

C_jay_Norman · Urban
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2 Chs




"anita wake up it's already noon and your still sleeping"Maggy shouted at anita.

"can you just let me sleep in peace "anitta answered and covered herself with the blanket.

"No no no baby girl wake up you promised me that you'll send me to the airport and you want me to let you sleep to fuck with your sleep you've got the whole day to sleep after you send me"Maggy cursed.

Anita jumped out of bed and shouted at Maggy " why are you waking me up now"and runed to the bathroom looked at herself in the mirror tied her hair into a burn took the tooth brush and poured some toothpaste and started brushing her teeth after she finished brushing her tooth she drunk water and rinsed her mouth .and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After she finished she walked out of the bathroom wrapped up in a white towel, she walked to the bed and found Maggy had already arranged a white crop top and black cargo pants and white sneakers .she wore them and went to the make up table and applied a light make up and and a colourless lipstick and she let her hair loose. she took he purse and walked out of the room .

"Maggy where are you"she called out."wait for me at the dinning table"Maggy answered.

she pulled a chair and sat down poured acup of coffee ,took a sip and took her cellphone from her purse and was about to open her WhatsApp .When Maggy walked in carrying a plate in it was bread , butter and omlette and served Anita."Bonnie appetite"Maggy said. Anita woke up from her sit and hugged Maggy and started crying and said btwn her son's "now that your leaving who's gonna serve me breakfast , who's going to wake me up every morning and tell me your getting late aaaah how will I live without you by my side"Maggy patted her back and said"stop acting like a baby ,am not going to live there forever it's just only two months and I'll be back before you know it and besides your not alone you have Angie and your boyfriend they will be here with you ."she helped her wipe her years and kissed her on the forehead.

"Now eat your breakfast ,I don't want to miss the plane we've only got one hour thirty minutes left"Anita sat down and started eating .

After eating her breakfast Anita drove Maggy at the airport they hugged each other for awhile before letting each other go, Maggy broke the hug and kissed her on the cheek and said " I'll miss you ,and don't forget to give me a call everyday"Anita nodded .

After letting each other go Maggy took her suit case and walked in the airport.

Anita enters the car and was driving towards her home when her cellphone rang ,she parked the car a side the road to receive the call and saw it was Angie , she picked the call another voice was heard from the other end of the phone "Hi, bestie are you free now can you come at my house I've organized a small house party with some few friends can you come please, and come with apartner "and she hung app without letting her say anything"Fuck you"Anita cursed . without any other option left she picked her phone to call Mike her boyfriend but he did not pick up after calling three times ,she dicided to give him asuprise visit at his home.she started the car and drove to his house after reaching she parked her car and took her purse and locked the car door and went to the elevator pressed the floor which she was going.she waited patiently thinking of how Mike will be surprised seeing her,after hearing a ding she was brought out of her thoughts and walked out of the elevator and went and knocked at his door and waited patiently .

After a few minutes the door was opened but it was not Mike who opened but Angie she looked at Angie from head to toe and saw he was wearing Mike's t shirt and then a voice was heard behind Angie "baby who's on the door"Mike asked and walked at the door and saw it was Anita.

Anita turned and looked at the people in front of her with shock and asked stammering "di di did I just hear you calling her baby oh my God "she took two steps behind her and wipped the tears coming from her eyes but it didn't stop .

Mike came out of her shock because he never expected Anita to come he called out"Ani i i I can explain it was all a mistake"

"a mistake indeed "she said mockingly and turned and went to the elevator and pressed the open button after waiting for a few minutes it didn't open she turned around to take the stairs but bumped into mike"am sorry please forgive me "Mike said kneeling down he tried to touch her hands but Anita didn't let her she slapped him in the face and turned to look at Angie who was there in a daze staring at her "thank you for your invitation but I won't be coming anymore .ding and the elevator opened she went inside.