
The God Of The 7 Elements

"It can't be." a group of ninjas said as a coffin was kicked opened "That, Seth! Why him out of all people." a man with a large nose said as he took a step backward. "it seems like I'm came back to life. But who got the ball to try and control me." a red-haired man said as he walked out of the coffin. "Onoki, you have grown," he said as he began feeling out his body. "Run! this war is over. We lost." The man called Onoki yelled as he flew away. This is a story about a man who reincarnates in a world full of ninja as he went on to be the most feared man ever.

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

ninja school

"Hey Seth, what are you doing?" a kid said as he walked up to Seth.

"nothing, Madara. What are you up to." Seth asked as he looked away from the river.

"tomorrow will begin or ninja training... are they bullying you again?" Madara asked, seeing the blood on seth shirt.

"sigh, I'm the only Uchiha born with red hair. Why wouldn't they?" Seth said with a shrug, but in his eyes, there was a deep anger.

Madara looked at Seth's hair for a moment. They were born in a clan where everyone is born with Black hair. Seth was the first ever to be born with a different color. To make it worse, it was res which most people think it was bad luck.

You are asking how on earth is there a person talking to him? Well, it because they are cousins, Seth's father is Madara Dads brother. as they were around the same age, they grew up together.

"you were speaking of ninja school?" Seth asked, changing the subject.

"let's go home," Madara said as his cheerful mood disappeared.

"so moody," Seth said as he got up and putting his arm around Madara back

"you should be the one angry, not me," Madara said helplessly.

"Who said I'm not mad? Just wait, once I start my ninja training, I will pay them back," Seth said with a shrug.

"what if you have no skills?" Madara asked

"I got a friend named Madara. I will just hide behind his back," Seth said with a smile.

Madara hearing Seth's words, rolled his eyes and just walked away.

"Did my father come back from the war," Seth asked as he run-up to Madara.

"... I don't know, but father wanted me to call you," Madara said with a shake of his head.

Seth just nodded and followed. Soon they arrived in front of a large Japanese looking house and soon made their way to look for Madara house.

"Seth, take a seat." Madara father said seriously

Seth nodded as he did as he asked.

"your father has fallen in battle. From now on, you will be staying with me." He said softly

"... but he was only gone for a fee month," Seth said with said softly as he looked at him.

"he was an ambush, don't worry. He is my brother. I will get payback." he said, Seeing Seth hands forming into fists.

Seth looked at Madara father. He slowly remembered his father. Although everyone hated him and saw him as bad luck, his father had high hope for him.

Never did his father treat him wrongly, always having big hope for him. in this point in time, there were only wars.  Countries of the world were uniformly small, continually battling each other for land, power, and opportunity. To fight these battles, countries hired one or more clans of mercenary shinobi to represent their interests, the shinobi's loyalties ultimately going to the highest bidder.

Slowly Seth's eyes went wet, as his eyes started changing color as they turned red with one Tomoe. Seth then passed out but was caught by Madara father, who had wide eyes.

'6 years old and he already a weakened the Sharingan... brother maybe this kid could be of use.' he thought

The day went by, and it was time for the ninja training. There was a school where kids would begin around the age of 6 years old.

"Alright, quiet up." the teacher said as he stood in front of everyone.

Everyone quickly went quiet as they listen to what the teacher had to say.

"First, everyone Introduce yourself." the teacher said calmly.

"I'm Yakunitatanai Uchiha. I will be your teacher for the next few years," he said calmly.

'Yakunitatanai? doesn't that mean useless.' Seth thought. He was sitting close to the window with madara by his side.

Slowly everyone went on to say their name, and soon it was Seth turn.

"I'm Seth Uchiha," Seth said calmly

"Just look at his hair." a few people said as he looked at Seth.

But Seth just ignored all of them.

There was something that Seth kept only to himself. He was not of this world. And was from a planet called earth. Unlike this world, his planet was full of cars and phones,

"we will begin by teaching the history of ninjutsu." the teacher said as he started writing on the black wall.