


Without it, life would not exist in this world, as all the first races emerged from the elementals formed by mana. The genesis dragons, the first sinners, and the gods of origin were all descendants of the 4 magical elements.

The history of how this world came to be was incredibly fascinating to me, and I had spent days reading ancient texts and journals to broaden my knowledge regarding it after Scho'Li Er had left for the academy. Of course, while reading all these accounts, I also trained my proficiency of magic and my fluency of the dragon language.

Through my research, I realised that my understanding of magic was flawed. That my success in altering the basic spell 'Ignite' was due to blind luck, as all further attempts at altering the 3 other basic spells had all failed miserably, even after approaching the problem from different perspectives.

From my observations, the only reason 'Igni' had succeeded, was due to the fact that there were catalysts all around me in the library, reducing the mana required to cast fire spells. Those catalysts, were of course, the documents strewn across the table where I conducted my studies, and also the wood that made up the furnishings of this quiet new home of mine.

Just like how rain amplifies the spells of water and ice mages, the presence of fuel in the vicinity of a fire spell would assist in the casting of said spell. They were rather similar to the catalysts that I used quite frequently in my work as a chemist, the only difference being that there was a change in the amount of mana they held within afterwards.

This realisation, coupled with my increasing mastery of the dragon language, allowed me to finally use all four of the basic spells after a relatively long period time, as I was unable to figure out the nuances in the incantations used by mages to effectively cast a spell. Even though the effect intended was the same, the path I took was different from other mages, which was why it was so difficult for me to learn these spells. However, after succeeding in using it once, I am able to refine the technique I use to an exact science by recording all the steps I take in casting the spell, and slowly trimming off the unnecessary incantations and motions. The simplicity of my modified spells also meant that I had less problems casting them, as simple mechanisms were always more reliable than complex ones.

This streamlining of basic spells had also brought forward some unexpected boons.

[You have awakened the passive skill "Master of the elementary"]

[Your understanding of the basic elemental spells has increased your intelligence]

[Your knowledge regarding the ancient races has increased your wisdom]

[Your success in modifying all the basic spells has increased your intelligence]

[You have successfully changed classes to "lvl. 1 Mage"]

[You have levelled up]

[You have levelled up]

I suppose hard work doesn't go unnoticed by the gods of this world.

Open the status window.

[You have opened the status window]

Character Information

Name: Zariel Alsa

Age: 24 Years old

Sex: Male

Class: lvl. 3 Mage


Strength : 3

Agility : 4

Endurance : 3

Intelligence : 10

Wisdom : 8

Perception : 6 ( 5 )

Luck : 2

Willpower : 6 ( 5 )


"Aura Reader" (Rare) lvl.1 - Allows you to read the aura of the person you are facing. Also increases your perception to you surroundings ( +1 )

"Mental Fortitude" (Rare) lvl. 1 - Increases resistance against illusion based spells and the effects of berserk inducing skills. Also increases your willpower ( +1 )

"Under Pressure" (Unique) lvl. 1 - Increases your basic stats when under adverse conditions up to 10%, with a minimum increase of +1 to every stat.

"Master of the Elementary" (Unique) lvl. 1 - Allows you to use the mana in your surroundings to cast basic spells. Has a cooldown of 5 seconds.

*Note: You have 2 unused stat points

Should I be min-maxing in this world? I don't even know what the meta is... Should I be putting my stat point into intelligence for that +2 Intelligence increase when "Under Pressure" is active? Or should I be investing into my physique here to increase my physical stamina? What do these stats do for me anyway? I know that the number 5 represents a normal human here, but does having 10 in intelligence mean I'm twice as smart as them?

These thoughts filled my mind as I think of the most efficient and effective way to utilise my available stat points, in order to increase my combat power.


My thoughts were interrupted by a voice, snapping me out of my trance, bringing me back into reality.

"Ah, I'm sorry, what were you saying?"

My head swivelled in order to face her.

"The captain of the city guard has requested for your presence in the next council meeting."

This was the woman who had been taking care of me for the period of time I've been here. Regina Deme, the librarian of this rundown place, a plain and rather beautiful woman who chased off her suitors with her venomous tongue. In fact, I think I would've fallen for her if not for the fact that her insults were so thorny.

"Is it about the fractured ruins again?"

She nodded her head.

"How annoying, even after numerous rejections, he is still so persistent in trying to rope me into his plan."

"He has been getting on my nerves too. Looking for me day and night, telling me to give you his message, what a disgusting creep. Can't you just agree to his request and get it over with?"

"If it wasn't such an obvious death trap, I would've went the first time he invited me! What kind of fucking moron sees a fractured ruin emitting mana of a density that would make even dragons blush, and decides to explore it!? I can't begin to fathom how he got that positi-"

The sound of a door being smashed open stopped me mid-sentence.

"Hey Zariel!"

"Speak of the fucking devil."

This, was Karl Thoum, a lvl. 20 Gatekeeper, captain of Sekhund's guards, and the second most powerful individual in this town.

"Why do you insist on turning down my offer Zariel?"

"Because it is a suicide mission to try to conquer that fractured ruin, and because I don't trust you as a colleague."

"Come on, if you weren't the only mage who still studies the dragon language, I wouldn't be trying to invite such a weakling to join my party."

Shit, my pride is hurt.

"Why are you so hellbent on conquering it anyway?"

"A little bird told me that the ruins could potentially implode-"

"Which means..."

"It could disturb the stability of the rift which connects the planes of Sekhund to the outside world."

"Are you being serious here?"

"Yes, why would I be fooling around when it comes to the safety of this town. Originally I had thought about potentially salvaging some artifacts from the ruins and selling them for some profit on the side. The situation, however, has not been kind to us, and now it will be necessary for us to conquer it."

"Then why won't Maj Ishion do anything about it?"

"He is currently at the capital, answering his majesty's call."

Fuck. I just got roped into something troublesome.

"I guess I have no choice here do I?"

"Not if you want to stay in the town of Sekhund. No."

"Alright. But I need you to get some items for me before you depart."

"As long as it isn't ridiculously pricey."

"No, they are all items commonly available in markets and shops. I'll write down a list of all the things I need and send it to you."

"Alright, but don't take too long."

I guess trouble always follows where the main character goes huh.


"I had never thought of it before, but how does a plane disconnected from the main world have sunrises?"

"That is because my lord has casted the spell "Incandescence" and has it mimicking the cycle of day and night."

Karl answered my question rather smugly.

I can't even begin to imagine the amount of mana needed to keep a tier 7 light spell active for such a large period of time.

"By the way, I have collected all the materials you wanted. But, you do know we are taking rations with us don't you?"

"Yeah, and what does that have to do with the things I asked you to get?"

"Why are you taking salt into an expedition if you already know that we won't be cooking?"

"Ah, so that's what you were wondering about. Come here and help me out with my experiment, I'll explain what I'm trying to do while we conduct it."

I lead him to the table where I had been doing my work, and tell him to take a seat. I can tell from his expression alone, that he is visibly baffled by what I am trying to accomplish with all the glass equipment I had set up.

[You sense some confusion from Karl Thoum]

"What are you trying to do here Zariel?"

"You know alchemy don't you?"

"Yes, but I have never seen any alchemist using vials and not cauldrons."

"Just think of it as much more advanced alchemy. Could you help me by picking up those two long strands of copper and channeling the 'Shock' spell?"

"And just what will this accomplish?"

"It should be helpful if any trouble comes up during our expedition."

"Then I'll try to assist you in any way I can."

I add the salt that he had just given me into some water, and then pour the salt solution into the makeshift apparatus I had been working on for the past couple of days.

"Where did you put the two magic pouches?"

"On the table behind you."

"Ah, found them."

I place the two magic pouches over the graphite electrodes, and then take a look at them to see if the reaction is indeed occurring. The bubbles forming at the electrodes were proof that this experiment of mine were a success.

"Am I supposed to be feeling a slight tingling while holding these wires?"

"Yes. Please bear with it until I have collected enough of the gases."


"Didn't you tell me that you were going to explain the use of the salt?"

"Oh yeah. The salt here is basically a component of the solution I need to electrolyse to produce hydrogen gas."

"What does any of that mean?"

Uh. How am I supposed to explain this to him?

"Basically, the gas I am collecting is very combustible and will act as a fuel to increase the effectiveness of any fire magic that our party uses."

"I'm still not getting it. Is it a potion which increases your mastery of fire? If so, why don't I feel any mana from the blend over there?"

"That blend over there is only the side product of my session. The real goal was to produce the air within this magic pouch."

Karl looks at me as if I am a madman.

"How can air possibly help us in increasing the effectiveness of our fire spells?"

[You sense some doubt from Karl Thoum]

"Let's go outside and test it then."

"Try casting 'Ignite'."

"Spread flames, Ignite."

A small flame appears in the palm of Karl's hand.

"Now what?"

"Cancel your spell, we now know the strength and size of your typical 'Ignite'. Now, try casting 'Ignite' after a pour some of this air over your palm."

I open the pouch and allow some of the hydrogen gas to escape.

"Do it now."

"Spread flames, Ignite."

The small flame ignites the gas and quickly expands into a ball of fire, engulfing Karl's hand, but then, as fast as it formed, the flame dies out.

"That's it?"

"I only used a small amount. There is still a lot of it within the pouch."

"Then I suppose that this session of yours wasn't so useless after all."

"I'm flattered."

"Don't get cheeky with me. We depart next dawn, get all your gear ready in the meantime."

"Yes sir."

I suppose the every hero must start an expedition eventually. But why is the difficulty for my first dungeon so high? DM, please, you are being too unfair to me. Why do all those other bastards who get transported all either have insane aptitude and skill, or have a system to help them become the strongest? Where the hell is my help? How am I supposed to be a hero when all the side characters are way stronger than me? At this rate, I won't be able to catch up to that brat in my entire lifetime. Hell, even Scho'Li Er isn't hopeful regarding my prospects as a mage...


Hate is a powerful motivator.

And there's nothing I love more than to prove people wrong.


Had a few tests this past week, So I haven't been able to write as much as I wanted to. I'll try to write as much as I can during this long weekend. As always, any suggestions or criticism are always welcomed. Thank you for reading this chapter of The Grand Magus.-Omaigot

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