
All Hope Was Not Lost

Everyone got into the car they are meant to be in. Ify and Anita sat in the same car. Anita’s parents took one car, with Lanre sitting at the front seat. The bridal train were fixed into three different cars.

After a few minutes drive, they all arrived the church. It was a Catholic church in which the wedding was to take place.

Lanre rolled her eyes as they walked in. She and Anita’s mother. The rest were just going to be outside and wait till they call them in. And Anita’s father will be walking Anita down the isle.

Lanre took a seat beside Anita’s mother. The woman wanted her to sit with her like she was her own daughter. But Lanre sat before Anita’s mother. This was so that Anita’s father could be able to sit next to his wife after walking there daughter to the altar.

Lanre did not notice the eyes boring holes into her skin. She had not even seen the grown either who was standing before the altar already waiting.

She was not looking straight when she entered into the church. This is something Lanre does most times. At the top of her super ego and confidence, is timidity. It was occasional at some seasons and regular at most.

Lanre would lower her head when walking must times so she does not see the eyes that are watching her. This happens more when she is extremely conscious of her appearance and the things she wears.

Soon they called that the bride may come in. And so the bridal train matched in. After they had taken their seats, the popular matching song was played for the bride to come in.

The bride and her father hand in hand stepped into the hall and matched down the isle. Matched in front of them. She held a bouquet just like the bride. She was about 5 feet away from the bride and her father.

K was furious but he didn’t show. He wondered why Anita would not do as he had asked her to do. He thought the Lanre was going to be the maid of honour. Then why is it the other girl, her cousin that has turn out to be the maid of honour?

Even Michael the groom was surprised. Anita had told him already that Lanre was the maid of honour. He was sure K was already disappointed. He took a sneak peek at his friend. K had a blank face. It was almost hard telling what K was thinking or how he was feeling most times.

Michael sighed. “Anyway, all hope was not lost. He was sure the girl was around. Or K can still get her”. Michael thought. He was trying to be positive. But he had not noticed that Lanre was the stunning lady that had walked in with his mother in-law to be a few minutes back. He only felt she looked familiar. He had only seen her picture once. Which was the day Anita showed it to them.