
Chapter 10

***(we continue)***

Its been over one hours since Eliot was kidnapped. He was trembling because he was both cold and terrified from what happend to the people he saw getting thrown in the cage with Soul Leeches. He was panicked but tried not to show it in front of the Soul Leech.

The human lookalike Leech was still sitting next to the cage. Its been a while since he asked Eliot a question but Eliot didn't say a word because he was too scared to talk. The Soul Leech took a deep breath and started talking to Eliot again:

- Look, it'd be easier for both of us if i was just to kill you, however there is something strange about you, something that intrigues me, so can You STOP TREMBLING ALREADY AND GET TO ANSWERING MY QUESTION!? - the Soul Leech was shouting at Eliot.

Eliot didn't say a word.

It opened the cage and grabbed Eliot by the throat.

- Answer me! - it shouted

- I.. i don't know what you want from me, i don't know what you are talking about! - said Eliot while his eyes were getting teary.

- Don't play foolish, i can sense that you are similar to a Soul Leech but you are too weak to be one! - the Soul Leech was clearly angry.

~This is bad, there is nothing that could stop it from snapping my neck any moment. Someone please help me. - Eliot though to himself. He was already crying however it was a silent cry. The Leech was holding his throat so tightly that he couldn't say any word at this point.

The Soul Leech threw Eliot into the wall after which it said:

- Why are you soo weak yet the aura you give off is so ominous!? What the hell are you!? - The Soul Leech grabbed Eliot again. - And also, why are there no changes in your body if you are a Soul Leech!? - it samshed Eliot into the ground.

Eliot was feeling as if he was about to lose consciousness but he knew that the moment he does everything will be over. He was horrified but didn't want to show it. All he wanted was for someone to save him and this to be over. Sadly he knew that no matter what he does it will never be over. There is nowhere left for him to go anymore and the only person left in the world that he knew, and had trust in was Seryoja.

- Minion! - the human lookalike called for the flying Soul Leech from earlier - Open the door to the hole! I want test if my instinct is right and there is something special in this guy.

- Yes sir. - the flying Leech answered, after which it opened the door.

The human lookalike grabbed Eliot and headed towards the door. Eliot tried fighting but he didn't even manage to land a hit on the hand with which the leech was holding him. Eliot knew that he is too weak to do anything.

The Soul Leech threw Eliot in the cage and locked the door after which it started staring at Eliot through the iron bars.

Eliot stood up and looked around. Fortunately it appeared like the Soul Leeches still weren't around. He realised that he is thrown into a lower level of the sewers and a spark of joy warmed him. He thought that he can find a way to run away, however the human lookalike spoke while laughing:

- Don't get too happy weirdo, this may have once been part of the sewers but it no longer is. I've sealed up all of the exits and the tunnel you see are just lairs for my pets, so i'd not recommended you going in there.

The laughter of the Soul Leech was echoing through the sewers. Eliot was standing there trying to sort out his thoughts and find a way out but no matter how much he thought he couldn't figure a way out because the fear was stopping him from being able to think straight. About 2 minutes, that looked like eternity for Eliot, passed and he decided to try going into the tunnel in search of an exit, however the moment he moved he heard a voice coming right behind him:

- Finally, some food! - It was a Soul Leech.

This Leech was terrifying to look at. It looked like a giant meat ball with 4 arms and 3 legs. It had 3 eyes sticking out of its head and a giant mouth right under them. Eliot started running but he tripped and fell on the ground. Even tho he was trembling he quickly got up and tried running for the tunnel right ahead for him but the moment he raised his head up he lost all hope. Three more Leeches had shown up from the other tunnels and he was surrounded.

- Get out of here you idiots, this one is mine, you already ate earlier! - Shouted the three eyed Leech that showed up first.

- Shut your mouth, we will eat as much as we want! - answered to him one of the others that just showed up.

- Oh is that so? Lets just settled this with a fight, it's not like this kid will run away. - said the three eyed Leech.

- Heh, you are dumber then you look! - said another one of the Leeches, after which it jumped and landed right in front of the three eyed one and started attacking it.

There was something strange about the three Leeches that just showed up - they looked alike - all of them resembled lizards but had two tails instead of one, and their heads were still resembling those of a human, although each of them had big scars ot them. The only differences between the three lizards was their skin colours - one was green, another one red and the last one white, to the point of looking like a dead person.

Eliot runed for the tunnel but the red lizard grabbed him and said:

- You are not going anywhere dinner, just stay here and wait for us to settle this. - said the lizard while laughing .

- What do you think of my pets? They have developed quite far as you can see, because I've been feeding them with only healthy people! - said the human lookalike Soul Leech clearly enjoying the things that are happening.

Eliot was scared for his life but all he could do was stand and wait for help. He was looking at the three eyed leech fighting the green and white leeches. He was trying to figure out a way to get out when something popped up in his head:

~Thats right! I completely forgot i had this with me! - he though to himself after which he tried getting away from the grip of the monster. He didn't manage to do it but he freed his hand after which he pulled out of his inner pocket the revolver that Seryoja had given him and shot the lizard in the head. Of course it was not enough to kill it, however it was enough to stun the lizard for a couple of minutes.

- Ohoho would you look at that! He is struggling to survive! Minion come and look at this, its just so entertaining! - said the human lookalike while laughing as if he has just seen the funniest thing in this world.

~This bastard! I hope Seryoja comes and kills him! - Eliot though to himself while running for the tunnel.

- Hey, the food is getting away! Stop the fighting you idiots and catch him! - said the white lizard to the green one and the three eyed one.

They stopped the fight and went straight for Eliot.

The White one caught up with him and scratched his back leaving a mark on it.

The green one bit Eliot by the hand and threw him with sheer jaw power to the wall, after that the three eyed one grabed Eliot and threw him in the middle of the cage.

Eliot tried to get up but he realised his left leg is broken.

He tried shooting the leeches and managed to hit them a couple of times but it was useless - they regenerated too quickly for the bulets to damage them.

It seemed like all hope was lost. Eliot tried crawling to the tunnel but they caught up with him. The three eyed one got ready to take a bite out of him.

Eliot covered his eyes by instinct. He already knew everything is lost.

However at this moment something unbelievable happened.

Gray smoke appeared out of one of Eliot's wounds. It quickly surrounded him and an ominous voice came out of it:


The smoke pushed the leeches back smashing them into the walls.

- Oh my and what is this supposed to be? - the human lookalike was talking to itself.

Eliot was trembling inside the smoke - both happy that he was saved and scared of what the thing that saved him is. He just sat there questioning what is happening.

***(to be continued)***