
Chapter One: Battle Of The Bands

"Wednesday, you're going to be late for your first day of school!" My dad yells. I walk downstairs and I stare at the calendar. Almost my 17th birthday. I can't wait. My birthday is on Valentine's Day, the day of love.

"You ready?" My dad asks me. He smiles at me and I look at him. I nod and we walk outside. The rain pours down on us as we make it to the car. By car, I mean the sheriff's car. Yup, my dad is the police chief and it's way more fun than it sounds. He trusts me to do more things than other parents would with their children, but then again, in this town, everyone knows who you are.

As we pull up to the stop sign, I notice the bright red Camaro next to us. In it, there is a girl with blonde hair and two guys with brown hair. She looks over to us and waves at my dad, who waves back.

"Who are they?" I ask my dad.

"Dr. Cullen's kids. They are your welcome committee at the school. I told Dr. Cullen that I need his kids to keep an eye on you. I hope you don't get bullied here." He tells me. The last place was bad. I got beaten every day and bullied because I was different. I like the supernatural and I have always liked the dead.

"Okay, so here's the school. Just go inside and you might meet a guy named Eric Yorkie. He's the school council president. He'll already have your schedule." Dad tells me. I hug him and I grab my backpack, time to start my new life at this school.

As I walk to the front steps of the school, I notice the Cullens staring at me, along with a bunch of girls and their boyfriends. Must be what I'm wearing. I spot the Cullens by the door and I look behind, but they're not there. One of the boys, the blonde one, walks up to me and smiles.

"You must be Wednesday. Our dad said that we needed to keep an eye on you." He tells me.

"Oh, don't worry, I can keep an eye myself, thank you." I tilt my head to the side, showing my neck, and I smile with my eyes closed. He gulps and stares at my neck.

"Um, okay. We'll just um, I got to go." He stutters. Hm, so they're all fast and this one got uncomfortable when my neck was showing.


Edward POV-

We just stare at her as she makes it up the stairs. She looks cool. Alice and Rose are just happy that there is someone else at this school that isn't a normal person. I mean we're vampires and the way Chief Swan was thinking about her, wasn't normal. Not in that way. She is an immortal. Not a vampire, no, her blood is far more ancient than any vampire. As Jasper talks to her, she moves her head to the side, exposing her neck. As he gulps and stammers his sentence out I read her mind.

'Hmm, so they are all fast and this one got uncomfortable when I showed my neck. He's either a vampire or a zombie, but he doesn't look like a zombie. I'm gonna guess that he is a vampire. That's it, they are all vampires.' I hear her say in her head. She turns to face me and smiles. She walks away towards the inside and I keep looking at her. Jasper and the others stare at me.

"She knows. She knows we're vampires. She was testing Jasper and now she knows because of his reaction." I tell them. Everyone looks at me wide-eyed.

"We have to tell Carlisle." Rose tells me. I nod and she takes out her phone. We've just been found out.


Wednesday POV-

"Um, you're Wednesday Swan? The chief's daughter?" A guy asks me. I nod at him.

"Eric Yorkie, the eyes and ears of this school." He tells me.

"Here's your schedule and we have the first period together, which is Algebra 3. Let's go." He tells me. I follow throughout the school to get to my first-period classroom. I see that 2 of the Cullens have this class as well. The vampires. I look to Eric who is still yammering on about how beautiful I look.

"Eric, go find someone else to flirt with." I tell him. I use my power on him and he walks away.

"Excuse me?" I hear someone ask. I turn to them and I see one of the Cullen boys. He is tall and has short brown hair.

"Yes, what is it?" I ask him.

"I'm Edward Cullen. I hope we can become friends." He tells me. He grins and I smirk.

"So, you're not going to eat me? Good. I love my life too much to give it up, vampire." I tell him to get a rise out of him. He glares at me.

"I bet you're wondering how I figured it out? Well, that's easy. Your family are rather abnormally beautiful, you're far stronger than any human and faster as well. Your eyes are different in color. Before they were golden brown, now they're yellow. Am I missing anything?" I ask him. He straightens his body and stands firm.

"Carlisle wants to talk to you after school." Edward tells me.

"Ms. Swan, please come inside." The teacher tells me. She is a little old lady and seems very close to death. Time for Math.


Time Skip


It's lunch now and everyone is leaving the school to get to a large field for the summer bands to perform. We were also given some extra time from the rest of the year. And now, it's the middle of February and cold as shit. The Cullens are outside with their adoptive father and my dad. Carlisle and my dad are talking. I see my friend Jesse, who was my only friend from my old school. My dad looks at me and waves as I walk up to the stage. The other bands stare at me cause they know my band and I are the competition. My band is named Roses and Ashes. We've done concerts in Seattle and gotten sold-out shows there.

"Thank you everyone for coming! This is the Forks, Washington Battle of the Bands. This past summer, these bands have been practicing and now they stand before you ready play for you all. As you can see, there is one band that stands out and that is because they are already rather famous in Seattle. Now they've come here to prove their worth in their home town." Mr. Habbett says looking towards my band. We walk off the stage and the first band goes on. They aren't that good. I hope Forks likes our band. We're a bit heavier than these other bands.

"Now put your hands together for Roses and Ashes!" Mr. Habbett says into the mic. Everyone cheers and screams for us. Mainly those from Seattle that are here to see us play. Then, there's also the shouting and cheering coming from my father.

"Hello, Forks! How's everyone doing today?" I ask into the mic. The cheers get louder and I look over my bandmates. They nod.

"This song is called "When Angels Fall" and sing along if you know it!" I tell the crowd. The music starts and I nod my head to the beat. Everyone starts to clap their hands to the beat. I can feel the piercing yellow eyes of the Cullens staring right at me.

I got lost in the dark

On the trail of your fading heart

All these dreams left to die

On our way to a broken sky

I see what was left and the bridge is about to burn

A step and I reach for your soul

There is no return

When angels fall

Fall! Fall! Fall into the never

When angels fall

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall

Fall! Fall! Fall into the never

When angels fall

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall , will you hear us?

We've fallen from heaven's shore

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall into ashes and dust

Will you hear us call?

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall

You are far, but somehow

You're still holding the darkness out

Where you are, I'm with you

I'm still hearing the voice I knew

From shadows to hallows the bridge is about to burn

You're love's all that mattered to me

There is no return

When angels fall

Fall! Fall! Fall into the never

When angels fall

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall

Fall! Fall! Fall into the never

When angels fall

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall, will you hear us?

We've fallen from heaven's shore

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall into ashes and dust

Will you hear us call?

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall

Guitar Solo

When angels fall

Fall! Fall! Fall into the never

When angels fall

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall

Fall! Fall! Fall into the never

When angels fall

Come! Come! Come into the never

When angels fall

The song ends and the cheers and clapping get so loud that I swear that they could be heard from Italy. I think we are going to win. The crowd seems to say so. All the bands come on stage to see which band gets to move on to the next round.

"Alright, the bands going on to the next round are, Roses and Ashes, Make Me, We've Been Captured and Live, My Love." Mr. Habbett tells us. As the other bands walk off stage, and we celebrate.

"The next round will happen in one week. This will take place in Milan, Italy." Mr. Habbett says. Shit. Italy? Why Italy? I mean my mother's family is Italian, but why there?

"Wednesday, are you happy about this? We get to go to the fashion capital of the world! Milan is so beautiful and don't you have family there?" Rhea asks.

"Yeah and maybe while we're there, I can see if anyone knows my family. I mean my mom was from Italy." I tell my band. We all group hug and my father comes up to us.

"Well, that was amazing! I say that we all have pizza and hot wings at the house! Who's in!" He asks.

"Yeah!" We all put our fists in the air and I notice that at the corner of my eye, Carlisle has a package. He places a letter in the package and puts my beanie in it. I want to get it back, but I don't want to cause a scene. I just hope that it gets returned to me soon, or I will be pissed.


Carlisle POV-

As we watch the Band Battle, I notice how the crowd reacts. Each band, the crowd gets louder and louder. When Wednesday's band goes on, the crowd screams and claps. I see now, her band is the crowd favorite.

"Carlisle, have you written the letter yet?" Edward asks. I look at him.

"Yes, now I need something of hers. Something that has her scent." I tell him.

"Will this work?" He hands me her hat.

"Was she wearing this today?" I ask him. He nods.

"This is good. Let me put this in the box. Now I need you to take this to the Volterra castle. I am asking you because you are faster than all of us." I tell him. He takes the box and runs off towards Italy. I look back to Wednesday who is staring at me. She looks emotionless at me and then turns back to Charlie. As they leave, I get a whiff of her scent.

"Carlisle, what will the Volturi do?" Rosalie asks.

"They'll send Felix and Demetri out to collect her and then they'll bring her back to them. I mentioned in that letter that she is a Marino. That family is the only family left in the world that descended from the gods. Her blood is so filled with power that she will be wanted by any and every vampire in the world. The Volturi will protect her, hopefully." I tell her. She nods and we turn to leave.


Felix and Demetri open the door when there happens to be a knock. There is a vampire with golden eyes and brown hair holding a package.

"State your name and business!" Caius demands.

"My name is Edward Cullen. I've been sent by Carlisle to deliver and very important and urgent package to Aro." He says. I usher him forward and I take the package from him.

"Thank you, tell Carlisle that I thank him for this package and that I will open it right away." I tell him. I dismiss him and he leaves. My brothers look at me as I open this large box. I pull open the flaps and I see a letter on top of a black hat. The scent of it smells so sweet, like candy.

"What does it say?" Caius asks.

"Patience, brother, I have yet to read it." I tell him. Marcus looks over to me as I open the letter.

Dear Aro,

There is a girl at my children's school that knows about us. She figured it out without us saying anything. Her name is Wednesday Elizabeth Marino Swan. Her mother's name was Valentina Marino, one of the ancient immortals. If I'm correct, then I believe Wednesday is one too. There's no way that her father is the human that takes of her. Immortals can only have children with their own kind. Inside that box, is a black hat. That belongs to Wednesday and has her scent all over it. Do what you wish with this information.

Your friend, Carlisle.

"Ah, Carlisle and his coven have been discovered by a girl." I tell them.

"How?" Caius asks.

"Carlisle states in this letter, that she figured it out on her own, meaning that she's rather smart." I tell him.

"Then we kill her." Caius tells me.

"We can't. She is a Marino. She is one of the Immortals." I tell him. He looks utterly shocked that I have told him such.

"What do we do now?" He asks.

"Our mate will be here soon." Marcus says.

"What?" Caius and I both ask.

"I see three golden lines that form into one. They are leading out. Whoever it is will be here soon, I think, but she is out there." Marcus tells us. Hmm.

"Felix, Demetri, take this and find Ms. Swan. Bring her back here and then you are free with your mates for the rest of the night." I tell them.

"Yes, master." The bow and run off to find Wednesday.

Wednesday POV

I turn off my lamp and I go to bed. I end up leaving my window open to keep the air flowing around my room. This night was pretty wild. After my friends and I got here, my dad ordered the food. We watched a bunch of scary movies and my dad got drunk. My friends left when he got drunk, leaving me to deal with him. I swear every time he gets drunk, he gets worse and worse. The more he drinks, the worse he gets. He doesn't start abusing me, he just starts saying shit about my friends and my mom and her family. Then, he starts having sex with a pillow on the couch. Yeah, not cool.

"Is she asleep?" I hear a voice whisper.

"I don't know. Let me see." Another voice says. I sit up and I stare at where I hear the two voices. I hear them gasp and I turn on my lamp, but both are gone. I get up and I close and lock my window. I go to grab my gun, but a hand grabs me. I yell and fight back. My dad comes running in my room. He throws the beer bottle at the two men, but they are too strong. Far stronger than a human. I scream for my dad to call 911, and he leaves. I stop fighting and I laugh.

"You know I was wondering when the Cullens were going to sell me out. So, have you come to collect me?" I ask them. They let go of me and stay silent. I get up and I turn to them. I turn my head to the side slightly and I squint my eyes.

"You're coming with us." The ugly one says.

"And what if I refuse?" I ask.

"You don't want to find out." The pretty one tells me.

"You're cocky and arrogant." I tell him.

"Thank you." He answers.

"Well, if I'm going to be taken, can I at least know the names of my captors?" I ask.

"Demetri Volturi at your service." The pretty one says.

"Felix Volturi." The ugly one says.

"Volturi? You wouldn't happen to know a Sulpicia Volturi by any chance?" I ask them. They look to me and nod.

"How do you know her?" Felix asks.

"I found an old letter from her. It was for my mom. It was dated 1976. That was a long time before I was born. That letter was written as if my mother was an old friend." I tell them. I go to my dresser and I grab the letter.

"Here." I hand it to them. Demetri puts it in his coat pocket and grabs a bag of mine.

"Out your clothes in here and then, we need to go." Felix tells me. I grab the bag and I fill it will clothes, shoes, jewelry, and make-up. I zip up the big bag and I hand it back to Felix. Demetri grabs my hand and speeds us away to where ever we're going.


Song Used in Chapter: When Angels Fall by Beyond The Black

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