
The God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

In Harry Potter, he defeated Voldemort, supported the Minister of Magic, and became the leader of a new generation of white wizards. In A Song of Ice and Fire, he founded the Church of the Dragon God and unified Westeros in the name of the god. In Xingyue, he ended the Age of Gods as the Emperor of Qin and took charge of Alaya. In World of Warcraft, he is the God of War of the Alliance, the nemesis of the orcs, and the guide for the new leader of the Drai. This is a time traveler coming to another world... Just remember that this is a translated novel. Original title 万界法神从哈利波特开始

Trag115 · Book&Literature
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61 Chs

Chapter 55 Charles Murphy and the Compound Decoction  

Wall Street is the name of a street in Manhattan, New York City. It is only one-third of a mile long and 11 meters wide. The street is narrow and short, but it is known as the "financial center of the United States".


The managers of banks, insurance, shipping, railways and other companies established by the American Morgan chaebol, Rockefeller Oil King and DuPont consortium are concentrated here. famous new york securities


The exchange is also here, and is still the headquarters of several major exchanges: such as NASDAQ, AMEX, NYSE, etc.


There are a large number of financial practitioners here: traders, traders, bankers, managers, etc...


Jack easily found a suitable target here.


Charles Murphy, born in 1961, entered Columbia University at the age of 16, and later obtained law and business degrees from Harvard University and MIT. He is currently working for Morgan Stanley, as well as for Goldman Sachs Group, Experience in the world's largest banking services such as Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse Group, single, with assets in the name of millions of dollars.

This was the most qualified target Jack could find in a short period of time.


On the day Jack found him, Charles just finished his job and was about to start his Christmas vacation.


There is no better fit than him.


Jack cast a disillusionment spell on himself and followed him all the way to his apartment - this is just Charles' property near Wall Street, and he also has a small villa on Long Island.


Jack waited at the door of his apartment until one o'clock in the morning. After confirming that there were no bystanders or surveillance cameras around, he took out his wand and pointed at the door lightly.


"Araho Cave is open."


The door opened in response, and Jack walked into the apartment lightly.


Although the lights were not turned on, Jack was able to see this luxurious apartment in full view through the lights outside the window.


Huge fish tanks, ornate rugs, shelves full of famous wines, and antiques and crafts from all over the world all reflect the wealth of its owners.


As expected of a rich man on Wall Street.


Jack smiled slightly, closed the door, and then patrolled back and forth in this apartment - for a while in the future, this place will belong to "he" (this is just a pun).


When Jack came to Charles' bedroom, the owner of the room was still sleeping soundly, and there was still half a glass of unfinished red wine on the bed.


However, just to be on the safe side, Jack cast a stun spell on him to prevent him from waking up due to the pain, and then pulled out a bunch of hair from his head.

Then, he took out his crucible, which was filled with compound decoction, and Jack put the hair of Charles that he had just obtained into it.


The decoction made a loud noise, like a pot of boiling water, and foamed vigorously. After a second, it was an unsightly off-white.


"Evil—the essence of Mr. Charles Murphy," Jack poured himself a glass of gray decoction and looked at it with disgust, "Should I change my method?"


"Yes, dear father, it is not an interesting choice to turn yourself into another person. You are obviously beautiful, why do you want to become a bad old man?" Orianna on the side agreed. nodded.


In this apartment, she no longer needs to maintain the size of the toy, and has returned to her original size.


Hearing Orianna's suggestion, Jack curled his lips: "Hey, he's only 30 years old, and it's the year of the fight, how can you be an old man. Also, what is unparalleled beauty, although I'm glad you said that, but..."


"I don't care, I don't care, this guy is a bad old man compared to his father." Orianna shook her head reluctantly, and the mechanical-style female voice was coquettish with a strange cuteness.


Hearing Orianna's words, Jack couldn't help but secretly delighted, but he pretended to be helpless and said, "Okay, okay, but I seem to be older than him in my two lifetimes combined."


"Father will always be eighteen~☆" What a lovely daughter.

"Forget it, just bear with it." Staring at the turbid gray-white potion, Jack took a long time to gather up his courage and drank it.

It was horrible and tasted like overcooked cabbage.


Immediately, Jack's internal organs began to churn, as if he had just swallowed several live snakes.


Suddenly, a burning sensation quickly spread from his stomach to his fingers and toes. Then there was a terrifying feeling of melting, as if the skin of his body was bubbling like hot wax.


He watched as his hands started to grow, with thicker fingers, wider nails, and knuckles bulging out like bolts. His shoulders began to stretch, making him feel unbearable pain; the needle-like pain on his forehead told him that the hair was spreading toward his eyebrows; his chest was expanding, his thighs were lengthening, even his feet were getting bigger two laps.


Fortunately, he had the foresight to change into loose pajamas before drinking the decoction, otherwise his shirt, trousers and leather shoes would be torn.


At his feet, Himari was so frightened that she jumped away, and it took a while for her to react...


She went around Jack in the east and sniffed in the west, and finally was able to confirm that Jack was still the same Jack, so she threw herself into Jack's arms like a wronged child.


"You scared me just now, touch me now, or I won't forgive you—that's what she meant." Orianna dubbed Himari's behavior in a wicked way. And she herself poked around Jack curiously, wanting to see how different he was from before.


"It's really amazing, it's completely different, and there's no trace of the original." She sighed in admiration for the effect of the compound decoction: "Apart from the soul, Father Father has become a completely different person."

Even Himari nodded in agreement.


"Yes, the compound decoction is so magical." Jack said, his voice was no longer magnetic and pleasant, but became more hoarse, that was Charles' voice.


"The compound decoction probably turns one person into another at the genetic level. If I go for a DNA test now, the doctor will never find the difference between me and Charles himself."


The duration of the transformation effect of the compound decoction is about two hours, which means that he has to take the compound decoction every two hours in front of outsiders in order to maintain the transformation.


But the decoction he made was large enough to last him two weeks.


The next step is to obtain Charles' memory, so that he can accurately imitate Charles's own words and deeds to prevent any flaws from being seen.


Although this financial executive went to college at a young age and is considered a high-IQ talent, he is not a character like Snape after all, and he doesn't know anything about Occlumency. Jack easily used Legilimency to get him memory.


He spent four or five hours browsing these memories. In these memories, he not only had a general understanding of Charles' life and his living habits, but also learned about Charles' knowledge of finance and operation methods- although it was only a cursory browsing, but It was enough for Jack to use.


After all, his goal was to profit from the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which did not require precise judgment or subtle operations. It was enough to keep up with the general trend and make good use of historical knowledge.


In the end, he poured a large glass of specially-made petrochemical potion all into poor Charles' mouth.


Charles' body immediately stiffened.

This dose can keep him petrified for a long time, and it is impossible for him to return to normal without taking the potion to remove the petrification.


The advantage of the petrified state is that the petrified person will always maintain the same state, just like a real stone, and will not change at all until the petrification is released, and the petrified person will not have the slightest memory during this period.


In this way, he can safely leave Charles himself in the apartment and travel to Eastern Europe by himself, without worrying about whether Charles will starve, die of thirst or the like within these two weeks.


Now, Jack has everything ready and can start his journey of wealth at any time.