
Death and return

Darkness, nothing but open dark space with stars in the distance.

If this is what comes after death, then it's surprising. After all the things I imagined floating in space was not one of them.

"Well, this is not normally where people go to, so it's normal to never dream of being here after your death," A calming voice echoed all around me, "And I amazing death that was."

I tried to take a breath to calm down but my lungs no longer worked and having just one lung in my body did help.

Missing arm, missing lung, chunks of muscles, flesh and bones, all gone. At least I still have one eye.

"This must be my punishment for the life I lived?"

"Not punishment, more like a chance."

"You can read my mind at least you can hear me, or I have gone crazy here."

"Haha, no, you're not crazy. Think of this as being taken to a place where I could keep you alive so we can talk, after all once you die the trauma could affect your mind and I wanted you clear headed."

"I see, so why am I here?"

"You child, have a perfect balance between good and evil, not just in your actions but your mind has become that way as well, your last actions proved that you are different than others. To keep a war between the humans and none humans from happening, you made yourself into a villain killing those that wanted war, by doing so you returned a balance to the whole thing. So, I want to send you to another, hmm, let's call it a universe, to do what you want."

"I see, can you tell me more?"

"In that place humans have already taken to the stars, made friends with aliens and some conflicts as well, and that's where the problem is. Humans and many aliens have become far too peaceful and they are about to step into very dangerous parts of the universe with some very dangerous and aggressive aliens. Something they are not ready for due to forgetting about their survival side."

"So, they became a bunch of pussies and are about to face a bunch of aliens that will bend them over and go to town."

"Haha, a bit crude but you hit the nail on the head."

"No thanks, send me back and let me die. I'm not going to a space traveling place and end up getting killed while a bunch of stupid people piss their pants."

"Child, I know how you feel and what you are really thinking about, so let's get to the core of things and make a deal."

"Make an offer, but before that, give me some information on what I would be stepping into."

Large amounts of information flooded my mind feeling like lava being poured into my eyes and reaching my brain. After who knows how long I finally regained awareness knowing what I would be facing.

"Dude. Your offer better be good, those people are screwed and one more person, even me, won't help shit."

"I know," just two words but I could feel the sadness in them, "The natural Laws of that universe would support supernatural beings so, how about you pick a race and I'll make a few changes to it?"

My dream in a nut shell. Despite not being able to be a supernatural being, my master still took me in and in return I became the strongest normal human to ever live, to kill me, the vampires, werewolves, fey, fairies and a dozen other races including cultivators had to form a small army.

"I need more than that. I would just be fighting a war but many small wars and also having to change the way people think without breaking their good nature, you're asking for too much with just that one offer."

"Fine, what would you need to make this job one that can be accomplished?"

"I want the powers of the first blood demon E.I. vampire and without any of his weaknesses, to be able to age to my prime and stay there, and also I want my body to look like it did before when I reach my prime but make the face better. being able to learn things much easier and faster. After all I need to get in the Galactic Union Academy's special military department and be sent to the flagship G.U.S. Horizon. And being born in the year 2343 so I can be twenty years old and fully grown when shit hits the fan."

"That's not a lot, okay, I have an idea what you want, and you will receive the tools you need. So, do we have a deal?"

"Hmmm, why not, I'll go give them a hand."

With that everything blacked out as the void all around me rushed in.

My mind went into a strange state to awareness, I watched as the events that had been put into my head by the voice played out in-front of me like a three dimensional movie.

From the development of the first FTL engine to the end of the first war where a huge chunk of the Galactic Union was destroyed and everything and everyone that lead to it.

At some point I lost all track of time and started replaying some of the events and learning everything I could about them and the people involved, and it didn't take long to see the core of the problem.

Pacifists, extreme pacifists, even when they were attacked and people died by the thousands, all the big shots wanted to keep the status quo and try for peace with a group of races that wanted none and would have none.

While doing this my eyes became fogy and I started to blink but when I opened my eyes everything changed.

A white room with a desk, a bed, a half kitchen and bathroom connected to it, much like a studio apartment but very futuristic and clean.

The pile of datapads on the desk showed information about every subject I could think off and more, including my application and acceptance to the academy.

"So I'm fifteen, parents were Union officers that died during a mission and the Union as well as their savings have been paying for everything, not bad, but how does my DNA look? If I have the powers of the First it can't be normal."

I looked at my personal file sent in the application and started reading it.

Name: Leon Nitche.

Race: Human/Vaulor

Family history:

Mother: (human) Lory Nitche, Horizon's chief science officer. Graduated from the GU academy with top marks and served for ten years in the Horizon (deceased).

Father: (Vaulor) Amo Nitche, Horizon's special combat unit commander, graduated from the GU academy's special military department breaking four records and top marks on other classes, served five years in the Arora, six years in the Nos and eight years in the Horizon (deceased)

Special note: Last known Vaulor.

Grades: 90% to 100% average in all grades.

"So my weird DNA will be attributed to my unique father and human mother mixing together. Not bad at all."

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself.

Long black hair, honey colored eyes, five foot eight inches tall, large toned muscles with perfect very light tan skin.

"Not bad, my face looks good, my body is in better shape than before and I feel stronger too."

I looked down into my pants and smiled.

"Thank god it's still the right size."

Back in the bedroom I went over all the datapads and realized I knew everything in them, physics, medicine, engineering, navigation, marksmanship, hand to hand combat and the list just went on.

"So while my body's been on autopilot it had been learning a lot."

I placed the last datapad on the desk and switched on the desk computer.

My bank account that is connected to my DNA came up and showed me just how little credits I had.

With a social order that focuses on self-development and much less on personal finance, it's easy to see why so little money would last me so long.

"By law private spaceships are allowed with the right papers and if the person can afford to buy one. But how do I make money legally?"

After doing a bit of research I focused on the things I knew by heart, fun and war.

"With the hard-light chambers they can go anywhere they wish, but music and video entertainment is really bad. Weapons wise will be hard to sell inside the Galactic Union controlled zones."

I stood there thinking how I could make that happen, when a voice echoed in my head.

"I can make that happen."

I looked around, checked the computer and even the datapads.

"Who said that?"

"I'm your digital assistant."

"What can do and where are you?"

"Inside your brain, and I can help you with anything digital, downloading or uploading most things are not a problem, and as long as your brain can handle I can even download information directly into it."

"Wait, can up upload the things in my mind to a datapad the way they look and sound?"

"Yes I am able too, would you like me to set up all the information for sale?"

"Do that."

Next chapter