
Disappointment & Chase Love

After 7 Years Later ... Michi works at the CEO of Hana Takayama. Michi worked at the company to become the secretary of Hana's boss. Michi now lives in Nagoya, Aichi because Michi works in the area. Whereas Masaki, Misaki & Masako live in Tokyo with their other Michi Brothers.

Rai after graduating from college, Rai worked at Mizu Cafe in the Fukui area. So Rai now lives in the Fukui area because of the place of work.

Michi, in his job, he likes the girl named Aira, because Aira is a smart & sweet person. Michi is still disappointed with her old boyfriend named Kimi because Kimi prefers men who are more rich & handsome than ordinary men & haven't worked.

After Several Hours of Michi Working, Finally Michi came home from work & Michi went to Ke Vihara to Pray for the Lord. Michi is from a Buddhist family. Michi while praying, Michi had the chance to say "Oh God, I wish I had success in my work & success to get married later". After a few minutes Michi prayed at the monastery, finally Michi returned to her apartment.

Masaki is currently dating Ayako, his classmate & soon Masaki will graduate and work at the CEO Han Ching in Shanghai. Michi likes Aira but unfortunately Aira doesn't like Michi, so Michi is disappointed again & Finally Michi contacts Esther's high school friend.

A few minutes later ... After Michi contacted Esther it turned out Esther was married to another man, Shinzo. Then Michi was disappointed again with Esther, Finally Michi didn't want to look for her Dream Woman because Michi had been too disappointed with the Woman so Michi cried & Angry in her Room.

After Michi Crying & Angry in his room, Michi finally slept soundly.

Masako is sad why her boyfriend Fumi is dating again with another woman while Misaki doesn't want to date because Misaki prefers to focus on her lecture rather than dating.

On Morning Morning ... Michi prayed again in his room to ask for a woman to be his girlfriend. Minutes Later ... After Praying Michi made a Ticket Booking because Michi wanted to go to the United States to Find a Woman Who Wants to Marry Michi.

A few hours later ... After arriving in the United States Michi went to the Bar to Drink Wine there. After Drinking Wine Michi saw a Beautiful Woman in the Bar. The woman named Keiko Takayama (Keiko). After Michi met Keiko, Michi wanted to marry Keiko. Then Keiko received Michi's application and after a few days ... Finally Michi married Keiko in the United States.

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