
We meet again

It was the middle of the year of junior high school and I couldn't wait to be out on my own within like a year.

All of a sudden the teacher (Mr.Walker) clapped to get the class attention, because we had a new classmate the boy walked in, he had toned skin and a sleeve of tattoos on his left arm, he looked handsome to me. Mr.Walker asked him to introduce himself to us he looked at everyone and said his name was Antonio Lee, when he finished saying his name my heart dropped as I looked at him he stared back at me in confusion, after Mr.Walker asked him to sit in the empty next to me, (in my head) just my fu*king luck.

As Antonio was going to sit in his seat he seend a name he hasn't seen in a long time it was a backpack on the chair of the boy next to him with the name Xander Johnson on it, he asked the the boy if the back belongs to him.

Xander replied with y-yea my name's Xander Johnson shyly. Antonio said it been a long time hasn't it been since we were kids, Antonio said we will catch up after school today and talk. After school Antonio ran up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder and said let's go eat or something like that so we went to a burger place a order some stuff and sat at a table. We began talking about life, I asked if his dad okay ,he said yea my dad started getting better after my mom left, he asked if life going okay for me, I replied with it okay but not the best, Antonio asked why, I looked at him flustered and said w-well..., well what you can trust me Antonio said. I looked at him and said I'm gay it felt like bricks being lifted of my shoulders. Antonio looked at me and said it's okay I'm bi and would love to get to know you better and see you grow to love who you are.

My eyes began to water up and I began to cry like a baby, Antonio had gotten out of his seat to hug me and wipe my tears away it felt like it was just me and him in are own space, Antonio soon released me from the hug which I wish it was longer then what it was.

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