
Ancient Evil

As the team of researchers were surrounded by the seemingly sinister, and evil figures, the leading researcher planned to immediately initiate the battle, but before he could even keep calm and read the situation, the figures suddenly and swiftly dashed towards them. The soldiers panicked and formed a defensive formation, but before they could even move towards their positions, the figures disappeared and reappeared behind the soldiers' formation and immediately attacked the mages, (AN at the end) luckily some of the mages had quick reactions and formed a barrier around the ones being attacked by the strange figures which made the figures' ambush end up unsuccessfully but unfortunately, some figures still hit their targets, some of the mages that didn't have quick reactions died a tragic death, not even knowing how they died. At this moment a shadow suddenly rose up from only God knows where and seemed to be observing the situation, those who saw it would be astonished and frightened, because it was The Ancient Evil Helcurt, but Helcurt left as quick as he came and as if satisfied with the results of the ambush, left behind a maniacal laugh.

A few minutes after the ambush...

As the last strange figure's body dropped on the ground with a thud, so did the morale of the team drop, their losses were big this time, out of the original 1000-man team, only less than half remained. If you were to round it off 500 men died in the ambush which means if the expedition was unsuccessful the Royal Researchers' Regiment would have to pay 15,000,000 () to the families of those who died and if the expedition was successful it would have to be 250,000,000 () which to the regiment would be a huge loss either way, the team's combat power would also significantly drop, which means that if they were to encounter the same situation once more, they would be completely wiped out. The team then began taking samples of the poison used by the figures and some of their bodies for The Great Alchemist to research about before heading out deeper once more. "Everyone this time, everyone must stay vigilant about their surroundings so that we may be able to lessen our casualties and avoid such situations to happen again." says the leading researcher. Anyone on the right mind would never want such situations to happen again, or else they would be tragically wiped out. As they got deeper and deeper in the ruins they found more and more treasures, it could be said that the core region of the ruins are untouched gold mines because no matter where you look it would be filled with treasures and hidden dangers but so far, the team haven't encountered a single monster or entity on their way to the core region of the ruins, well aside from those strange figures from before. Also aside from the researcher team there is basically no living thing in the ruins. The team found it strange and speculated that it was probably because of the thick death aura surrounding the place that made all living beings that sensed it run away, there were also no dangers in the place aside from the traps and the figures from earlier.

AN: Researchers -> Mage

btw my writing may look sloppy or awkward (whatever u say about it) bcuz im quite busy and i dont rly have much time to think about it (pls point out the mistakes in the comment section below)

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