
the god app

Asher_Thomas_6387 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 a strange app

It was a normal day like any other I was working my part time job at freeze cheese the burger place I work and I was on my break so I was only phone man I have nothing to do I said in an annoyed voice I wish I could do something fun then an ad popped up saying press to win money I knew it was a scam or virus but I was so bored and the idea of having 1000 dollars was tempting and after a screen showd up saying your money has been given but if you want more where that came from press the link I got a message from mu bank saying you was just transferred 1000 dollars I gasped and as fast as I could pressed the link fearing it would dissappear and it sent me to an app as soon as I opened it it said hello host welcome to the god app I was stunned and pressed continue and it said tutorial now starting and my room was full of light suddenly I was in a forest and a screen was flying next to me saying well come to Eldora the world with many mysterys but we ate here today to do our tutorial first create a flower with you create skill ok I say to myself I put my hand out and think a flower ok and and a light appeared and a blue flower appeared in my hand suddenly a congratulations screen appeared telling me I can only create small things since my skill is at level one then another screen appeared saying now for your first quest you must kill 100 demons yo gain the skill instant kill which kills anyone you wa