
Instant Kill

Not accepting defeat, Yuan Luoyang swiped his feet in a speed a Mortal Mark cultivator couldn't possibly dodge. After all, he was at the Second Level Godly Mark.

Li Bi detected Yuan Luoyang's moves in advance and jumped before he could even see any kind of movement from the other party's feet.

Yuan Luoyang realized that Li Bai had jumped to avoid his attack, as if he predicted his next move!

'Impossible... I don't believe it!' Yuan Luoyang indignantly carried out a few more attacks.

He threw a punch! Li Bai leaned his head to the side and swiped his knife, making a wound on Yuan Luoyang's fist.

He launched a dagger! Li Bai caught it and threw it back at him, hitting Yuan Luoyang on his side.

He twisted his body to do a kick! Li Bai ducked swiftly and punched Yuan Luoyang in his shin, the obvious weak point of any man.

Yuan Luoyang's eyes twitched in disbelief. 'How come this kid was able to match me even when I use my Godly Mark cultivation? Could it be that the kid is concealing his true cultivation?'

Meanwhile, Li Bai was also shocked. He did not expect that it would be so easy to fight a Godly Mark cultivator. 'It seems that I've underestimated my new body.'


Wu Tai was lying on the ground, coughing up blood every now and then.

He woke up all of a sudden when someone pulled the dagger out of his stomach. The gaping wound was leaking blood, making him feel light-headed.

Of course, as the general of the Zhao Empire, he had a few tricks up his sleeve.

He immediately retrieved a pouch from his storage ring.

The violet pouch was tied with a yellow string, which he untied. There were pills inside the pouch, each of different color.

Without hesitation, Wu Tai picked the blue pill up and put it inside his mouth!

The pill was almost of the highest level, although there were still traces of violet on its surface, making it imperfect.

That was natural, since there was less than 0.1% of getting a pure blue pill, especially on high level pills. Li Bai was an abnormality, after all.

Wu Tai swallowed the pill and started driving his cultivation. The wound on his stomach started emitting a blue light.

His mark was of an Ox's, signifying that he had high vitality and was not that easy to kill.

Soon enough, the wound could not be seen anymore, and Wu Tai had almost recovered. He had suffered a massive blood loss this time, so he needed to consume more liquids if he wanted to recover fully.

Shaking his head, he stood up. He looked around him and saw the many corpses that surrounded him.

His entire army was eliminated just like that. Wu Tai could not help but feel grievous. The companions that he brought this time were his closest subordinates, and they had also accepted Wu Tai as their family.

For all of them to die just like that... Wu Tai's eyes lit up with revenge in his mind.

Wait, I think I'm forgetting someone...

Zhao Mei!

Wu Tai immediately dashed towards where he saw Zhao Mei earlier. However, due to his previous injury, he could not see that well for the time being, and thus didn't know if he was heading in the right direction.


The man disguised as the scar faced assassin made his way towards where Li Bai and Yuan Luoyang were fighting.

Scanning the area, he saw a man in his twenties with eyes widened. He looked terrified of what he was seeing.

"Hmm... Yuan Ruogang, huh?" The man uttered as he opened a scroll and read it.

On the scroll were many names, and most of them were crossed out. The only ones left uncrossed were of the assassin brothers, Yuan Luoyang and Yuan Ruogang.

"This emperor and mistress are really too devious. They hire assassins to kill their child and their captain, then they hire me to kill the assassins? Hah...," the man sighed, when his mouth curved into a smile, "but I like it."

He licked his lips as he looked at the scene in front of him. "Then who is this kid?"

Suddenly, a shout echoed from behind.

"Hey, you!" Wu Tai screamed as loudly as he could.

The disguised man turned his head around and saw the man calling out to him. "Well, well, well. Look who's not dead!"

He walked slowly towards Wu Tai who was squinting his eyes to see clearer.

"The captain, Wu Tai." He uttered as he got closer and closer.

Wu Tai saw the man and said, "It's you! I will never forgive you for killing Guo Da!"

"Who, me? I never killed anyone named Guo Da." The man replied in a calm voice.

"You...! I don't care if you admit it or not." Wu Tai said before he drew his sword.


In a flash, the blade was already right beside the disguised man's neck.

His eyes looked at the blade, all the while raising his hand...!

To cover his mouth, yawning.

The sword touched the man's neck, with Wu Tai anticipatinf decapitating the man befofe him. He had killed Guo Da, and commanded other assassins to kill the rest of his army! The grudge in his heart could never be resolved until he had killed his opponent.

The sword made its way through the disguised man's neck, separating it from the rest of his body. The hand which was used to cover his mouth was also chopped off.

Wu Tai stood still.

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