
The Golden Watch Of Hypnosis

“Believe in something with all of your heart, even if it means losing everything in the process. “ “And I believe in running the world. I want everything in this world, I want to be admired, I want to loved and I want to desired. “ “Even if it means losing everything in the process! “ A boy called Tenshi Ayama’s life is gutted to shreds when the most important person to him – his mother – an influential government official - dies in a suspicious accident. It didn’t help that, she was his entire life. After all, his motivation and determination to succeed in life was all for her, nothing else mattered to him more than her. Tenshi’s entire ambition dies as he turns into a fat slob, a depressed fat slob which his former childhood persona would’ve hated. Yet the thing was, that he believed in unconditional love, and he was utterly betrayed by the person he loved – his childhood friend Haruno Ichiho. The same day, he found a watch dropped by a crow – a golden and fabulous watch that has an amazing feature of being able to bend people’s minds into submission. Watch as he supports his waifus in fulfilling their dreams, perfecting their personalities and fixing their flaws. And sometimes ruling and killing over his political opponents with amazing *humor. *Humor not guaranteed, but dark humor is and will be always present Extra Tags - Insane Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Slow Pace. [Caution - contains excessive sex in the later chapters.] Donate/buy me a coffee using litecoin. My LTC address is: MAe7Eop5xiMrSecrG5ErzZEQDHCuwTctjX

Gyihhuhu_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

She's Free Real Estate. What Did You Expect? (4)

I shuddered from the warm feelings being thrust upon my chest as I accepted the dark blazer, and even though I wasn't feeling cold, I knew I would soon as it was the rainy season and in this season, winds blow as fast as they can without mercy.

"T-thanks..." For some reason, I felt a bit giddy.

But my giddiness disappeared as soon as I remembered that feelings such as these, only entail bad ones.

"So, um, wh-what do I do now? I don't know if I can return home like this either..."

"Well, I'm not an expert in these types of things either. Would the dress dry if you stay in a windy area for a while?"


" Well, let's see if it dries then. Come on, let's go inside the park, in the meanwhile, you can dry your dress safely. How about it?"

"A-ah, I don't think I should be going there with someone unfamiliar...sorry." I shook my head apologetically.

No matter how much "clean" he looks like, and no matter how safe I feel beside him, it doesn't excuse that he's someone unfamiliar and unknown to me. And the thought of going somewhere desolate with this boy makes my mind rumble in anxiety—so I don't think I can go any further with him, even though I want to.

I think...he thinks of me as beautiful, unlike everyone else. I can judge anyone's emotions, even his. And I don't think I see anything that denotes dishonesty on him.

I think I now know the meaning of the saying: beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Indeed.

If I'm beautiful in his eyes...I want to grab onto him. I don't think anyone else will say the same thing to me, so why not try to be friends with him?

"Unfamiliar?" He exposed a pondering smile, and said, "I don't think we'll be unfamiliar if we talk with each other enough though."

"Let's expose ourselves to each other, okay?"

Expose? You mean, stripping? How obscene.

I chuckled at my own joke inside my mind, fully knowing that no one else would know my twisted jokes.

"Okay...lets become familiar with each other...I don't know how t-though. I don't have any friends...so I don't know how to make them either..."

"Making friends is easy. There is a rule in the art of making friends, it's also the one all-important law of human conduct. If we obey that law, we will almost never get into trouble. In fact, that law, if obeyed, will bring us countless friends and constant happiness. But the very instant we break that law, we will get into endless trouble. The law is this: Always make the other person feel important."

Always make the other person feel important...? Then was that beauty remark a lie?

No it can't be. He's not lying.

Above all, I feel interested in him. Why is this boy so interesting to me anyway?

"I have a rather big interest in psychology, and the biggest thing I've discovered through it is that the desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature; a man once said, 'The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.' It's this, the same urge that differentiates us from animals. It is this urge that has been responsible for civilisation itself."

" Make the people you want to be friends with feel important. Listen to them, don't interrupt and display interest—because if you want to make friends, you need to follow these three rules. "

" But you shouldn't listen to me. I can barely make friends myself, they all tell me I'm too brash and direct. Like, it's not my fault I don't like to falsify statements like them. "

He's so similar to me. But he's...honest? While I can't make friends, simply because I can't.

I think I want to be friends with him.

" I-ah...i see...you're very...in-interesting...! "

" Oh my, I think your fever is increasing. Look at your face, it's all red..."

Once again, I barely know what that feeling in my chest is. All that I know is that I want to talk with him more, I want to cling to him—I have no friends to talk with either, and he's the only one who's behaved well with me among boys.

" So...do you like psychology?"

"Yeah. But not as much as my mother. And I love my mother. There's no doubt in that."

I frowned a bit as, along with him, I entered the park.

"So do you have a...loving family?"

"My mother loves me, but I don't know about anyone else in my family."

"You look like a nice girl; so I'll tell you, I don't like my father. I hate him."

I bitterly frowned. At least we both had something in common.

"You look like a good person, Tenshi-kun. So I'll tell you; I hate everyone in my family. I hate every single one of them..."

As soon as I said that, I began to regret it. I mean, I sound like a spiteful and ungrateful teenager due to what I said right now, don't I?

He looked at me inqusitively, and with interest.

" Huh? Why? "

" Now, don't mind me. I've always been nosy in other people's matters since childhood—I can't hold myself back when I see someone interesting—so don't fret. You can refuse to tell me, it's your life. Not mine."

If it was someone else. I would've ran away without saying anything just after the first word they would utter; it's just how I am. Abnormal. And ugly.


" I-If it was someone else asking me this, " I can't believe what I'm saying. I seriously can't, but he looks so trustworthy and...interested in my life. "I wouldn't have said a word," I can't believe either that I'm not stuttering or looking down at my feet. I can't believe that I'm looking at his eyes and taking like a normal human being, I continued, "but you look trustworthy, Tenshi-kun, so I'll tell you."

"Go on, I want to listen to you."

"W-well, my family for the most part; ignores me and doesn't talk with me alot. My sister is the worst, I don't like her. She constantly picks on me!"

Tenshi looked me intently, as if he was interested in my story.

"I hate my family...they don't do anything for me, and most of all...I want to fulfill my dream and they don't let me..."

"I hate them...I'm always left out of everything and I don't have anyone to talk about my thoughts or feelings in my family."

"I hate being left alone, or being ignored. The most painful thing about it is knowing that my name didn't cross their minds even once."

"B-but I'll show them! I'll become what they don't want me to be, I'll become a star!"

"A star? You mean those idols?" Tenshi-kun chimed in with a curious and amazed smile.

"Y-yeah! I want to be like them! I want those...warm smiles from the strangers a-and..." I looked towards Tenshi, mostly to see if he was laughing or looking at me with derision.

But there he was, with an amazed and brilliant smile.

"That would...perfectly suit you! A fairy dancing on top of a stage!! Imagine that..."

"Hey, when you become an idol, give a premium seat for every event! I want one!"

Hm?! He...doesn't even think that I'll fail to achieve my dream?

How can someone be so...inspiring.

"Really? Don't you think that I might fail or just, forget about my dream?"

"Hey, that's not possible. Dreams don't die. People only dream of things they want to get! So I don't think you'll forget about them either."

"And let's face it, such a pretty girl like you; will never fade into obscurity."

Tenshi chuckled as he took my hand, which I was too shocked and surprised to even take back, and sat down on a bench.

A few yellow leaves from unknown trees fell down on us both as we looked at each other.

" Tenshi-kun, thanks... "

" For what? Stating the truth? You have some horrible parents that they don't tell that to your everyday."

"I-I, stop...don't compliment me so much..."

"Ah! And I thought you had a fever. Turns out, you were blushing, weren't you? Hey, don't look away."

"A-anyways, Tenshi-kun; do you have a dream?"

"A dream? Of course, everyone has one. I have one too...'

"I want to fulfill my mother's dream, her life goal. The thing she wanted to do since the moment she was born: run for Tokyo Governor!"

Tenshi's eyes shone as an abnormal shade of emotions appeared on his entirety; I could feel it: unbrazen greed and above all, a complex and abrasive shade of passion.

How can someone glow so much—was what I thought at first upon seeing his eyes shine.

It felt as if there was nothing that could stand in his way to fulfill his—originally his mother's—dream. It was as if nothing else matters to him except for his goal; be it the gates of a prison or the gates of his death.

Respect, was the only word I could summarize towards someone with a dream—of such passion—like him. Even I can't dream with such intensity as him. Moreover not when it involves making another's dream into mine.

I wonder, is this his real goal, born with him and his entirety, or just another way for him to express his love towards his mother?

He doesn't look like someone that lies a lot.

"Well, I'm not sure if I need to lie or kill my way there. But I'll do it regardless of whatever I need to do, even if it attracts anger and hate towards me."

"I'm thoroughly evil, but I don't like to hide it."

"Thoroughly evil...huh? I wonder, why am I not shocked or surprised..."

I truly am not surprised. I think I'm jaded at this point.

"I mean, you have to do all of "those" things to reach the top and fulfill your dreams, and I'm ready to do them."

"I see..."

"You know Tenshi-kun, I would normally be afraid or even anxious when facing people—especially men—that have a thought process like that."

"But I don't feel anything when I'm with you...I normally get cravings for food when I'm angry or upset, I don't feel like that when I'm with you."

It might seem false. But indeed, whenever I'm upset, I drown myself in food—especially chips— and I'm supposed to crave them since I was upset a while ago, but surprisingly, I'm not craving them.

" Whoa, don't do that. Don't eat excessive food or else you'll become fat."

"I understand...it's just that it's a rather bad habit of mine that I can't help but occasionally indulge in..."

"I mean, look at me. I'm a good example of why you shouldn't eat too much."

"Eh?" I looked at his body; mainly his belly and legs, which were undoubtedly filled with fat.

"U-um, you look really fluffy that way..."

"Excuzes moi, que de la fuck?"

"H-huh? What do you mean by that?" I tilted my head towards him.

"Uh, nothing much. Never mind, rather than that, don't you feel uncomfortable in these wet clothes? "

Tenshi asked concernedly while looking my clothes.

"N-no, I once had to stay in wet clothes for a whole day, so this isn't anything new for me."

"Wet clothes for a whole day? What the hell? Where were your parents? Who made you do that?!"

"What happened back then? "

Tenshi asked with concern.

"W-well, back then I putting on some of the clothes of my elder sister, but she discovered me while I was putting them on and as a punishment, she made me wear wet clothes for an entire day.."

"No one was home either."

"That's cruel! "

"Your elder sister is very cruel!"

"….. "

"She's just like that. " I shook my head with nonchalance.

" So, well." Tenshi gulped as he wettened his lips, and said, "Are you a native here, or no?"

" Um, yes. I am a native here. You?"

I wonder if he's a native here. And even if he is a native, I don't think I would've seen him before either since I rarely go out.

" Ah, no. I'm not a native. I'm from the «Capital», I came here a few days ago."

"The «Capital» is too heavy and industrialized for me compared to here. There is nothing but tens and tens of industrial parks every few acres away! I like rural places more than the urban ones, there are far more greenery and peace there."

"Yeah...me too. I like desolate and peaceful locations...like this park..."

"This park? Don't worry, it'll be filled with people in less than a year. You don't know the owners yet, so it's granted." Tenshi chuckled.

"Aw...and I wanted to come here often..." I giggled pleasantly.

"Eh. Don't worry! The park is ridiculously large. You'll get lost before you finish roaming the park."

"Reminds me, are we friends yet, fairy?!"

"Uh, yes! We're fr-friends now!"

"Aw. You're cute."






[Highlight Film Over]

[There are obviously more than this in her brain, but this is the most important and vibrant memory in her mind.]

[And then— oh shit!]

[Quest: Develop The Underdeveloped Free Real Estate! — has begun! ]

[Description: Tis' truly a burden to be alive. Even more so when mental conditions such as extensive anxiety and fear haunt you—which is exactly what Sakura Minabi has to go through everyday! But also, she's burdened with a toxic family! Talk about baggage! But you, the host, is now stuck with this load of beautiful garage, and it's now your job to turn it into diamond! ]

[Goals: Use any means to turn Sakura Minabi a bit more confident in her own skin, aka, show her that she's truly beautiful by bedding her and fulfilling her fantasies.]

[Warning: don't take it too far on the first day, champ.]

[Rewards: +2 new hypnosis slots]

[Time Limit: 2 Days.]

[Consequences on Failure: N/A.]

Tenshi stared at the quest dashboard, and suddenly broke into a quiet chuckle that eventually descended into a sardonic smile.

What will bedding her do to her confidence? Of course, he understood it now!

Imagine this: you, a man, was born with a small penis. Forever thinking that it's small, you always wallowed in self-pity and didn't approach girls due to your lack of self-confidence. You didn't know that, your penis was actually average sized, it was just that your own lack of experience and self-confidence made it look like that to you.

Regardless, it makes you feel less than a man than other men, so thus, you didn't have the motivation to aspire for your dreams either. And one fateful day, you meet a girl, that actually is nice to you. But it will always keep bugging you that she might decline you for your lack of size.

In short: she doesn't reject you and instead loves you for who you are. Your confidence becomes boosted, because even if "it" is small, it isn't to her. So why care if anyone else thinks you lack size?

So voila!

[Great analogue. ]

Tenshi nodded and looked towards Sakura.

Sakura, as usual, was sitting on the seat in a restrained posture with her hands on her lap; even more so than that, her eye-candy-like glossy hair fell on her back as she moved and relocated them.

Tenshi's eyes went to her chest, and then he noticed that she was flat. Something he hadn't noticed before when he had first met her; it was almost as if her chest was stuck in her childhood while the rest of her body was well into its teenage-years.

It wasn't as if the sweater-like thing over her shirt was concealing her breasts or something. If was just that from outside, her body looked intensely soft, as if she had no bones and was consisted of only meat.

Sakura, noticing Tenshi's intense glare on her body from her head to her legs, revealed an intensely pleasured expression.

Of course, when Tenshi noticed her expression of bliss, she widened her eyes in surprise and shyly looked at her feet.

"W-what...were you looking at, Tenshi...?" She said in a soft whimpering voice, which made Tenshi feel "something" in his chest and most importantly, his erect little brother.

Why is she so cuuuuuttttteeeeeeeeee?!?!?!

[I don't know. Alexa doesn't know either.]

Tenshi licked his lips as he glared intensely at the meek and submissive woman huddling in the corner; it almost felt as if she would bashfully run away if she wasn't in a taxi.

"Don't mind me, I'm just trying to figure out what type of pick-up lines would work on you, fairy."


I'm sorry. I have an exam next month and I have to study; so the release rates might get somewhat crippled.

Sorry again. One chapter for today. I won't ask for stones of course, because that'd be straight assholish.

Gyihhuhu_creators' thoughts