

Markus blinked and looked around him. There was nothing. He stood in an open space of darkness. He didn't know where he was or what was going on, but he suddenly remembered what he had done. He threw himself in the way of the truck.

"I hope she's okay," he said.

With that memory, he could tell where he was now.

"Welcome." said a sweet voice.

Markus turned around and saw a blinding light. The white light moved at him and all around the space he stood. The floor and the walls and air were consumed and painted bright. His eyes adjusted to his new surroundings and stared at the woman that stood in front of him. She was taller than him, gold blonde hair, fair skin and shining eyes that reflected a calm sea. She was symmetry, perfection on all angles. She wore a white gown, and shining pearls around her neck. She smiled at him faintly while he stood in awe.

"Hello." she said, gaining his attention again.

"Hey," he said, his jaw a little slack at her beauty. She was beyond the physical. She held in her a depth that kept drawing his eye.

"You know where you are?" she asked.

Markus nodded.

She nodded with a grin. "That's good-"

"Wait!" Markus shouted, his face suddenly pale. "My-"

"Do not worry. She has passed on peacefully."

The words came quick and were heavy to hear. Markus looked to the ground. "Peacefully," he said under his breath. He smiled and held it for a moment on the thought of his mother, then sighed and looked back up at the Goddess. "Thank you," he said.

The Goddess tilted her head. "They did say you were an odd one."

Markus's eyebrows went up. "They?" he asked.

The Goddess chuckled. "Never mind all that. There is something more important at hand, don't you think."

Markus looked around the white space, turning his head to the left and right, peering into the infinite white that expanded forever. "I've got time," he said.

The Goddess laughed, showing her bright white teeth that gleamed like new stars.

Markus smiled at her smile.

The Goddess settled down and looked him in the eye, standing tall and regal. "You have lived a good life," she said, "one of overcoming, one of trial and tribulation. You were not broken, and therefore brought great good to those around you. All souls must move on, just as your mother has and so shall you. I am the one some like you are given a moment with."

"What about others unlike me?" Markus broke in, his curiosity allowing for his rudeness.

"Some see no one, some see what they fear most. You see me." The Goddess put her hand on her chest. "You will be given another life, as all must, but as a reward for your last, you have one ask of me. So, what do you wish for?"

Markus stared at her. "I get a wish?"

"Yes, that is your reward, your blessing. You may ask for anything, and I will do my best to help you."

"Like green eyes or bigger feet?" he asked in confusion.

"It can be anything you wish, though usually, it is something to make life better. Some wish for luck or wealth. Some leave behind ideas and ask for a mighty sword, or a fortified shield, or maybe a system of power?"

"That's what people ask for?"

"Some, though many of those wishes never get an audience with me."

"And you said I'll have a new life?"

"yes," she said, "in a new world and new body."

"Can I not already get those things in my new life?"

"Yes, the world will have such things."

Markus laughed. "That's odd," he said, "wanting something you can already have."

The Goddess smiled. "You are human, are you not?"

Markus put his hand on his chin and thought, but nothing came to mind. "What if I don't want anything?" he asked.

"Then I will choose for you."

"What, that sounds unfair."

"Yes, yes it is."

"Okay, okay, if I'm given the choice, then may I ask of something for the world?"

"No." she said shortly, her eyes growing dark for a moment. "The wish must be about you, not the world."

Markus paused and it suddenly came to him. What else could he possibly ask for? "Then, I want to have fun."

The Goddess smiled.

"I want to make people laugh, show them that special magic only life can give."

"Are you sure? You did so much with so little in your last life. I could give you a peaceful life?"

The sound of laughter rung like bells. Markus bent over and held his stomach as he howled. Only through his pried lips could he say. "No world like that exists."

The Goddess smiled sadly. "Yes, very well, you will forget this moment ever happened, but you will have what you wish. Good luck."