
What Constitutes Evil And What Defines Good?

"So, what are your thoughts after knowing the truth? Do you still believe those families were evil for sending their daughters to the Vampire Duke? If they hadn't sent their daughters, do you think they could survive in the wilderness by themselves?"

"I-i..." Austin found it difficult to reply. On second thought, Alysia's words were right. If the families had instead refused to let their daughters go, they might have faced days of aimless wandering in the wilderness. The outcome could have been far worse, with the families likely becoming prey for wild animals.

Here, at least, they were guaranteed fertile and safe land to cultivate crops. The families could sustain themselves only in exchange for their daughters. Moreover, their daughters were clearly treated well in the castle too. 

So, were the families evil for making such a decision?

He didn't know.

"Don't think too much about it. Actually, I kind of agree with your opinion about the families being evil for offering their daughters to be a tribute just like that," Alysia suddenly said, smiling.

Austin glanced at her, giving her a hard stare. "Are you messing with me again? Didn't you just mock my perspective as naive and simplistic, and now you're agreeing with it?"

"So what? Technically, I never said I disagreed with your opinion. I simply offered a comment on your thoughts," Alysia replied with a shrug.

Austin was left stunned.

He tried to recall their earlier conversation and realized that Alysia had never explicitly expressed disagreement with his opinion. It seemed like she was only attempting to guide and teach him something.

"Did you finally get it? I said earlier that evil is a highly subjective concept and can't be judged from just one perspective alone. That's why I shared the story from the maid's view so that you have a better understanding of both sides." Alysia explained. 

'So that's what she aimed for from the beginning,' Austin finally realized.

"From her perspective, her family wasn't evil because they never forced her to go to the Vampire Duke, and it was her choice to offer herself. But what about the other maidens? Did they also offer themselves voluntarily? I doubt so."

"That's why I believe those families who sent their daughters to the Vampire Duke were evil. Unlike us, who knew that the Vampire Duke was fairly kind to humans, those families didn't know about this fact and still decided to hand over their daughters just like that."

"What if the Vampire Duke turns out to be the type of vampire with a hostile stance towards humans and views them nothing but as livestock? Those maidens would probably suffer a fate worse than prisoners, left dying in a moldy, small room with their blood running dry."

"So, the conclusion is that the families were evil, right?" Austin asked in relief, finally able to reach a conclusion.

"Yes, but the whole matter still can't be simply labeled as evil," Alysia smiled amusedly, enjoying the troubled look on Austin's face.

"You see, this situation is similar to a transaction or something like symbiotic mutualism. The Vampire Duke needs maidens' blood to sustain himself. Meanwhile, the people need the Vampire Duke's land and protection. The two parties are basically just cooperating, so what's wrong with it? It's a win-win situation for them."

"That's also what drives them to resist the Church's influence. They knew that if the Vampire Duke were taken down, they wouldn't have the same life they currently enjoy. They had found their comfort zone. So, why should they leave it?"

"But the Church had a different idea. They believed the people had lost their minds by siding with the Vampire Duke and were under his control. The Church had three main agendas: expanding their influence, spreading their gospels, and eliminating all factors that posed a threat to mankind."

"Unfortunately, the Vampire Duke directly countered these three main agendas. He was a formidable vampire capable of threatening mankind. He ruled over a land that essentially impeded their influence. As for spreading gospels, the people here had already viewed the Vampire Duke as their lord, so what's the point of preaching their belief to heretics?" 

The car fell silent as Alysia took a few sips of water to moisten her throat before continuing.

"So, what's the evil, and what's the good?"

"Was the Church truly evil for massacring everyone, even the innocent? Or was the Church good because they were just performing a necessary act, eliminating a group believed to be heretics and a looming threat to mankind?"

"Were the families evil because they sent off their daughters to the Vampire Duke as a tribute? Or were the families good because they sacrificed one to save the many?"

"Was the Vampire Duke evil because he indirectly coerced people to pay tribute to him? Or was the Vampire Duke good due to his role in protecting the people and ensuring the well-being of the maidens he receives?"

"The answer is neither. I believe there's no absolute evil or goodness. In the end, all of them had just done what they believed to be 'good' for themselves."


"Oh! We've finally made it out of the forest!" Austin exclaimed with excitement as his eyes caught sight of a proper road ahead.

As expected, the city is the best.

Living in a rural area, such as Alysia's mansion, was undeniably pleasant. It provided modern comforts while still being enveloped by nature. The air was crisp, and disturbances were rare. However, that lifestyle wasn't his preference.

He favored the city environment, despite its grime and cacophony.

"You seem akin to a prisoner finally getting out after serving a few years. Does my mansion truly feel like a prison?" Alysia inquired, her eyes narrowing in a sly smile.

Austin found himself unsure of the ideal response. If he agreed, would she be angered by his apparent mockery of her home? If he denied it, would she still be upset at what seemed like a blatant lie?

Given the unfavorable outcomes of either option, he chose the third: silence.

However, her next word almost made him jump out of his seat. 

"I'll interpret your silence as a 'yes,' then," Alysia smirked.

Why is it so challenging to have a normal conversation with you, my lady?

Then, he remembered something.

"Ah, I almost forgot to ask this. But, is it normal that I feel a resonance between us?" Austin inquired.

Alysia glanced at him, studying his expression for a few seconds before responding, "What do you think?"

"Could it be due to our Master-Servant relationship contract?" Austin ventured a guess.

Alysia returned her gaze to the road. "Correct."

Austin awaited her explanation, but Alysia remained unusually quiet.

Strange. She usually provides lengthy explanations, like when discussing the concepts of good and evil before. Is she avoiding this topic?

Austin didn't dwell on it and changed the topic again. "How strong do you think I am now that I've become a demon? Can I leap from roof to roof like some kind of ninja now?"

"It's more than that. You might even be able to fly later," Alysia said, placing her left hand on the window and propping up her chin, the other hand on the steering wheel. Her posture exuded elegance and lethargy.

"I can fly?!" Austin exclaimed in excitement.

"Hmm, but it might take you dozens of years before you can develop demonic wings. Still, I can give you the experience of flying with mine," Alysia said lazily.

"I'd gladly accept the offer if you have no problem with it!" Austin replied ecstatically.



Suddenly, a series of siren noises echoed from behind their car.

When Austin glanced through the mirror, he saw it was a police car.

"Ah, it's that guy again," Alysia sighed with obvious disdain in her voice. 

"Who is it?"

"You'll find out soon."


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