
Lilac Shrubs

After our conversation that night, I didn't see him.

It's been one week and I haven't talked to him, I mean what he said that night is big deal--- at least for me.

After he said that to me, he left leaving me speechless.

I just don't know what to expect or I'm actually trying not to.

After what he said, I feel like I'm lost. Where to next? What's ahead of us? What should I do next?

My answer? I freaking don't know.

"My Lady," Eros spoke from the door. I was surprised of course, if Eros is here for sure he is!

Eros is like his best friend but at the same time his right hand.

I immediately ran to in front of the door, took a deep breath before I opened it.

As I slowly opened the door, my heart is just literally pounding.

Reasons why? Unknown.

When I fully opened it, Eros was standing and the Elite team under Eros.

I didn't see Zeron but it makes me wonder why are they here especially without Zeron.

Reasons why? Also unknown.

"My Lady, His highness wanted us to escort you." He said.

I was confused with what he said, escort? I have no plans and shoots for today.

"Escort me? for what?" I answered confused.

"His highness said that, The Lady and His Highness are going to attend an event." He said.

Event? This is weird, we rarely attend events--- together, I mean.

"Is it a formal event?" I asked.

"Semi-formal." A familiar voice answered, he's here.

My heart skipped a beat, fudge. I was too shocked. Why is he here?

"I'll just change." I answered, I was about to go in our room when a I felt someone held my hand.

It's him, I can smell his perfume.

"Here, wear these." He handed it over while holding my hand.

I just nodded in response and attempted to go in again when he held my hand tighter.

I looked at him and he was leaning towards me, "I'm serious about what I said last week," He whispered, "What's your answer?" he asked.

How can I answer properly if he's going to be this close?! He was going closer, I was panicking and answered, "M-me too." I looked at other direction, I saw Eros looking this way and he was shocked not just him the whole team were.

I mean, who wouldn't be? One day we were completely ignoring each other and now we're acting as if we were matched made by heavens.

But seriously Lanila? Me too?! Are kidding me?! What kind of answer is that?!

"I'll be waiting downstairs." he said but before he go, he gave me a kiss on the hand.

After that, he walked downstairs and I immediately opened the door and locked it, trying to calm myself down.

Why is he acting that way?! Gosh.

Even after minutes of trying to focus to fix my make up, it was too hard not to think of that---

Lanila! Compose yourself!

After I finished doing my make up, I saw his gift and my eyes immediately grew in shock.

This--- this paper bag is familiar...

I turned it to my directions and it is, it's The Patridge, it is considered as the most expensive yet iconic brand.

I modeled for The Patridge once and after that they're getting me as a global ambassador. The contracts and negotiations are still for reviewing that's why I couldn't sign it yet but heck, their clothing line is expensive af.

I opened it and it was the attire that I modeled and it will cost you billions of dollars to wear this one. It is one of the most expensive attire of The Patridge.

And he's giving this to me like it was nothing, when I modeled this attire there was a lot of bodyguards who was watching me to make sure that this attire is safe.

The buttons are real and very rare diamonds, the texture is silky and yet it's not silk, it's still yet to be known but it's definitely more expensive than a silk and yes for sure it is.

I wore it on and the other accessories that was in the paper bag.

I also wore the glass shoe that was also in the bag, it was too beautiful but I couldn't see the brand, it was just pure glass and yet it was not heavy to wear and it also fits perfectly and comfortably.

I checked the time and it took me 25 minutes to finish, I immediately sprayed my favorite perfume from The Patridge, I checked myself one more time on the mirror and went out of our room.

I took a deep breath and slowy started to go downstairs, expecting to see him there...

As I slowly walk downstairs, I saw him staring at me, I couldn't read what he was thinking but he was looking deeply and because of that I was very nervous.

I stopped in front of him, he slowly reached his hand towards mine and he was going closer, "You look effortlessly beautiful." He whispered.

"You too." I answered back.

"Ahem Ahem." Eros faked a cough, "It's time, your highness." He said.

It was awkward of course, everything that's happening right now feels so fast and I just don't know how to feel or act about this--- about everything that's happening.

The car was there and we took off going to the event.

My phone kept on ringing and I had no choice but to answer it especially because it's my manager.

"Hey Dan," I answered trying not to feel awkward with Zeron sitting beside me.

"I need you to sign the contract I'm about to send to you, I have already reviewed it. The Patridge invited you next week in their event and you'll be announced as the first global ambassador, send it to me right away. Okay?" She said.

"Alright," I answered, "And by the way it would be nice if you could go with his highness." She continued.

"Yeah, I'll call you back." I said to her, "Alright, love you sis! I'll see you there." She said.

"Love you too sis, I'll see you there." I said and the call ended.

I immediately signed the contract and emailed it to my older sister who's also my manager and attorney, Danny.

"The Patridge?" He asked and I answered through a nod since I'm quickly reviewing the contract I signed.

I felt the car stopped.

The big building with initials of EC says that we're here, we immediately got out together and I was overwhelmed by the cameras and media that constantly filming and taking pictures of us.

It was hard for us to pass through the red carpet since the railings wasn't followed by the media.

When we got in, everyone, literally everyone was staring at us.

As we keep walking every person that we pass by bowed to show respect to his highness but it really made me uncomfortable.

I was surprised when I was subconsciously holding his hand tight, I was about to pull my hand but he held it tighter in a good way.

"Just stay by my side and smile." He said and I just nodded as my answer.

After a while and after the unsual entrance we made, the event finally started. This event is one of the charities of the 'The Emanuels'.

The Emanuels are one of the Top 10 Elites in the world, his highness is of course the first and the highest.

"Greetings everyone and to his highness and the lady. I would like to thank all of you for being with us today, I won't make this long and let's begin the event!" He energetically said.

Ren Emanuel, the first born of the Emanuels, top 10 in the Elites.

As the event was still on going, Eros whispered something to Zeron. I didn't hear it because of the background music of the event was loud.

"I'll be back." He whispered and I just nodded.

After he left, time was quickly passing by and the event was almost finished.

And this part is what I hate the most, the social part.

Where you have to talk to people, whoever they may be as long as they're here means they're well connected to the host which means you need to talk to the people who approaches you whether you're higher in status or the other way around.

I talked to all the people who talked to me, of course they have one goal, to talk to his highness or make a connection.

There's nothing wrong with it but just don't make it too obvious.

I excused myself going to the balcony area which I'm thankful there's no other people except for me.

I was trying to relax when someone appeared out of nowhere.

"Can I get you a drink?" He politely asked, who's this guy?

"Already have one," I said and smiled politely.

"That's alright." He said and smiled. A charming one, I must say.

I just nodded, nodding must be really my thing especially today.

"What's a beautiful lady doing here alone, all by herself?" He asked with his charming smile.

"I'm not alone," he just stared at me.

"You're here." I said, he was surprised and looked away.

"And I came with someone." I casually continued without looking at him and drank my drink.

"Well then, I'll accompany until your partner arrives... of course if that's alright?" He asked politely.

"No problem at all." I answered.

"If it's alright to ask, what's your name?" He asked, this one surely got many questions.

"Lanila," I casually said.

"Lady Lanila of Armendas, the famous fiance of Prince Zeron Breseo." He said with a little bit of shockness in his voice.

"Yours?" I asked.

"Mine." He said, "Yes, yours. What's your name?" I asked.

"Rim Vega." He answered.

"Rim Vega, the famous tycoon who's net worth is 500 billion dollars." I said.

He laughed at what I said, "You seriously know my net worth?" He asked while laughing.

"Your famous for that and also your famous nickname as Billion Rim." I laughed as I said the 'Billion Rim'.

"I also know yours, yours is 'The Golden Beauty'." He said while putting his hands in his face while blinking fast, I laughed as he did that.

He looked hilarious.

"Lanila," An authoritative voice called my name and I knew crystal clear who called me.

I immediately looked at his direction, "Your highness." I said and bowed.

Rim bowed too as a sign of respect.

"Let's go." He said with authority in his voice, his really intimidating when he talks that way.

"It was lovely meeting you, Lady Lanila." He said.

I bowed and nodded politely and immediately walked towards his highness direction.

As we were walking towards the elevator, he spoke, "Why did you leave the event?" He asked.

Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? Leaving me all alone in an event I wasn't even invited to?

But of course, I can't really say that.

"I'm sorry, your highness." I said.

"I'm just asking you, no need to say sorry," he said, "Call me Zeron from now on, no more formalities." He continued.

I was shocked, of course. The elevator opened and we both went in, he pressed the highest button which is rooftop.

As the elevator opened, I saw the helicopter and Eros's team and of course Eros while holding a familiar bouquet of flowers.

As I went closer, I saw a bouquet of lilac shrubs.

"What's that?" His highness asked Eros.

"A bouquet for the lady left in front of the Lady's room." He said and handed me the bouquet.

My hands were trembling as I was receiving them... is this from him?

I saw a card, I immediately opened it.

'Belle Vie'

It's from him... It's his way of saying he's alive... I smelled the flower, trying to hold back my tears.

"Let's go." Zeron said.

As he started walking, my eyes was slowly getting blurry one of the reason was I can't hold my tears anymore and unusual severe headache.

"Z-Zeron..." I called him as my body goes numb.

I saw him stopped walking.

"My Lady!" Eros immediately grabbed my shoulder and Zeron immediately looked back and ran towards me.

"Lanila!" I heard him yelled my name worriedly.

I felt I was lifted by Zeron in bridal style.

"Zeron..." the last thing I said before I lost consciousness.

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