
Rehabilitation System.

Akuma suddenly felt the force of gravity pull him to the ground 20 metres away. Before he could react he had touched the ground but luckily he wasn't the only one.

Suffering alone is much more painful than suffering together.

The only people who landed on their feet were 3 . The first Shiva .The second a red haired , blue eyed middle aged man a head taller than him . He had a great physique suitable for a warrior who had gone through hundreds of battles. Both he and Shiva only had pants.

The third was a blonde haired woman who had the attire of a female warrior. She was near Akuma's height and had deep blue eyes . The three exuded the aura of warriors.

He groaned in pain as he stood up fully looking at his surroundings. It was midday and they were on a narrow road whose neighbours were trees.

Slowly the rest slowly stood up.

" Fucking ####$#### , couldn't even let us land well " A blonde haired woman slightly shorter than her muttered as she woke up . She had pink eyes and was without a doubt the most beautiful looking person he had met even among gods. She wore a toga that formed well with her curves.

" Stop complaining you whore " A woman with hazel eyes and brown hair said standing up. She also had a toga like Aphrodite and was about the same height as her.

" Perhaps we should introduce each other " Shiva said after everyone had stood up.

" Besides we will be teammates for god knows how long. " Shiva continued .

" It's only fair if I start since I proposed the idea. I'm Shiva the god of destruction and in Hindu Pantheon. " Shiva introduced himself.

" I am Aphrodite goddess of beauty , sexuality and lust . I am in the greek Pantheon " The pink eyed woman said.

She finished blowing a kiss at Akuma which he completely ignored by turning his attention to the next person introducing herself .

' Did this small god just ignore me !! ' She thought .

She externally didn't show any emotions but internally she was in rage .

' I'll fucking show him ' She swore in her heart.

" Am Artemis , Goddess of the hunt . Greek . " The hazel eyed woman said. She looked at the three men and sneered at them excluding Shiva.

" I am Athena the godess of wisdom and war " She announced.

" Hello guys am Amaterasu . Am the goddess of the sun in the Shinto pantheon " A black haired woman wearing a kimono said with playfulness.

She also had black eyes and was the shortest of the group.

" I Am Thor . " The red haired man said with a deep voice.

He didn't offer any other thing after that.

Shiva smiled understanding his attitude.

Akuma was the last .

" Hi. My name is Akuma " He gave a smile.

Amaterasu tilted her head questioningly and Shiva just gave a smile .

' Akuma . He is a mystery . I have never heard of a leader with such a name. At the hall I also didn't sense his divinity yet he withstood the pressure of us all without dying .

A strong mortal might be able to withstand one of our pressure but not all of us combined. Furthermore our so called lecturer exuded an aura that made the hot headed greek god calm of all people.

No mortal should be able to live at such a pressure no matter how strong. That means he is immortal and recognized as a god in Chaos' eyes . Is he perhaps stronger than me or able to hide his divinity easily ? No that's highly unlikely .Akuma , you really are a mystery ? ' Shiva thought.

He once again glanced at everyone . They had all lost their godly charm no doubt himself too. They also lost their godly weapons . Was he perhaps the only person to see this ? No he wasn't the only one . He had noticed Thor and Athena had noticed this due to their weapons . So did Amaterasu and Akuma . Shiva thought.

" Akuma ? Isn't that demon in our language ?" Amaterasu asked .

Athena looked at her as if telling her to shut up.

Akuma chuckled and agreed.

" My father loved street fighter so much he named me Akuma despite my Mother and grandmother's protests " He said .

' Street fighter ? Was he perhaps born on earth's past era or was he born just recently ?' Shiva definitely knew Street fighter and its manufacturing date.

Ding !

[ Receiving Rehabilitation System ]


Name : Akuma Kaaria

Age : 16

Species : ?????

Title : ?????

Divinity : 0

Vitality : 13

Strength 10

Agility : 14

Defense : 12

Mana : 1

Mission : Make Planet Project 1 ( Terrain ) worship the 7 of you solely .

Rewards : Divinity : +2000 every minute for 3 years.


" Am I the only one seeing this ?" Aphrodite asked looking to what seemed like blank space.

" The Rehabilitation System ?" Athena asked.

" Yes " Aphrodite responded.

" They're giving us shitty rewards " Artemis said.

Five people nodded.

There was silence as everyone looked at the system blankly.

" Perhaps this world is easy for us to conquer" The quiet Thor finally broke the silence.

Shiva sighed .

" Regardless if its easy or hard we'll find out soon for now let's head east there's a lot of life force emanating from there. " Shiva said pointing the said direction.

" How do you know that ?" Aphrodite asked .

" If you had cultivated something else apart from STDs and divinity you would have known about other energy sources such as mana . " Artemis said looking at Aphrodite with disgust.

" Aww ~ Artemis I said I was sorry about that " Aphrodite said mustering all her I'm very sorry face but she was clearly mocking her.

" Tch " Artemis looked furious and stomped to the direction Shiva had pointed.

The rest looked at each other before following her lead.

Next chapter