
The Beginning

Before the world was created there were nine gods created by the High God, Jazharus, and three dragons.

After they were created, Jazharus the High God showed them all that he had created and left, leaving them all to create and destroy their own creations and their lives. This was the world of God's, High Heavens.

At first the gods got along peacefully along with the dragons until one of the gods proclaimed that he was better than the others because he created on a lower world, (separate from the world where the God's lived) creatures that had enormous power, calling them giants.

The others then created their own races on the same earth declaring whoever became the winner of the races would become the best God.


Nine thousand years later, (year 9173)


Noah Winterblood stood facing his high school, Ephesus Academy. With brown hair and eyes, he came from an old line that had once been one of the most prominent families in Galuduss, the country that founded itself in the year 3145, after the Bloody War.

As for Ephesus Academy, it had started in the year 4001, becoming since then, well known for their success in creating geniuses, wealthy people, and high placed people in the government. So this is where he would become know as another man from Ephesus Academy.

"Mr. Winterblood, it's good to see you again." The man smiled and bowed.

James looked away. " Mr. Evans, thank you." he said and then walked away briskly as the wind swirled around him.

Sitting down in the class, He opened up a book as he then felt a prick in his back. Wincing, he looked back, annoyed staring at the other kid.

The boy smirked, as he then leaned forward. "So James is back again!" He said while he then lifted up a black, cold, metal spike.

"Are you going to burn me like them?" He said as he then leaned back while the rest of the class laughed as they soon started class.

James walked out of the classroom and went to the cafeteria, grabbed some food and sat down. A while later, a girl sat on the other side of his table. "Hello! I'm Emma Gauss." She said.

"What do you want?" He asked, as he looked at her.

She smiled. "I'm new here and thought you might want some company, considering that no one else is by you."

"You should stay away from me now and in the future." He said and then got up and left, leaving the girl by herself.

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