to imprisonment, enslavement, and numerous other atrocities against each other and other branches. They are renowned for their great cleverness, which they use to surpass one another, yearning for glory and power to ensure that their names endure throughout history. 

They are known for being tall and short, strong and weak, foolish and smart, with two long arms and legs, covered with little hair except what grows on their head and chin, possessing two eyes, and having other minor features. 



Little is known about them; they have vanished along with all the history associated with them, leaving many to wonder what happened.



Little is known about them; they have vanished along with all the history associated with them, leaving many to wonder what happened.


Current date: 1635

Currently: Mistoke


The sun had reached its highest point when the recently crowned Emperor of Ashtier stood in the heart of Mistoke, the imperial capital, encircled by a multitude of people hailing from distant cities. His gaze gracefully danced across the space, capturing brief glimpses of prominent figures reveling in the lively celebration. Meanwhile, he relished the pleasure of indulging in measured sips of wine, cherishing the sensation as it graced his lips.



"I eagerly anticipate the changes you mentioned implementing, your grace." King Heraldric expressed. It had been a mere week since Alto's triumphant election victory, yet it seemed that the man had unknowingly assumed the role of a beloved brotherly figure to the king. 



King Heraldric trailed behind Alto, rhythmically tapping his golden cane as he emanated the regal air of a king, with his black-bearded face and impeccably groomed hair reminiscent of neatly cut grass.



Alto resented being reminded of the promises he made to reach his current position; he visibly recoiled at the mention but continued to move around slowly. "Indeed," he said. "I recognize the significance of keeping my promises. In fact, that is the true purpose of this celebration."



"The sooner I address this, the faster I can evade their probing gaze," he pondered. "I didn't fully understand it earlier, but it appears that the scarcity of competent Emperors has led the kings to assume absolute dominion," he scoffed. "In time, I will cure them of this delusion, but for now, I will play along."



Alto gracefully entered the heart of the grand chamber, acknowledging a girl donned in shining silver armor and a newly appointed Justice Hand with a nod. He then paused, capturing the attention of the surrounding people, who gradually shifted towards him. 


Moments later, two resounding golden bells chimed, causing all those present to halt their conversations and ushering in a solemn silence as they redirected their focus towards him. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said, his voice commanding their undivided attention, "I request a moment of your precious time."



"Two weeks ago, I was just a man trying to navigate a world that felt so vast, extraordinary, and beyond my grasp." He pauses, then continues with more conviction: "Today, I stand before you as Emperor Alto Redrial, carrying the weight of eighteen generations of rulers on my shoulders. Their legacy rests with me, and I am entirely committed to fulfilling my promise of bringing positive changes to the world.



And so I am proud to declare the dawn of a new era—an era defined not by falsehoods or truths but by the uncompromising pursuit of what is necessary. I will do whatever it takes to create a stable world where we can all smile and witness the next generation stepping up, carrying the torch of progress that we once held high."


He took a deep breath and said, "I had originally planned to explain the improvements I am going to implement in a more…private setting. However, I now realize that each and every one of you contributed to shaping the person I am today." Raising his glass, he continued, "To the extraordinary people of Ashtier, you have supported me, and I am eternally grateful and determined to never let you down."


The representative raises their glasses. "To the people of Ashtier," they echoed.


"Now, let's start with my uppermost priority, shall we?"





Next chapter