
The new godhead

I tried fighting back but that didn't seem to go well as the tentacles dragged me through a dark tunnel before tossing me into a ring.

I immediately jumped to my good leg to be kicked away by something which flung me through the air and brought me crashing down with so much force I couldn't imagine myself getting up after this.

I struggled to my feet with blood gushing from my injured leg as I found my left eye closing.

Looking around, I found myself in the midst of a bamboo plantation.

With my sword held out before me, I was ready to attack anyone who would dare come close to me.

A blur passed by my face which had my heart beating faster than normal.

"Anybody out there?!" I yelled, but no one replied to me.

There had to be a way to get out of here.

I looked ahead to see a giant golden door there and decided to get out of here using it.

Would I get out before the creature would get to me? I didn't know. But there was only one way to find out. So I took it.

I ran towards the exit with everything in me but it was futile.

This creature found out my plan and zipped to the door, shutting it as the door disappeared into thin air.

Now I was left alone with it.

I held on strongly to the sword and waited for the creature to attack me.

Big mistake.

The demon moved with a speed that defied reality, a blur of motion that left me dizzy and disoriented as I tried to study it and follow its pattern.

I felt a punch on my face which sent me hurtling through the forest.

I could not defend against its attacks. I was just human after all, and these demons were faster than my eye could see.

Its attacks were swift and merciless, striking me from every angle before I even had a chance to react. Pain coursed through my body, each blow leaving me gasping for breath, my vision clouded with agony with one eye already closed.

I swung my fists blindly, hoping to connect with my unseen foe, but my efforts were in vain.

The demon moved around me, taunting me with its strength. I felt the sting of its claws tearing through my flesh, the hot gush of blood as it spilled onto the ground. I was tossed around like a rag doll in its hands. I prayed I would survive its assault.

With every passing moment, my injuries grew more severe. My bones snapped, my organs ruptured, and my body cried out in agony. I could feel my life force slipping away, my consciousness shaking on the edge of oblivion.

The demon suddenly stopped for a second to smile in my suffering, relishing the sight of my imminent demise.

I fought on, fueled by a stubborn determination to survive, but it was a losing battle. The pain was too great, the damage too much to endure. I stumbled and fell, my strength failing with each passing second.

The demon stopped again as it loomed over me, a specter of death, its eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

"As usual, you humans are weak."

I slowly tapped on a button on the sword which sent invisible lightning bolts to the demon, shaking it to the ground.

With my strength, I got to my feet, running away from the beast as I found a ditch before me.

If I didn't jump off this cliff, I would die.

That was what I did.

I jumped and heard the demon screaming out for me.

A blue glowing river before me beckoned on me as I fell into it.

I felt its chilly liquid get into my skin and before I knew it, my insides started to feel like it was burning.

I tried swimming to the surface but it was a total failure.

Before I knew it, the entire river whirled around before making a way before me, dropping me carefully to the ground.

I thought it was over, but it was far from that.

The entire river surged upwards and in one swoop, compressed itself into a single drop of water which sped into my open mouth.

Before I could protest, I found my strength increasing by a thousand folds.

My hands glowed a dark red as well as my visible aura.

The demon which had been terrorizing me zipped to me but I found it moving at slow motion.

This was fascinating.

As it got closer to me, its eyes went from anger to fear as I held a hand over its face and it turned into dust.

I looked around to see a throne with a frail figure on a throne.

Walking to it, I found a wounded man barely hanging onto life as he looked at me with his eyes glowing red.

"I hope you're a good man, human," he coughed.

I recognized him. He had been the one everyone called the godhead. He was still alive! Barely.

"I don't have much time," he heaved. "I've given you all my powers and knowledge and my spirit will be with you if you have questions. For now, try to stop the demons getting into the world."

"But I'm just human. I can't do that," I retorted.

But he raised his hand to point at me. "You are more than human. You are the next godhead."

When he said that, he fell back on the throne, his body immediately churning black before crumbling into dust as it slowly drifted into the air.

He was gone.

Was this a trick?

The entire ground shook as I looked towards the skies to see it crackling with lightning.

It was collapsing. This meant the former godhead who had created the portal was gone. I had to get out of here.

Looking at my hands I found it glowing as I released enough energy to blow the land to pieces before boosting myself out of there.