
A Day Of A Week (2)

Three whole days had passed, bringing the week close to its halfway point. In that time, everyone had been sticking to their own weird schedules. Seiki trained with Zabuza learning the importance of both Taijutsu and Hakuda while relying less on his Zanpakuto's brute strength. It was fun for almost everyone who watched Seiki, usually lost in the dumbest of ways.

On the other side of things, Fuyumi and Haku did their own type of training because they both had an affinity for using water. After seeing Fuyumis Zanpakuto's ability, Haku had begun training her to be more versatile in using it. Not just for long-range and short-range attacks but enhancing as well.

Of course, Rei was trapped in an endless cycle of studying, reading, and learning, almost like a student. But because of that cycle, his overall knowledge of not just the world but Jutsu and certain named Ninja grew vastly. And thanks to Shisui, Rei eventually learned about all kinds of Kekkei Genkai, including the Sharingan.

But surprisingly compared to everyone else, Ren's days were completely confined to his room, which had at this point been converted to a heap of papers. 'Chakra and Reiryoku… Each one seems so different, but they can assist one another almost perfectly. Yet even after an entire year, I can't get it to stabilize.' '

Ren's room had been a mess of papers and books for a while now. No one questioned it as it was just how his room was with everyone thinking he simply liked to read and study. But in truth, most of those books were to help him with a single experiment that he couldn't perfect. "No matter how much I study Chakra Control, I just can't get it to stabilize."

Whispering to himself, Ren sighed as he looked down at the notebook in his hands. A faint white light was the only thing lighting up the room as he stared at a glass container on his desk. "Looks like it's back to the drawing board then." Tossing his notebook onto the desk, he took the glass container and placed it in one of the drawers.

"I was hoping I would be able to show this to Rei in a stable form by the end of the week." Shaking his head slightly, Ren closed the drawer, and shortly after, he heard a knock. Glancing at his door, he walked over and opened it. Standing on the other side was Shisui wearing a casual smile.

"Hope I'm not disturbing you. Everyone is busy at the moment, so I could only come to you for help." Ren shook his head as he left his room and closed the door behind him. Inwardly things carried on as normal, but the outside world was slowly going through its own changes. And, of course, the pro generators were the Akatsuki.

Deep within the Village Hidden Within The Rain in an undisclosed location, three people were having a meeting within a dimly lit area with only a slight opening. One of the said figures had a spiral-shaped mask on their face, with one eye being visible through a hole. The rain poured outside as the masked man spoke first.

"Things have begun to spiral away from the plans that have been set in place. I hope you're prepared to correct things, Pain." Opening his eyes, a separate man with spiky orange hair and purple shaded eyes and multiple circles around his iris responded. "Orochimaru's leave was an acceptable loss, and although Sasori had lost, Deidara managed to escape with his life."

The blue-haired woman with a piercing under her lip spoke while looking at the masked man. "So far, the Akatsuki have captured Five, Seventh, and soon to be two tails. Losing only two members of the Akatsuki should not cause you to react as such. Especially for someone who claims to be Madara Uchiha, or should I call you Tobi?"

The blue-haired woman clearly had an issue with Tobi, and in response, the eye bearing the Sharingan began to widen. "Don't forget who is truly to thank for the Akatsuki not dying out where it should have. It seems despite how proud you are, Konan, it seems your efforts in gathering information are severely lacking." Pain narrowed his eyes as he replied to Tobi.

"And the meaning behind that would be?" Tobi looked at Konan and spoke as if testing her. "I'm sure you're aware of Orochimaru's death?" Konan nodded as she responded. "Of course, that was years ago. He attacked the Leaf and, more specifically, the Third Hokage; his death is to be expected." Tobi's gaze turned back to pain as he continued.

"Oh? But the Leaf wasn't responsible for Orochimaru's death. And at the same time, the person who was truly responsible had also killed Danzo." Konan's eyes shifted as she stared at Tobi, slightly shocked. "If you wish to wage war on the world, then you best know every part of it. The one responsible for both of their deaths has even caused the Leaf to hesitate and retreat."

Hearing more, the surprise became more evident on her face. One person causing one of the five great nations to hesitate, let alone retreat, was something of note. "Who is it?" Finally speaking, Pain showed interest as Tobi glanced at him. "His name is Rei, and surprisingly enough, he is a boy. Stories about him are beginning to spread like an infestation across the Land Of Fire and will soon reach the other four nations."

'If that is true, then he could end up becoming an issue.' Konan glanced downwards, thinking to herself who;e Tobi had a different train thought. 'Previously, I had thought that Uchiha brat Sasuke would be a well-met replacement for Sasori. But maybe it would be best to have him join the Akatsuki like Itachi.'

Pain turned to his head and looked towards the entrance of the area they were in. Watching as the rain fell, he asked Tobi a question. "Do you know where he is now?" Tobi didn't answer as he glanced towards the floor just a meter away. "No, you do right, Zetsu?" Shifts in movement could be seen through the room's floor as something began to move through it.

A white and black figure with a strange plant-like head came out of the ground slightly. "My interest peaked the moment I heard about him. Apparently, people in the Leaf said they had never seen so much fire in their lives. If it wasn't contained properly, the entire village might have been engulfed soon enough. In any case, apparently, the Leaf has been withdrawing forces in the area between their own and the Land Of Waterfall's border."

No matter how peaceful the times, a nation would never withdraw from a border, especially in such a neutral space as the Land of Waterfalls. And with current news added to that, there was only one person they could be worried about to the point they did so. Pain saw Tobi was thinking to himself and answered accordingly.

"If you're thinking about replacing Sasori's vacant spot after his death, then I would agree. However, going around chasing members is not our top priority. I'm sure you want to deal with the Nine-Tails as soon as possible, so your secondary interest must wait." Tobi suddenly stood up, causing Konan to tense up.

However, he simply put his hood on and began walking out of the room, only stopping mid-way from saying something. "I never said you had to go. Both Itachi and Kisame have been quite idle recently, so sending them would be more efficient. Both Hidan and Kakuzu can take over the mission to obtain the Nine-Tails."

Not listening for a response, Tobi walked away, leaving completely and seemingly vanishing out of thin air. "This is going to be interesting…" Laughing mid-sentence, Zetsu left as well, leaving Pain and Konan alone. "I don't trust them. Both of them have their own motives." Pain nodded, listening to Konan's concern.

"Yes, however, for now, we need them. The Tailed Beast's capture comes first, and after our goal is complete, we will deal with them both. For now, send word to both Itachi and Kisame along with Hidan and Kakuzu. An era of peace is drawing close; we just need to bring it into the light."

Pain's eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness in the room as silence enveloped them both. Both events in the Akatsuki and in the Soul Society occurred around the same time. And excluding the outside world, everything continued peacefully for the next four days bringing the weekend to an end.

It was officially the day, and everyone, or to be more specific, Seiki and Fuyumi, were all the most excited. Walking down the hall towards the meeting room where everyone was supposed to meet, Ren spotted Seiki walking next to Zabuza and Fuyumi walking with Haku. Surprisingly or maybe not surprising at all, everyone had gotten pretty used to one another over the week.

Since Rei was quite literally the only other person they knew for the past few years, so their social bubble was small to non-existent. They barely got to hang out with Asuma and Kurenai's team before they left. And before all of that, they ended up having a drawn-out fight based on a misunderstanding. However, it was obvious there were some more exact contrasts.

Seiki had completely taken Zabuza as a teacher figure and acted a lot more respectfully than before though they still fought. And Fuyumi had gone the opposite route forcing Haku into the role of her friend. In all honesty, outside of training, she had really been clinging to his side. And, of course, that just left Shisui, who had honestly become an advisor to Rei.

Soon with everyone just standing outside with different expressions on their faces, the doors to the meeting room opened by themselves. Rei was standing instead of sitting as he gestured everyone in on one end of the table opposite the sed doors. Soon everyone got settled in their seats, and Rei began to speak while looking over all of them.

"It's taken a lot of preparation, but I can happily say everything is ready." Rei had a mix of both an exhausted and excited look on his face as he continued. "Over the week, I have completely finished construction of the rest of the Soul Society. And with that being said, we have the immediate room to house over fifty thousand souls with room to grow, of course."

Everyone looked surprised to hear such a staggering number. In such a chaotic world of Shinobi, birth rates were surprisingly low, and deaths only grew with the danger. Even the biggest Villages or cities would only have a hundred thousand people in them max. So in total that rounded off the total number of people in the world into the low millions.

And considering its usual ninja and not citizens who die every day, fifty thousand was more than enough. Of course, Rei still had to work his ass off to reach that number. Scratching out all of his breaks and time to relax and simply replacing it with construction and reading. "Are you sure you're ok to do this?" Ren looked at Rei with a skeptical look.

"Of course I am. Finally, I'll have Ryujin Jakka off my back about getting this done." Everyone looked at Rei even more strangely after he said that. Of course, they knew Rei's Zanpakuto's name was Ryujin Jakka after all this time and that you can speak to Zanpakuto spirits. But why would his Zanpakuto be on his back about setting up the Soul Society?

"If you say so, then we don't doubt you. I'm guessing we're just following the procedure you taught us?" Rei nodded as he placed both hands on the table. "There's a platform near the Residential Center I created just for this moment. Once you're there, just perform your roles, and everything should work out fine."

Everyone nodded and began following Rei's words. The meeting was brief, and soon everyone began leaving the Central Building and heading towards the Residential Center. Though it wasn't the center of the Soul Society, it would act as the type of hub for every soul that lived there just because the important buildings were located nearby.

As everyone made their way there, Rei had begun to make his way towards the top floor. As he did, he began to focus both physically and mentally. 'Let's not jinx this or mess this up, ok me?' Reaching the top of the stairway, Rei spotted the large doors leading to the building's most important room.

Walking to them, he opened those doors as he spotted the orb that quite literally made keeping the Soul Society stable possible. 'It was a hassle to make, and it takes a lot of maintenance, but it was worth it.' Having only used it for construction and other simple things before, Rei had to be more careful this time.

The orb created purely using Kido was buzzing full of Reishi, Reiatsu, and Reiryoku, all from either Rei himself or from the Spiritual Energy naturally generated in the barrier. 'Ryujin Jakka, I hope you're happy seeing that your one wish is about to come true.' For the first time in a while, Rei heard Ryujin Jakka reply back to him.

"This is for the good of the world and not just my wish. You should be proud as you are making history." Rei raised a brow as he walked over and placed his hand on the surface of the massive orb in the center of the room. "Well, if I'm making history, I'll get Ren to start writing the History books from here on out."

Rei flashed a smile at Ryujin Jakka before taking a deep breath. "Here we go." A pulse of energy seemed to resonate across the surface of the orb, and that pulse reflected onto the barrier surrounding the Soul Society. Outside of the Central Building, everyone had already made it to the Residential Center. They spotted a tall platform with a Podium.

"Is this where we're supposed to go?" Fuyumi looked around and seemed slightly confused, and Shusui nodded. "This is the only platform here that stands out, so I'm guessing so. Though I don't know-" Shusui was cut off by a loud thunder-like boom that resonated above them. Looking up, they all saw the barrier, which usually remained transparent and invisible unless close-up pulsed.

As the pulse stretched in every direction, the center of the barrier began to cave into a dip opening up a hole of sorts. The Reishi in the air began to thicken as Ren pointed something out. "What are those?" Ren pointed towards what looked like dozens of white dots appearing in the sky outside of the barrier. Reacting to that, everyone looked up as well.

"There's so many of them it looks like they're multiplying." Matching Seiki's description, soon the dozens grew into hundreds, and the white dots seemed to pass through the barrier. As they did, Reishi began forming around each dot, creating humanoid bodies. "Those are the souls Rei mentioned… But they got here so fast it's incredible."

Cant abuse Time Skips as much anymore since we're in the important section of the Shippuden Timeline, although a few things have changed. (Sasuke never left, so a bunch of crap never happened.)

Aizen_Dleitchcreators' thoughts
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