
The Magic Knight Exams

The Magic Knight Exams


Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)

I do not own "Black Clover", it belongs to its original creator Yuki Tabata, but I do own my oc. This is only a fanfiction that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release. Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. Thus, most of them aren't mine (because I really, really can't draw) unless mentioned. To fit the story, images are also edited by various apps and websites. So they aren't mine, just edited.

Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out.

P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and publish it onto any other website. If you're gonna use my idea, please ask me (If you ask nicely, I for sure, will agree). If I don't contact you within a week, then just assume I'm giving you the all clear and go for it. Just remember to credit me.

I will be writing out scenes even if my Oc isn't in them. As long as she's mentioned, or influencing the characters in some way. Or maybe be because it influences the story. This may seem a bit annoying. But that's just how I write. I like to embed my characters into the story line. Because of this, most of the dialogue/scenes will come from the original work.

Warnings: Spoilers for episode 4, Age gap (7 years), Smoking


Today's Special

A strong man can handle a strong woman.

A weak man will say she has an attitude.

~ Sonya Parker


Some people are born more fortunate than others. What little girl does not dream of growing up as a princess? But some places are not at all what you'd think. Even a palace can be a prison. So I began to dream…


{Third P.O.V.}

"Captain!" Aurora called, hands cupping her mouth to amplify her voice. "Captain Yami! Where are you!" The girls widened as she saw the man in question holding a boy by his head. 'Oh, no! I know that look!' She thought. "Captain Yami!" She called, running up to the man and successfully stopping the countdown to Asta's life.

"Oh, Hiyoko. Where were you?"

The brunette jaw fell to the ground , "WHERE WAS I! WHERE WERE YOU! I'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR!" She exploded.

As the Aurora continued to chew the captain out, whispers grew around them.

"Is that chick crazy!"

"She's dead!"

"But look at her cloak, seems to be a member of the Black Bulls too!"

"Yeah, but I doubt that's gonna save her. Have you seen the guy!"

But to everyone, except those wearing the Black Bulls insignia's surprise, the man just rubbed the back of his head, nodding along with the girl. Letting her get all her frustrations off her chest.

By the end of her rant, Aurora's chest was heaving up and down, as she glared at Yami.

The man raised his hand into the air. The people around them held their breath, thinking she was finally done for. But to their surprise, instead of crushing her skull like they expected, he only petted her head. "You done?" He asked.

The witch sighed, "Yes." She answered, almost pouting.

"What are you so worried about, we're not late yet." The captain told her. Just as he said that, booms rang out, and the sky filled with fireworks.

"Well now, we are." Aurora huffed, crossing her arms.

"Come on, the exam is about to start!" Finral urged.

Yami tched, "Guess you get to live a little longer, brat." Yami says to Asta as he turns around and walks away. "Better take good care of the life you just got back. Or I'll kill you."

"What?!" The boy exclaimed.

"Bye!" Finral salutes, winking.

"Take care." Aurora smiles, waving back at Asta as she walks away.

The trio of Black Bulls then make their way to the balcony. Once again, they were the last to arrive.

Yami yawns as he takes a seat, the other two, standing behind him. "Pain in the ass… Can't we just get this over with!" He whines.

William turns his head to look over his shoulder, "This is an important exam that will decide the futures of these youths. We need you to take this a bit more seriously."

Yami lets out a puff of smoke, "Yeah, yeah, Mr. Serious."

"They sure are energetic." Finral comments.

His sister nods, "Well it is only natural. The Magic Knight Captains are the best of the best. Each of the Captains has the strength of a hundred mages. One of them, will be the one to become the next wizard king." She says, cupping her cheek as her other hand supports her elbow. "On top of that, it's rare to see all the captains together in one place. It only happens about five times every year."

"Candidates." The Captain of the Golden Dawn calls, catching everyone's attention, "Sorry to keep you waiting. I will be conducting this exam." He then opened his grimoire, the pages automatically flipping to the spell he desired. "Magic tree, descend." Green mana surrounded him, as the clear blue sky began to flood with dark, grey clouds.

A gust of wind whipped at everyone, some were even pushed back a couple feet.

From the sky, roots sprung forth, the closer they got the ground, the more they branched out. They then began to take form, until eventually, every contestant had a broom in front of them."

Finral chuckled, "That's still amazing."

"Imagine being a newbie and that's the first thing that's sent your way." Aurora shuddered.

"What are you so scared of?" Finral asked, raising an eyebrow. "You never had to deal with that! You got a free pass!"

Aurora huffed, crossing her arms. "It wasn't a free pass. I had to deal with something just as startling. Do you have any idea how scary it is to just wake up to a Magic Knights Captain watching you sleep."

'So this is the man who's closest to the Wizard King!' Yuno and Asta thought.

William closed his book, and the clouds and the bottom of the tree, both disappeared. Leaving only the brooms behind. "We will now begin the Magic Knights Entrance Exam." After giving them a moment to process the information, he continues, "We will now have you all take several tests. The nine of us will evaluate your performance, and then we will select the candidates that we would like to add to our squads. If chosen, you will join that squad. If you're chosen by more than one squad, you may choose the squad you would like to join. On the other hand, those who are not chosen by any captain are not qualified to join the Magic Knights. For the first exam, we will have you get on those brooms and fly." Many of the contestants began looking confused, worried, or scared at the thought. Some even showed clear signs of all three. "Mages who can control their magical powers should be able to do this instinctively." Behind him, one of the Golden Members who had accompanied him, got onto a broom and demonstrated the action. "It is the most basic way for mages to travel. If you cannot fly on a broom, you shouldn't even be here. All right, begin." He finished.

All went well at first, as the contestants slowly began to float off the ground. But then, some were bucked off, others slid off. Then there were those who couldn't get any higher.

"For a kid from the boonies he's really amazing." Someone in the crowd complemented, amazed as he watched Yuno stand on his broom and fly around. "The genius chosen by the four-leaf…"

"He is good." Aurora nodded. Her eyes then fell to the single person, who hadn't been able to get off the ground since this whole test started.

"What's the meaning of this?" Questioned Fuegoleon. "No matter how much one might be lacking in talent, they should at least float."

"If you'll excuse me for a moment." Nozel said, getting up and walking away.

Aurora hummed, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this."

Without turning around, Yami spoke, "If you're so concerned. Go check it out. Your hunches and intuition is scary accurate. So trust it.."

"All right." She nodded. And made her way towards where her gut was leading her.

It wasn't long before she ran into Nozel and Noelle Silva. 'Isn't she the new recruit?' Aurora though. 'Why does she look so nervous. No that's not it. She's scared!'

The brunette made her way towards the pair of siblings, "Excuse me." She spoke, smiling a little to sweetly. "Captain Silva, shouldn't you be watching the exams. You wouldn't want to miss a promising candidate, now would you?"

Nozel narrowed his eyes, throwing one last look at Nozel, he walked away. But before he left, he spoke over his shoulder, "Your existence itself is unnecessary."

Noelle flinched at remark, well Aurora glared at him, biting her lip to prevent herself from saying anything. When he was finally gone, Aurora turned around, "Are you ok?" She asked, giving Noelle a hug.

Noelle flinches at first, but soon eases into the woman arms. She nods, "I-I'm alright. But why did you help me just now?" She asks, confused.

Aurora smiled at her, "Well for starters, nobody should ever be treated like that. Second, you're going to be a member of the Black Bulls. That makes you a friend." Her smile dropped a little, "Plus, I know exactly how it feels to be stared at with those kind of eyes."


I was honestly planning on updating last night... But then I found this great, long fanfic. And was up all night reading it. I'm sure you all understand the feeling. For all those Fuegoleon lovers, it's called "Distant Worlds" by FinalEdge. It's on Wattpad. Even if your ok with the guy, it's generally a nice fanfic. Highly recomended.

There's a reason why he calls her Hiyoko, you'll find out later in the story. I suppose you could ask google translate, but it won't really help much, but it is a hint.