
Successful Escape?

In the narrow room, a dim flame weakly flickered from the blackened fireplace, exhaling a few warm puffs of air that were tainted with the acrid smell of low-quality coal. Not far from the fireplace was a bed barely a meter wide, where a frail and skinny teenage boy lay. His face was unnaturally flushed, his brows furrowed tightly, and he mumbled incoherently, his body twitching from time to time.

Evidently, the boy tightly huddled under the worn-out bedding on the narrow bed was experiencing an unknown pain, and the contortion on his face had marred what was once a rather handsome visage.

Ah!" The boy sat up abruptly from the bed, gasping for breath with his eyes still filled with thick terror. Even in the cold winter midnight, his forehead was covered in fine sweat.

However, the strange thing was that the nervous and scared expression only lasted for a moment before disappearing from the boy's face, replaced by a look of indignation. His pupils, which had shrunk due to the shock, also relaxed and gradually became deep and dark. In other words, his pupils dilated and the proportion of iris in his eyeballs increased.

Of course, these were all superficial phenomena. No one knew what was going on in the boy's mind at that moment.

"A'gan, stop! Stop and make these messy, fly-like characters, equations, and molecular structure diagrams disappear from my sight! Immediately!" The boy, awakened in the middle of the night, roared out of tune with the surrounding environment, which seemed eerie in the small wooden house in the winter night.

In the young man's field of vision, a vast amount of data rushed in like a tide, representing a detailed description of the current state of his surroundings, including disturbances in the earth's gravitational field, chemical composition of the air, the material of the bed cover he was lying on, the basic structure and strength of his body... Nothing around the young man went unnoticed.

The sudden influx of information overwhelmed his senses, and he instinctively tried to block out the onslaught by relinquishing control of his visual organs. However, this instinct proved to be ineffective.

The data appeared to be projected in the air before him, but in reality, it was directly mapped onto his brain, rendering any attempt at blocking it futile. Frustrated, he turned his anger towards the culprit and roared in protest.

Immediately, the phantom images of data in the air dissipated like mist, and the young man breathed a sigh of relief, regaining control of his eyes. Bathed in the dim light of the fireplace, he surveyed his surroundings.

The dilapidated fireplace that was almost unrecognizable, the wooden walls that leaked air, the damp earthen floor, the tattered cloth that hung on the wall like rags, the lumpy and hard wooden bed... Everything in the room, including the primitive blanket that barely kept him warm and the sour and musty odor in the air, told him just how wretched his current environment was.

Ah Gan, you've sent me back to the primitive society! Come out and explain yourself," the youth gritted his teeth, speaking incoherently once again.

From the material and style of the items in the room, it was easy to deduce the level of societal production, indicating an era that had not yet completed the industrial revolution.

There was no one else in the room, but a weak voice began to appear in the youth's mind, strangely enough: "Su Ming, this isn't my fault. The supercontinuous equation you provided me had fatal flaws. And our current situation isn't so bad. We still have healthy bodies, albeit a bit thin and of uncertain origin, but the fact that we survived the chaotic void is something to be grateful for."

The youth, who was called Su Ming, immediately yelled out, "Flaws?! How could there be flaws in my supercontinuous equation? That's impossible! And at the beginning, who promised 100% safety? Who was the one who predicted the perfect conclusion in the pre-calculations? Wasn't it me, Su Ming?"

In the end, Su Ming sighed deeply and looked up at the sky. "I never thought that even I, Su Ming, would end up like this. The past glory is gone and will never return."

As his anger subsided, Su Ming knew that he couldn't blame everything on Ah Gan for this predicament.

With this inexplicable situation, strange body, and obviously impoverished living environment, anyone in the Milky Way would be less calm than Su Ming. He could only cover his face and sink into deep thought.

The small wooden house fell silent once again with a sigh.

But a guy named Ah Gan soon broke the peace, and environmental data began to flash in Su Ming's field of view again. At first, it was slow, with only a few symbols appearing occasionally.

It was clear that Ah Gan was testing the waters.

Su Ming remained indifferent and continued to think, as if he were taking off his clothes and "thinking."

Ah Gan slowly gained courage and began to calculate at high speed once again.

For Su Ming's safety, when arriving in an unfamiliar environment, Ah Gan had to be aware of the surroundings as quickly as possible. This was Ah Gan's responsibility and his reason for existing.

"A-Gan," Su Ming suddenly raised his head and called out in a low voice. Although the sound was small, it frightened A-Gan, and the data in his vision disappeared with a "swish."

"I serve you wholeheartedly and guarantee the safety of my master with all my strength," A-Gan spoke cautiously, trying to prevent Su Ming from getting angry. His tone was exceptionally humble, or rather, sycophantic.

Ignoring A-Gan's carefree behavior, Su Ming's voice remained low, "Can we not go back?"

"What?" A-Gan didn't react at first.

"I just sorted through the remaining memories of the boy we possessed and found no information about the Earth Federation or even the galaxy. Even the star maps are completely unfamiliar. We are far, far away from Earth here!" Su Ming explained, looking increasingly gloomy.

"..." A-Gan had never seen Su Ming, who was always full of energy and tricks, so sensitive. He was almost frozen by this unprecedented situation. After a long time, he said stupidly, "Isn't that better? Su Ming, your name has been on the wanted list of the Galactic Union for almost thirty years. We have been on the run, and now we are finally free."

Su Ming let out another low sigh, as if all the melancholy in his life had gathered together. "Life is as lonely as snow. The beauty we just got, will soon be gone forever."

A-Gan continued to remain silent. He certainly knew who Su Ming was referring to as the beauty. In fact, this beauty was the culprit that made them go crazy and resort to any means necessary to escape.

The reason was simple: the beauty before him was the daughter of the commander of the Earth Federation's First Fleet. This gave the furious commander a legitimate reason to unleash his wrath. After some investigation, he discovered that the man who had been with his daughter was a wanted criminal of the Galactic Alliance!

The commander wasted no time and dispatched five of Earth's top warships to pursue Su Ming, the criminal who had fled from the Solar System all the way to the Alnath star cluster, spanning over 400 light-years. Even escaping from the control of the Earth Federation was futile for Su Ming.

In the end, with no other options left, Su Ming had to use a transporter based on an immature theory of space-time continuum to make a superluminal leap, and then... there was no more "then."

Perhaps he should have never laid a hand on that girl, despite her undeniable beauty and her endearing naivete. Su Ming had tasted the sweetness of love with her, but he had roamed the galaxy for decades and had seen all kinds of women. It was ironic that he ended up in the hands of an underage girl. He was really going backwards.

This time he was truly doomed. He didn't even have a chance to turn the tables. Where the hell had he been transported to? And to make matters worse, his body had even been replaced for free.

As Su Ming pondered his situation, his mind gradually calmed down.

"A'Gan, tell me everything about the transport process, don't leave out any details!" Su Ming focused his mind and squinted his eyes habitually.

At this moment, Su Ming was focused and wise, issuing commands that Forrest could not resist. He described every detail flawlessly, and a cloud of complex equations flowed from Su Ming like smoke. These mathematical codes accurately depicted everything that happened.

Forrest transformed and evolved data at lightning speed, not worrying that Su Ming couldn't keep up with his pace. If he couldn't, Su Ming wouldn't have been able to hang around under the watchful eyes of the Galactic Alliance for so many years.

"Stop!" Su Ming raised his hand and quickly pulled out a few transformation formulas from the rapidly evolving "smoke" in front of him. "There's a problem here! An unknown factor that could have been ignored has undergone an unknowable hidden mutation and is now affecting the whole system. Forrest, the teleporter's energy density had reached critical density at that time. Why did you keep going?"

Before A'Gan could answer, Su Ming slapped his head and exclaimed, "Oh, you've encountered a data overflow. What kind of operation could achieve this effect?"

For logic-assisted beings like Forrest, even calculating the trajectory of every sand grain in a Martian sandstorm within a second posed no problem, and it was effortless. In fact, since Su Ming became a citizen of the galaxy and opened up a logical area in his mind, he had never encountered such a situation.

But just because he had never experienced it didn't mean he had never heard of such rumors.

"Forrest, did our calculations touch the forbidden realm of the soul?" This time, Su Ming's body did not come through during the teleportation, but his consciousness completed the transfer intact, which was one of several inexplicable phenomena in current galactic technology.

Rumors have it that the forbidden realm of the soul is the domain of gods, an abyss that mortal intelligence will never be able to explore.

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