
An Ordinary Guy

I'm just an ordinary guy.

No, seriously, my life couldn't be more akin to that of an npc's.

I mind my own business, I work hard (or at least I think I do), and I pay my taxes. I take the subway to work, and in my free time, read web novels and play online games. Some might see my life as boring or repetitive, but I disagree. I am content with this life of mine, or, at the very least, have come to terms with the fact that not everyone can change the world or 'make it', and so I had planned to live out the rest of my life as another background character, so...

How the hell did it come to this?


I woke up earlier than usual that day, and thus had some leeway to brew an actual cup of coffee instead of getting one of those processed, overly sweet, canned beverages that major corporations had the gall to call coffee. While waiting for my drink to cool down, I opened up my phone to see if any of the web novels I was following had been updated overnight. To my disappointment, none of them had been updated yet. As an avid reader, it was frustrating when these authors and translators didn't follow their schedule or release rate, especially when they don't give a legitimate reason for the absence of updates. As people who actually make a living off of these web novels, shouldn't they maintain even a slight sense of professionalism? However, me rattling off about these unreliable folk wouldn't do anything regarding the update rate, so I just let out a dejected sigh, and went on with my daily routine.

After finishing a cup of the panacea that is coffee, I took a brisk shower, changed into my work attire, and rode the subway to the monotone hell that is employment. Arriving at work, my daily quota of torture and nagging was quickly filled by screaming superiors and annoying co-workers who seem hell bent in making my time working as miserable as possible, so I left as soon as the clock hit 5 and dropped by the laundromat where I did the only thing you could do in a laundromat, and that was of course...

teleporting to another world through a portal you found in a washing machine.

Yes, you read that right, through a fucking washing machine, when I was just trying to wash my clothes. Not by an accident with the ever-so-popular truck-kun who was always transporting people to a parallel universe, not through an e-mail I received which opened a dimensional door, but a goddamn S*ms*ng washing machine.

This was such an underwhelming way to be summoned to an alternate dimension that the only thing I could think of while travelling through what I presumed to be a wormhole, was that God really was trying his hardest to throw me curve balls or subvert the cliche of being transported by the same plot devices over and over again.

Why was I so calm despite going through the supernatural you ask? I wasn't. This was simply my method of coping with sudden changes in my environment, and this quality of mine eventually became the reason I was able to be relatively successful in my life, or past life, so far, as I have been able to stay calm and analyse the situation even under significant pressure.

Another reason was because I was excited. Thoughts of becoming a legendary hero or a dragon slayer had popped up into my mind. Clad in silver armour and wielding two enchanted swords, cutting down any foe in my path, saving damsels in distress and maybe, just maybe, losing my V card.

But reality is a bitch huh.


When I woke up, what greeted me was the sight of a burly man with his brow furrowed and a straw roof.

"You are finally awake. You've been out cold for the last couple of days, and I was beginning to wonder if you were going to wake up at all."

"Where am I?"

"You are currently in my humble abode, located in the rural village of Sitarding"

"And who are you?"

"I am the chief of this village, Vil Ajekief"

Wait a second... Sitarding? Vil Ajekief?

"Tell me chief, are we currently in the Bie Gnar region of the Furst Kingdom?"

"It seems that you are aware of your location then, stranger. You have caused quite the ruckus among my people, as you fell from the sky and crashed into our guard tower-"

So I got transported to the world of a web novel I had read in the past huh. I don't remember much about it, only its name, "Don't tell me this is another shitty isekai", The title attracted my attention, but it had nothing else going for it, so I only read a few chapters before I eventually dropped it.

"-which was the only thing keeping the bandits at bay. I believe that a magus such as yourself can easily repair it, can't you? Because if not, there will be trouble..."

Magus? Isn't that a title used to describe a powerful mage?

"Let me interrupt you there. What makes you think that I am a magus?"

"It's the only logical explanation isn't it? A young, cocky magus who just learnt the flying spell ran out of mana mid-flight, and thus went into hibernation to ensure that he wouldn't die from the crash?"

Fuck. Every single one of his points make perfect sense, and I doubt that he would believe me if I said that I was a transmigrator... I guess there's only one way to resolve this situation...

"I don't remember anything chief. Not even the most basic of spells."

[Vil Ajekief has used "Lie detection lvl. 1" on you]

["Lie detection lvl. 1" confirms that what you said was true]

His face visibly darkened, and it seemed as if he was about to snap any minute now.

[You have awakened the passive skill "Aura reader"]

[You feel a murderous intent coming from Vil Ajekief]

I'm in trouble aren't I...

"Since you can't repay your debts by rebuilding our tower. The least you can do is improve the morale of the entire village."


I can hear the sounds of villagers cheering, even through the ringing of my ears. My entire body is numb, and I can feel myself passing out soon. My opponent was the son of the village chief, Sanov Vil Ajekief, a 16 year old youth who outclassed me in every physical stat. I had tried to resist in the beginning, but it was futile. His swordsmanship had shut down all of my attempts to attack or defend, and I could only take a beating from this cocky brat.

"So a magus only amounts to this much huh?" He says while chuckling at my pathetic state.

I wanted to retort, but the only thing coming out of my mouth was ragged breaths.

"What a sad sight, a magus, being beaten by a village boy. Do you not have a sense of pride? Or has your defeat completely broken your ego?"

[Sanov Vil Ajekief has used "Taunt lvl. 2" on you]

[You have resisted the effects of "Taunt lvl. 2]

[You have awakened the skill "Mental fortitude"]

It seems that the time I spent being berated by my superiors haven't been wasted. Although awakening a skill is always a pleasant surprise, this particular one doesn't really help me at all doesn't it.

[You have fallen unconscious]

It was at this point, that I realised, that I amounted to nothing in this world.


I woke up unable to move my body at all. It seems that the damage inflicted on me was nearly fatal. It was after assessing my condition that I realised I was in a ditch where the bodies of people who I can only assume to be bandits were laid next to me. They must've thought that I was dead, or at the very least, dying after the beating that I received. I don't blame them, as at that moment, the thought of not seeing the light of day had also blossomed in my mind, so it was shocking to even me that I survived.

[You have awakened the skill "Under Pressure"]

'Under Pressure'? I don't recall ever reading about such a skill before. I wonder what it does.

[You have opened the status window]

That's convenient.

Character Information

Name: ???

Age: 24 Years old

Sex: Male

Class: lvl. 1 Novice


Strength : 3

Agility : 4

Endurance : 3

Intelligence : 8

Wisdom : 7

Perception : 6 ( 5 )

Luck : 2

Willpower : 6 ( 5 )


"Aura Reader" (Rare) lvl.1 - Allows you to read the aura of the person you are facing. Also increases your perception to you surroundings ( +1 )

"Mental Fortitude" (Rare) lvl. 1 - Increases resistance against illusion based spells and the effects of berserk inducing skills. Also increases your willpower ( +1 )

"Under Pressure" (Unique) lvl. 1 - Increases your basic stats when under adverse conditions up to 10%, with a minimum increase of +1 to every stat.

Status ailments:-

"Immobile" - You have suffered heavy injuries and are now unable to move

"Bleeding" - You have suffered heavy injuries and are now bleeding

Jesus. These stats are horrendous. Considering that in this particular world, the average stats that a human has are 5s across the board, it isn't a mystery why I had lost so badly to that kid. I kinda wish that I had paid more attention to my physical condition back when I was on earth. Maybe my stats would've been better then. Nevertheless, regret isn't going to help me here, what I need to do is figure out a way to survive. If I don't do anything here, I might just bleed out from my internal injuries.

[Adverse conditions detected. Activating "Under Pressure lvl. 1"]

I don't wanna die like this.

[You have awakened the passive skill "Iron Will"]

For the first time in forever, I feel afraid. Afraid of losing consciousness. Afraid of the afterlife. Afraid of death.

[Adverse conditions detected. Activating "Iron Will lvl. 1"]

Even if for another second, I want to live...

[You have awakened the passive skill "Survivor"]

So that's why...

[Adverse conditions detected. Activating "Survivor lvl. 1"]

["Survivor lvl.1" has temporarily stopped the effects of "Immobile"]

I will struggle to the bitter end.

[You will bleed out in: 20 minutes]

But this world really isn't making it easy on me huh.


Frantically, I search through the corpses of the bandits around me for a salve, potion or a healing spell book.

[You will bleed out in: 10 minutes]

But my luck really wasn't cooperating with me, even after searching through the corpses of a dozen bandits. I did however, find an flask filled with water, and that gave me the idea of making a potion myself. All I needed now were some herbs, Lifegrass and Vigorflowers, that should be abundant around here. And after roaming around for 8 minutes, I finally found the herbs I needed, and started crafting the potion.

I added the Lifegrass and Vigorflowers to the flask, and started shaking it vigorously as to infuse their healing properties into the water. This was a method that I remembered clearly for some odd reason even though I had only read the web novel once. It is as if I knew that it would come in handy one day. Weird.

[You have crafted a "Basic health potion"]

Thank God that worked.

[You drank a "Basic health potion"]

["Survivor lvl.1" has improved the effects of "Basic healing potion"]

["Bleeding" has been cured]

["Immobile" has been cured]

[Condition stabilised. "Under Pressure lvl.1" has been deactivated]

[Condition stabilised. "Iron Will lvl.1" has been deactivated]

[Condition stabilised. "Survivor lvl.1" has been deactivated]

Alright. So that's my current predicament solved. Now I have to worry about getting some shelter before night falls. Because there is no way I, a level one novice without any equipment or spells, am going to survive a monster or bandit attack. Which reminds me, I haven't finished looting those corpses completely.

Shit. Why are my hands shaking? Why is my heart beating so fast? Why am I getting so excited? Is it the adrenaline? Is it me finally realising and accepting my masochistic qualities after being beaten into submission by a boy a fraction of my age? Or is it my "other self" still trying to play hero even after this embarrassment, that I could still become the hot-blooded protagonist I had once envisioned myself to be in the past, who would save damsels-in-distress and build a harem for himself? Or is it me trying to plot my revenge against those fuckers who shamed me? I don't know the answer to these questions, but, one thing is for sure.

I've never felt so alive.


Hey there guys, I am Omaigot, and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of The Grand Magus as I had writing it. I am but an amateur, so any constructive criticism and/or suggestions are greatly appreciated. I am still trying find a writing style that suits me the best, so bear with me while I develop one for myself. Thank you for reading.

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