

My name is Shinteru and I am the [GOD OF DARKNESS] and I am currently living together with my wife Shiro who is the [GODDESS OF LIGHT] and our two twin daughters Yui and Shino in the [DOMAIN OF THE MIGHTY].

(I'm also called the mighty)

Me and my Wife are the Strongest and oldest of all gods ,if I were to put it in a list then it would be like this:


2.[GODDESS OF LIGHT] (my wife)

3.[GOD OF BERSERK] (my brother)


5.[GOD OF DRAGONS] (My best friend)


Due to a certain incident I am going to check on the universe [BONK].

And Today I have finally arrived at the last planet of this universe which is called [EARTHEN].

[EARTHEN] is a world with , demons, elves, beast men, dwarves and humans.

Demons are specialised in magic, elves are specialised in spirit magic/summoning, beast men are specialised in strength and martial arts and dwarves in smithing and lastly there are humans they are somewhat like Allrounder.

But due to them having a affinity for all of those categories it is hard to master them so they are actually in a disadvantage.