


Taking it slow


I got dressed, left to pick up Mia, then got out of the car, walked up to the door, and knocked. Michael answered and nodded as I walked through the doorway.

I climbed the stairs to Mia’s bedroom. I knocked and heard her say, /"Come in./"

I turned the handle, walking inside her room. She was tying her shoes and getting frustrated. I walked over and helped her. She gave me a soft smile as I gave her one back.

/"I’m sorry, Lakin. One day, I’ll get it./" She sighed.

/"Baby girl, take all the time you need./" I smiled and stood up. I held out my hand as she took it, interlocking our fingers and leading her out of her room.

We came downstairs.

/"Where are you two going?/" Michael asked us.

/"We’ll have breakfast at my house, then the park and the bakery,/" I said.

/"Have fun./" He smiled.

/"We will,/" Mia said, causing him to smile.

We walked out of the house, and she got into the car. I had to remind her to buckle her seatbelt. Mia forgets things and has issues with others. The doctor said it would be like this for the rest of her life. I didn’t care. She was alive, and that’s all that mattered to me.

I took her to the park, and she was like a little kid, so excited. She ran to a swing and sat down. /"Push me, Lakin!/"

I walked over and pushed her.

/"Higher!/" She had a childlike quality to her, but it was more of innocence than anything.

She had gotten tired of the swings, and we walked around. I tried to take her hand, but she snatched it away, unsure of what I was doing.

/"It’s okay, Mia. I’m going to hold your hand./"

She nodded. I took her hand into mine and intertwined our fingers. She needed to trust me, which was slow but a work in progress. We would get there.



Since we got back this summer, my sisters and brother have been doing their own thing. Michael and Maverick tied up Lyric and Larkin. Lakin was busy with Mia. And Lex, well, we didn’t see much of him.

I was learning how to be on my own. Who knows when my divorce will come through from Major? My parents and Nana were right. It was a dumb thing to do.

So, I’ve read books about being single and not relying on a guy or anyone. I’ve been doing things alone, which felt weird since I was usually with someone. I went to dinner, the movies, the store, the park, and even walked alone.

My parents thought I was having some weird crisis, but I wasn’t. Everyone always talks about how insecure I am. They joke and make fun of me for it when people have never seen me as anything other than one quint.

I was trying to figure out what I like and didn’t like. That’s what one of the self-help books said to do. Find something you enjoy doing alone. Another said to be a strong independent woman, never rely on a man to do anything.

A third book said we’re powerful human beings and should rely on ourselves. After reading all this, I bought more books. It’s not like I have anything better to do with my time.

I left the house and searched the bookstore’s self-help section. I was checking out books to see which one was the better help. There were so many books to choose from here.

/"Dare I ask what the hell you are doing?/" Uncle Nolan asked.

I turned to face him. /"Well, it’s a bookstore, and I’m buying books./"

/"Luna, why are you buying self-help books?/"

/"Because I don’t want to depend on a man. I’m an independent woman who is self-sufficient and self-reliant./"

/"Since when?/"

/"Since everyone tells me how insecure I am. I can’t help it. I’m insecure. It’s who I am./" I sighed.

/"Lu, let me tell you a story about an insecure guy. This tool was so insecure he shot his load even before he had time to do anything./"

/"Let me guess, that was you./"

/"Oh, hell no! That was Nathan. The dude gave Noah blue balls because of it. The best part was we had cake. That was a damn, wonderful cake./"

/"Okay, first, ew. Second, what does this have to do with me?/"

/"The point I’m trying to make is that everyone is insecure in their way. Hell, my brothers are the biggest insecure tools ever, and so is your mother./"

/"Wait. What?/"

/"Your ma gave your dad back his promise ring several times. Your dad is the biggest tool out there. Who the hell tells someone you’re in a relationship and sort of taken?/"

Wow, that was information I wasn’t expecting.

/"The truth is, Lu, you don’t need these books. You’re a Gray. Start acting like it. Make the guy chase you./"

I didn’t want a guy to chase me. So, I’m done trying to make something work that didn’t.

Nolan left, and I put the books back, then looked for a romance novel. Unfortunately, I bumped into someone, causing them to drop their books.

/"I’m sorry about that./" I helped the person pick up their books and noticed the titles of a few.

How to win someone back? A guide to romance and love.

What in the hell? I stood and saw Major standing there. Ah, it makes sense.

/"Here./" I handed Major the books.


/"Good luck with your new romance, Major./" I turned and walked away. That stung a bit, and I went home, regretting my bright ideas. My divorce couldn’t happen quickly enough.



After Luna left, Maverick walked up. /"Did you find them?/"

/"Yeah, and now I have a bigger problem./"

/"What’s that?/"

/"Luna saw the books

/"Well, shit./"

/"Mav, what will I do? The minute Luna tells her dad, I’m in deep shit./"

/"Brother, you’re in deep shit the minute not only her dad finds out but so does her uncles. Good luck. You’ll need it./" Maverick patted my back and walked away.

Yep, good luck. I’ll need it with the Gray brothers.