
I Won't Forget!

Ify just flashed him a smile and turned to go her way even though she has no clue which way to go. “You still wouldn’t want a drink with me?” K asked her, his hand laid on his chest as if touching his heart without intrusion of the body.

“Just a glass?” Ify asked giving him a look that says that wasn’t just a question but her take on it if she was going to have a drink with him. He winked at her with a wry smile pressed on his lips.

“Won’t break your heart on that my lady!” He said to her. She flashed yet another smile that never revealed her teeth. She walked with him as they found a separate spot with no one to intrude. K had taken a bottle of wine as well as glass for two while they moved out of the crowd. He handed her the glasses, opened the wine and poured wine into both glasses in her hand. He collected a glass from her and they both just clicked glasses and sipped from their wine.

Ify spat out the wine. A frown immediately crawled into her face. “Let me see the label”. She said to K. He gave her the bottle. She frowned even more and eyed K disapprovingly.

“It has 8.9 percent alcohol in it!” She shrieked. He laughed at her reaction to the drink.

“Tell me you have no clue now, let me believe you, Miss….” He looked at her for a moment. He had forgotten her name. She had told him at the reception of Michael’s and Anita wedding, and also the day he had gone to there university to meet Lanre. But he never paid attention to it. “What’s your name anyways? I don’t think you ever told me that”. He said knowing fully well she did. He was just too focused on Lanre.

“I told you K! You forgot”. Ify reminded. Then she put on a smile. “I will tell you for the last time, please do not forget”. She said. She won’t blame him. People tend to forget these things when their attention is on something else. And even if not on something else, as long as they are not interested, they forget.

“The name is Ifeoma! Ifeoma Ochuzi, you can call me Ify”. She said to him. He just grinned. Then he took her hand and kissed the back of her palm with his eyes not leaving hers.

“I won’t forget!” He said. Ify did not know how to feel about that. His fingers seem to continually rub on the back of her palm and he was not letting go. And she did not want to seem rude by pulling her hand away.

“Ahem!” She made a crackling sound in her throat. K raised a questioning brow at her. She looked down at their hands still together like conjured twins. “Can’t you say it with your mouth?”. K asked. He was teasing her. And that was fun to him.