
White Lies

White Lies Part 1

'Cedric, or, well, Aloph watched his so-called parents become shocked for the third time today, it was quite amusing to watch. But, he had entered into a predicament now. What was he to do with this "family of his"?' He couldn't just tell them that he's a reincarnated Cultivator. While they themselves might not care, he couldn't take the chance that they might accidentally tell a cultivator about him. Depending on the strength of that cultivator they might just outright come after me and torture me to find out how I reincarnated.'

'What story should I make up to explain my actions? There was that one story I read as a child where a kid was visited by an expert, well, it wouldn't be a full lie to say I was visited...There's also the "God told me I had a great destiny to fulfill" story. Hmm, I'm in quite a difficult position. I guess I'll just go for the "An old man visited me in the void and told me about all the things I was destined to become but was cut short" story.'

Aloph then looked towards his "mother and father" and said sincerely towards them. "Mother, Father, I'm very sorry for worrying you, but I had to go into the forest. It was my destiny! When I died, it was really cold and lonely...It was super scary.." Aloph then proceeded to cry crocodile tears to fool them as he continued his story but in a broken way.

"W-when I was alone in the...dar-dark place, this old ma-man came out of nowhere and told me I had the destiny to fulfill..." Aloph cut off as he let out more tears.

His 'mother' then came close and gave him a hug. She then whispered in a low voice. "Don't worry, honey, we're here. Tell us what happened." She rubbed his back in a circular manner as to comfort him. Aloph nodded to what she said. He then wiped away his fake tears and continued.

"The old man said I was destined to be a great cultivator. He even gave me a strange manual to follow. I think it was called the [Body Strengthing Technique] or something like that...It's what allowed me to hunt all those rabbits with ease."

Both his mother and father were confused at his. They had never heard of the technique, but they kept silent and let their son continue his story.

"After hunting those rabbits, I thought I was invincible so I journeyed further into the forest, but that was when I met the big scary wolf...It was blue, see-through and I couldn't even hit it with anything. Everything I attacked with just went right through it! The only reason I survived was because of a mysterious man! When I thought I was going to die for the second time, he suddenly came out of nowhere and banished the wolf! It was super cool!

Aloph then mimicked a face of pure, unadulterated excitement when talking about the mysterious man!

"When I asked who he was, he just told me he was a powerful person in the cultivation world."

'A cultivator? Does he mean the people from the capital?!' Both the parents thought at the same time as they heard their son tell them of the supposed origins of the mysterious savior. But, that didn't matter as their son was alive.

"Wait! Did the old man talk to you about your curse? Was he able to remove it!?" The father asked and beside him, the mother was surprised? She had long forgotten about the curse! So she looked at her son with a serious expression that had a hint of hope within it. If the old man could revive their son, then maybe he could rid their son of the curse.

Their son was silent for some time before he finally looked up at them and said in a hushed tone.

"The old man couldn't remove it, only extend it. So, I only have another ten years of my life left...But he said If I cultivated to the perfection stage of Palace Realm, I'd be able to destroy my curse!"

Palace Realm? Was that a stage of cultivation? They've never heard of it. All they knew were of the First three stages.

"Did the old man say anything else?" The mother asked her son.

"Not that I remember. Oh! He said I should start cultivating immediately or I won't have much time!"

Both the mother and father grimaced at what their son said. This meant they had to part with him if they wanted him to live. This put them in quite the position.

However, on the other side. Aloph was internally sweating bullets. He didn't want to force his way out if possible, so he hoped his lies could help him get out of this without a fight.

After a long silence, the father spoke. "As much as I don't want you to leave, this will be for the best. I mean, you can already kill those rabbits so that shows you have the strength and you're not lying to us. We'll speak more about it tomorrow. Now, rest for now."

Both the father and mother then got up from their knees and walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. Aloph, on the bed, had let out a large sigh of relief after they left.

'Looks like I fooled them. But, on the topic of Cultivation. System, show me a cultivation manual that is used today.

[Ding! Would you like to spend 1 Exp to unlock this information?]

'...Sure, why not...'

Aloph grumbled and rolled his eyes at the cost of the information and pressed yes.

[Ding! One Exp has been used to unlock the information regarding Cultivation realms. The info will be displayed below!

Gathering Realm - Start of Cultivation!


Condensing Realm


Soul Mist Realm



Tide Realm - This realm focuses on attack power!


Wave Realm


Tsunami Realm



Fortress Realm - This realm focuses on defense!


Castle Realm


Kingdom Realm



Soul Condensing Realm - This realm focuses on the soul to prepare it for higher ranks!


Soul Hardening Realm


Free Soul Realm


Outer Realm, Inner Realm, Perfection Realm! < Three stages. 1,2,3. 2,4,6. 4,8,12.

"I already see a problem with this, one. I wouldn't be able to work on my defense till the third realm and with my cultivation talent of [D], I don't know how long that'll take. System. Would it be possible to create my own cultivation system?

[Ding! Yes, but it would take 10,000 Exp or, go into a coma for ten years.]

'So, instantly create a new cultivation system made personally for me, or go into a coma for ten years to get it for free. Quite the choice I have here. Well, I can't do the second option since I'd have to come back here. So, the first option it is! I made over 100 Exp within a day, so If I were to hunt more of those rabbits...it would take roughly 100 days.'

Aloph's face contorted into a frown. He couldn't spend 100 days of just hunting rabbits, though, that was only assuming he earned only 100 Exp every single day and all that Exp gained wasn't from any other source. He would need to find a better source of Exp!

"System, would it at least be possible to preview the cultivation manual that would be made for me? Like. just the names and what they do.

[Ding! That is possible...in exchange for three Exp.]

'Great. make me bleed dry why don't you? Now I only have something around 5 or 6 Exp left.'

[Ding! Personalized Cultivation manual being created. 1%....23%.....55%....67%...88%...99%...100%! Cultivation manual created. It will be displayed below...]

Let's take a look at this beautiful thing!

Aloph rubbed his hands together as if he was going to commit an evil act.

Will be writing the second part a few days after this one. After that, I will combine them into one. Sorry for my lack of chapters. I just don't have the motivation that famous authors have.

TrueGodOfExpcreators' thoughts
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