
The Goddesses Prophecy of the Alpha

Erick didn't even know werewolves existed, let alone that he was one. As he is thrown into that world, he finds himself at the center of both a murder plot and an ancient prophecy. Can he find a way to survive and fulfill the prophecy? Rhian his mate comes crashing into his life while running from her own set of dangers. Will their union derail everything or be the solution they are looking for?  The officer leaned in over the desk towards the intake nurse. They both continued to glance in his direction as they spoke in hushed whispers. An irritated Erick smirked, giving them a slight wave to acknowledge he knew they were staring. Even though they were across the room and attempting to speak quietly, Erick heard every word. He was baffled at this sudden improvement in his hearing; it was as if their voices were magnified. "Yes, we found him wandering out of the woods. He couldn't explain his lack of clothes or what had happened to him." The nurse replied, "Don't you find that suspicious knowing what last night was? Do you think that maybe he was unaware he was changing?'' The officer quickly cut her off, "Of course I suspected it! Why the hell do you think I brought him here instead of Memorial hospital?" The nurse just nodded as she looked down and began to type in her report. "My biggest question is it's as if he has no idea what happened. Does he not know what he is or what he is going through? Please make sure you have security and keep an eye on him. Something just feels off to me." The officer looking directly at Erick noticed how wide his eyes were watching the two of them speak. Could he hear their conversation?     What in the world were these two talking about? The shocking appearance on Erick's face twisted into a confused expression. What is this change they are talking about, and what do they mean what he is? He is a man. What other possibility is there? Feelings of anger and rage began to overwhelm him. He had felt all along that the officer's demeanor was off, like he knew more than he was saying. Erick acknowledges that his explanation for what happened lacked plausibility, but he was just trying to find some reasonable interpretation of the situation. What did that man know? Did he recognize Erick but how? It's not like he ever had a criminal record?     Erick brought his hands up to his temple and put pressure along both sides as he squeezed his eyes closed tightly. His feelings were overwhelming enough, but this stabbing headache was not helping him think clearly. Why did it feel like fire was coursing through his veins? Argh, he screamed internally, overcome with agony. His gripe along his temple tightened, and his eyes snapped open as he felt a trickle of blood where his nails had pierced his skin; like the night before, his vision went black, and he felt himself collapsing to the floor.     The officer who had never taken his eyes off Erick was suddenly running over to him. "Shit!" The officer witnessed the golden glare in his eyes during the brief moment they opened. He knew the fears in their suspicions were correct as he rushed to his side. "Get a gurney and the restraints now!" He roared in the direction of the nurse who was already scrambling to assist him.

AmandaW1822 · Fantasy
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97 Chs

The Inner Voice

**Dream sequence**

Erick woke to find himself in a long hallway. Doors lined either side and appeared to go on with no end. Each room had a title he read them as he walked aimlessly through the hall. "Mom and Dad, Uncle Jack, Patches, The Hudson's, group home, Kindergarten." What was this place he was dreaming about?

He went into one of the rooms labeled, First Grade. When he entered it was like walking into a library, rows, and rows of floor-to-ceiling books. Walking up to one of the shelves he read the titles on the book ends. Instead of words they had dates on them and were in numerological order.

Grabbing a book from the shelf he leafed through the pages. It was a description of the day from the title of the book, pictures accompanied some of the pages. Erick realized it was as if he was present inside his mind. This was where all of his memories were stored. Exiting the current room, he stepped back into the hall. When he heard a muffled voice calling out to him.

Erick followed the sound of the voice the closer he came he could finally make out what was being said.

"Let me out!"

Erick hesitated with his hand on the knob of the door. This room had a blank sign so he was unsure what was on the other side of the door. "Who are you?" He called out.

"Open the door and you will find out!"

Erick closed his eyes took a deep breath in and turned the handle slowly easing the door open. As he opened his eyes he took in the view. This room was not like the others it appeared as if he had just stepped into the middle of a forest. From the corner of his eyes, he saw a massive wolf emerge from behind a tree. It was breathtaking, bigger than any other wolf he had ever seen. The fur was a rich chocolate brown the face framed with highlights that appeared red but what stood out to Erick the most was its eyes. The eyes were that same golden amber color he had seen in his own eyes.

The wolf continued to stalk slowly towards him. Erick was stunned never moving, never taking his eyes off the wolf. The wolf could easily tear him to shreds but Erick was not afraid. It was as if for the first time in his life he suddenly felt whole. He had always assumed the emptiness in his soul was attributed to the death of his family. Perhaps he had been wrong all of these years.

"I've been waiting a long time for you." Erick heard the voice in his head as the wolf sat directly in front of him.

"What are you, who are you? How can I hear you?" Erick still trying to search for some semblance of logic to explain what he was experiencing.

"I am you, or I am your wolf form. I have always been here but you haven't always been ready for me to reveal myself."

"What makes you think I am ready now?" Erick retorted dripping in sarcasm and disbelief.

"You don't have a choice but to be ready now. This is your destiny and whether you believe it or not your time has come. I've grown too powerful to remain within this mental cage."

Erick's mind was racing. Thinking to himself logic says this can't be real, but how can I deny this connection deep within my soul I am feeling. This can't be real and he slowly reached out to the wolf's head, but this feels real?

"It's because this is real, I am real. We share a mind you don't have to speak for me to know what you are thinking. You have a lot to learn and a lot to accept but I am here now and I can help you."

Erick didn't know if he was just too exhausted to fight any longer or whether he was actually beginning to believe what was happening. "Okay, then where do we go from here?"

"First things first, wake up."

Blinking his eyes Erick realized he was lying in his bed. Maybe it was just a dream?

"Not a dream! Now concentrate. I need you to remember what I look like. Focus on that image. Envision yourself shifting into that image."

Okay, so this was happening, Erick gave in closing his eyes. Doing exactly as he was told; he pictured his limbs transforming from human to wolf. Fur spread across his body where his skin once was. Erick began writhing in pain he could feel the bones of his body snapping and breaking. Molding into their new shape. He continued to the best of his abilities to remain focused on his end game. He could feel himself shifting and curled into the fetal position. The pain began to subsided and his heavy panting breath slowed. Opening his eyes, he looked down and where his hand should have been he saw a paw.

He could feel the awkward movement of his limbs walking on all fours as he went towards the mirror. It was not himself looking back but the wolf, his wolf. Emotions swirled within him, wonder, shock, admiration, confusion, excitement, fear.

"We're quite something, aren't we? To return you just need to focus back on your human form. It will also become easier the more you shift."

Stammering Erick struggled to find his voice, "So, I will always be in control of shifting? Will I always be able to hear your thoughts?"

"Extreme emotional events could lead you to lose control and shift fully or partially. Yes, I am you and you are me, we are forever connected. I will always be able to hear you and you will always be able to hear me."

"I think I need to call Doc!"

"There is the best idea you have had all day. You may want to shift back; a phone is easier to use with hands." My wolf chuckled to himself.

Erick focused once again this time on his human form. The pain was agonizing as his body transformed. He hoped this would get easier soon. He picked up his cell phone and dialed the number on the card Doc had given him.

"Hello," Doc answered.

"Doc, this is Erick...I think you're right; we need to talk."