
Midnight Assault (1)

"Send a message to Lord Danzo that we have arrived on time without any interference." A teenage boy with deathly white skin and black hair had a neutral expression on his face. Spread behind him a group twenty strong where ROOT ninja defined by their cursed seals. The two ROOT ninja assigned to delivering messages lowered their heads slightly.

"Right away." In a matter of seconds, they disappeared into the forest behind them. Seeing that they arrived on time the black-haired boy looked up at the sky checking the time. "It's past midnight, they should have arrived by now." It was as he said that multiple figures shot out from the trees. "We're here. Unlike you, I have better things to do than just waiting to be summoned."

The rude female voice came from a woman with pale skin and light blue spikey hair tied into a ponytail. Putting a hand on her hip she smiled at the boy as he remained neutral despite her taunt. Glancing at her and the group behind her he spoke to them. "I see. You may refer to me as Sai I will be leading this assault." Seeing she didn't get a reaction out of Sai she rolled her eyes.

"Seems like Danzo's ROOT is as emotionless as they say. Im Guren and everyone behind me is part of my team well everyone excluding those two." Referring to the two specially dressed Sound ninja in the back of the group. One of them carried a large scroll under their arm while the other carried an even larger one using both of his arms.

"Lord Danzo said we should have been expecting a large force. However, there are only eight of you here." Suspecting something was wrong Sai sent a single to the ROOT ninja behind him. "Relax of course we wouldn't come here empty-handed. Besides you would all die trying to kill me anyway." Guren used her head to gesture to the Sound ninja carrying the smaller scroll to come forward.

Moving away from both groups he bent down and placed the scroll on the ground. Slowly unraveling it revealing a multitude of symbols. Watching closely from the sidelines Sai watched as the Sound ninja began weaving hand signs before slamming his palm down onto the center of the scroll. A large cloud of smoke erupted from the scroll as a familiar voice followed after it.

"Good to see we've all arrived successfully." Kabuto's voice came from the smoke as it began to clear. He was wearing a long cloak and hood covering most of his body however his voice at this moment was still full of confidence. "Guren I hope you weren't too rude to our allies." Hearing Kabuto, Guren scoffed as she looked at him in disgust.

"Maybe I should be rude to you instead. You are always complaining about how much pain you're in after all." Hearing such a threat Kabuto simply smiled as he responded. "Be my guest however you know who will be dying along with me." Immediately Guren's face changed as Kabuto looked away from her and glanced at Sai.

'It took some time taking control of Lord Orochimaru's forces like this however it was worth it. Their weaknesses, dreams, and motivations, I will use them all to finally get my revenge.' With that Kabuto finally brought his gaze upon the large structure just a few meters away. This was of course the wall Rei had created. "Is that wall really the only thing that's stopping us from breaking in?"

Looking at the wall she had to admit it was very tall, probably over eighty meters. That was big enough to keep any type of threat from getting over it even with the use of Jutsu. However, that didn't mean she thought it couldn't be breached. "How about I just get this over with." Weaving two hand signs Guren activated one of her Jutsu.

"Crystal Style: Tearing Crystal Falling Dragon!" In seconds the ground next to Guren began to rumble as it crystalized. Shooting up from the crystalized patch of the ground was a large pink dragon made entirely of crystal with jade eyes. Watching silently everyone saw the crystal dragon spin in the air before flying towards the wall.

Crashing into the dragon ground against its surface as its crystal shattered but no progress was made whatsoever. Finally, the entire body of the dragon disappeared as crystals fell from the sky above them with no visual damage being done to the wall at all. "What…" Seeing her Crystal Style fail, Guren was in shock as Kabuto laughed.

"How foolish of you Guren. If it was that easy to break through it then Rei wouldn't have dared leave this place to those three kids. Just from the information, Danzo has provided me, it's highly resistant to chakra based attacks. Along with that, even Dojutsu is as legendary as the Byakugan can't see through it. Of course, Chakra walking is also ineffective."

Listing all the things that the wall could stop Guren began to understand why his Jutsu failed but it also gave rise to more questions. "Then how the hell are we even supposed to get through it?" Kabuto took another good luck at the wall before turning his head. "No matter how strong the Jutsu everything has a weakness. All we have to do is find it."

With Kabuto's words acting as a trigger the secondary Sound ninja with the even larger scroll stepped forward like the first. Needing even more space he opened the scroll on the ground in a separate clearing than the rest. "It took a lot of time to set this up. I hope Danzo appreciates the effort." Kabuto spoke coyly as the Sound ninja bit both of his thumbs.

Marking the scroll with both of his thumbs he began weaving hand signs for the next ten seconds. "Truthfully I was surprised that Danzo wanted to act so soon however it's true we couldn't risk Rei coming back early. In the end, however, I managed to gather over one hundred and thirty-two ninja and separated them into six different categories."

While Kabuto spoke to everyone Sai and Guren included the Sound ninja finished weakening hand signs and he placed both of his palms onto the scroll. A circular formation of text appeared before even more branched off in every direction giving the sign of a summoning Jutsu. However, what appeared was not a summoning but something else entirely.

Popping up like ants the Sound ninja Kabuto mentioned began to appear in large groups in puffs of smoke. Counting them as they appeared Sai could confirm that there were indeed over a hundred of them in total. Not only that the summoner who was the Sound ninja who originally carried the scroll collapsed almost instantly as they were all summoned.

"What happened to him?" Looking at him Guren was confused by both actions and Kabuto gave a brief explanation. "The chakra needed to summon so many people at once is quite something. To do it alone it would require so much in fact that it would kill a person." Showing absolutely no remorse for the ninja's death, Kabuto turned to Sai.

"As promised, between Chunin and Jonin they are split into five groups of twenty-five with a few extra. Each group is specialized in a certain nature type. Some are adept in Fire Style while others are adept at Water Style." Sai managed to piece together exactly what Kabuto had planned on doing.

Since they didn't know the precise weakness of the wall they would simply hit it all at once with every Chakra Nature Type. No matter how powerful it was, taking that much abuse from over a hundred high ranking ninja at once would make any barrier break. "Quite a smart plan however doing something like that would alert anyone inside of our attack the moment we broke through."

Kabuto nodded his head as he began to move to the side letting the Sound ninja all join together in a group formation. "Precisely. Once we break through we will attack immediately. Stealth won't be an option, it's just a shame Danzo wasn't here to see this." Sai kept up a cold front as he replied to Kabuto's comment.

"Lord Danzo would be too open to suspicion if left the night of such an attack. In any case, I think you have stalled enough." Kabuto narrowed his eyes upon hearing Sai's comment before turning to the Sound ninja all lined up and waiting. "Very well then let us begin." Raising his slightly deformed hand from underneath his cloak, Kabuto gave the command to attack.

In sync, all of the Sound ninjas began to perform their individual Jutsu according to their group. Both the Sai and the ROOT along with Kabuto, Guren, and her team watched as a flurry of Jutsu were used all at once.

"Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu!"

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!"

"Wind Style: Air Bullets Jutsu!"

"Earth Style: Rock Bullet Jutsu!"

"Lightning Style: Lightning Fang Jutsu!"

A massive amount of chakra was released all at once as a barrage of five different elements flew towards the wall. It was an impressive display, to say the least as all the Jutsu began to merge into one massive attack. The lightning was enhanced by the water and the wind enhanced the fire. The earth acted as an initial battering ram as they all slammed into the wall at once.

A massive vibration shot through the wall and everything connected to it including the ground. Clashing against the wall the Jutsu began to spread out creating an ever-flowing sheet across its surface. And with an overwhelming amount of force being applied to it, the wall finally began to give out. The sound of cracking echoed out louder than even the Jutsu itself.

"Damn that thing is tough even after an entire minute of this it's still holding." Guren watched as the crack slowly began to grow across the wall. Visually it looked as if the wall was trying to repair itself as it broke something that was a natural response due to how rich the air was on the other side of the wall.

However, even that type of regeneration couldn't keep up. Inside the central building inside of the Soul Society Fuyumi, Seiki and Ren were all sitting on the wooden patio overlooking the backyard. "It's really nice out tonight even though we don't need to sleep. I wouldn't mind sleeping out here." Talking about the night sky, Fuyumi fell backward stretching her arms.

"I thought you would be used to this view already." Replying to her Ren glanced at the night sky before standing up. "Not everyone has such a critical eye for things you know." Seeing Ren ready to leave Seiki shook his head at him. "Sure whatever. I'm not leaving because I don't like the view. I was taking a look at a few of the scrolls Rei put into the library and I found out that-"

Before Ren finished speaking the three of them heard a distant explosion it was faint but just loud enough in the silence of the night. Fuyumi who happened to be looking at the sky saw a streak of lightning in the night sky. "What the hell was that?" Seiki jumped up onto his feet before jumping all over to the backyard's wall.

Following him, Ren and Fuyumi crossed the garden and jumped onto the wall as well peering in the same direction. "There's a bunch of smoke over there around the perimeter." Pointing at it Seiki and the others donned a serious expression. "If I had to guess someone unwelcomed is trying to get in." Hearing Ren the others displayed a look of worry as Fuyumi spoke up.

"What are they here for though? Big Brother Rei said we were allowed to use force to keep anyone out, especially the top floor." Listening to her Ren took a deep breath before speaking. "Don't worry even if they get through the walls that won't be the end of it." Both Seiki and Fuyumi looked over at confused expressions as Ren explained.

"Brother Rei isn't dumb a wall wouldn't be able to keep out everyone no matter how strong it is. He must have thought he was being secretive about it but I've found multiple defensive Kido spells set up around the residential area and even more around this place." With that being said it didn't mean they could just sit around and do nothing.

"The fact that they're breaking through with force means they aren't here to just talk. Well wait for them near the residential area border and if they try to attack..." They didn't need Ren to finish his sentence as Seiki and Fuyumi nodded. Quickly all three of them began to move, jumping from the wall down onto one of the roofs of a house.

As they made their way to the residential border the Sound ninja had officially made enough progress for them to get in. "Good I didn't imagine it would take more than an hour but we've finally breached the wall. Slowly expand the hole by branching from one another until we can enter." With Kabuto directing them to slowly expand their circle of attack they slowly made the hole they created.

Just a couple of minutes later a hole twice the size of a normal person had been made as Sai began to finally take charge and move. "From what I can see as soon as they stop using those Jutsu stops the hole will start repairing itself. Move fast enough to get inside before that happens." The ROOT ninja behind him nodded as they all prepared themselves to move.

Kabuto did the same as he raised his hand getting Guren and her Team ready to move as well. In one swell swoop, Kabuto lowered his arms signaling for everything to stop. Immediately the Jutsu was cut from the source allowing for the hole to become more visible. "It's already beginning to close."

Sai and the ROOT acted first dashing through the hole in the wall at a moment's notice. Following them was Kabuto, Guren and her team, and finally the Sound ninja. Due to how fast the hole was closing only around a third of them Sound ninja actually made their way in with the rest being trapped outside.

Landing on the ground inside Kabuto couldn't help but show a dark expression on his face. 'You forced me to this. To use formulas on my body that began to destroy it just to suppress this pain just so I could even think. And now I'm going to enjoy destroying everything you have created.' Kabuto's face began to display a cruel smile matched with the insanity in his eyes.

"I hope you do get here soon so you can see as everything you have burnt to the ground."

Ey you made it to the end of the chapter good for you! Hope you enjoyed it and also please leave more constructive criticism like the last chapter I like responding to stuff like that.

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