5 First Impression

Soichiro disappeared without any more comments— Kyousuke and Ruri were in halt by what Soichiro had said. Both looked at each other and nodded and left the area. They ran towards the woods that were near the school. After reaching the woods, Kyousuke started to strip, 

"Are you… ready?" Kyousuke said while he was unbuttoning his shirt.

"...Yeah" Ruri said erotically while she, too, was stripping her clothes. Both were huffing and puffing their breaths suddenly… "Gungnir!" Ruri said out loudly and slowly transformed

"No time for sleeping!" Kyousuke said loudly while preparing himself for an attack. Kyousuke was in excitement and smiled widely. Kyousuke's heart was beating fast, adrenaline was flowing in his veins.

"You got that right!" Ruri also said loudly while preparing herself to attack. She also was excited and was smiling widely.

They each exchanged blows and magic. The ground was shaking from the fight, a few trees were cut down from the fight. Ruri's magic was increasing and gave an overwhelming aura and so did Kyousuke. They fought until dawn rose.

"Good… you're getting closer…" Kyousuke was exhausted and was sweating intensely. The same was happening to Ruri.

"Your… movements… are slow" She realized Kyousuke's speed and agility were different.

"Let's get bathing" Kyousuke ignored Ruri's statement and picked up his clothes. "There's a river near here. You should go first" Kyousuke saw a river while he was fighting and generously left Ruri alone. 

"Hmm…" Ruri was in thought while enjoying the cold water of the river. The river's water was sparkling and the water was blue like the ocean. After a few minutes, Ruri stepped out and dressed,

"Kyousuke, it's your turn" Ruri shouted.

"Ah, Right" Kyousuke thanked Ruri and she left. Kyousuke stripped all of his clothes and dropped it on the ground. "So… cold!" Kyousuke said after his body touched the river's water.

"...Rise!" Kyousuke heard Ruri's voice after wearing his clothes. He hurriedly dressed and came to look at Ruri.

"What are you doing?" Kyousuke questioned Ruri from what he heard. She wasn't in her 'God Form' so the spell wasn't strong.

"It's my newest spell; Tornado Rise" Ruri said with a proud demeanor in herself. "It's an AoE spell which summons multiple tornadoes and simultaneously wrecks the area in range. It uses too much mana in this form and I couldn't make many nor a big one also" Ruri explained the mechanics of her newfound spell.

"It's quite impressive" Kyousuke praised her and her new spell. They suddenly heard a bell rang from the school beside the woods.

"Looks like we need hurry" Kyousuke started running and Ruri followed him. They were confused where to go because of how big the school was. The welcoming ceremony was starting.

They were still lost and did not know where to go until they came across older students or college students. The college students were playing games, smoking and drinking alcohol; delinquents

"Excuse us but…" Ruri walked closer to ask them for direction. Kyousuke just stood behind Ruri.

"Hah?!!" One of the delinquents said in an angry tone. He looked furious and so did his "friends" 

"Can't you see we're busy…?" He stopped talking and he laid his eyes on Ruri with lust. Suddenly…

"I am sorry… here is the food…" a frail boy said but looked older than Kyousuke and Ruri. He was covered in bruises and bandages.

"What took you so long, errand boy?!" The one who spoke with Ruri angrily said to the frail boy. Kyousuke was starting to be more careful and observing.

"Whatever, we'll beat you up after we have some fun!" He said and all of them laughed. Then he looked at Ruri with lust once more and the others gave a smirk. Ruri was shivering and started to leave inch by inch the the delinquent was reaching his hands to Ruri to grab her—

"Did all of you gave those injuries to him?" Kyousuke grabbed the offender's arm and intervened. He pointed his finger at the frail college boy. Ruri walked back and just stood at her position.

"So what? You want to be like him too?" He gave Kyousuke a smirk. His "friends" laughed and they just stayed put and with no worries was bothering them.

"Well… if you could make me" Kyousuke didn't care about what he said. He stood firmly while holding the offender's arm tightly. "Ruri, go straight and the ceremony is there" Kyousuke gave the directions to Ruri.

"But…" Ruri was in denial and didn't want to leave Kyousuke.

"Get a school nurse and help him" Kyousuke added a comment to distract Ruri's feelings. Ruri nodded in agreement and ran.

"You punk!" The offender got angry for ignoring him and he attacked. His hand suddenly gave off a hit like an explosion. Kyousuke loosened his grip and retreated.

"Scared? You're now scared of my bomb magic?!" He boasted about his magic and all his friends were smiling while the frail boy was shivering and scared.

"Hmm…" Kyousuke didn't respond but rather observed him. He was doubting if the offender had a weapon or not in his uniform. He used his recent spell that spreads cold air.

"...what the…" the frail person whispered and suddenly he stopped shivering. He felt the air that Kyousuke spread.

"Just stop hurting him and I'll stop" Kyousuke said and with determination, "or rather stop hurting anyone" he added and his eyes gazed on the offender.

"Yeah, sure" He accepted Kyousuke's proposal, "Like hell I will!" Well… as if he'd accept. The offender charged himself to Kyousuke and prepared his arm. His friend laughed loudly and the frail person made a face of losing hope and faith. His bomb hand blew up; smoke covered them.

"Like~ I~ said~" Kyousuke said rather… happily. The smoke cleared up and the offenders "friends" stood up in shock and the frail person was also in a state of shock. "Don't hurt 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑜𝑛𝑒 and I'll stop" Kyousuke said while holding the unconscious offender up high.

""B-boss!!"" His underlings said and all of them grouped and charged. Kyousuke also charged and did a sweep kick that made them flying. The frail person was staring at Kyousuke with awe and all fear faded.

Kyousuke started piling them up and waited for Ruri. Kyousuke sat beside the frail person and made small talk.

"So? What's your name?" Kyousuke asked him. 

"Valor Osome" Valor answered with a more clear voice than before.

"Sounds like a hero name" Kyousuke laughed at Valor for his name while Valor was getting embarrassed.

"I'm Kyousuke Kanji" Kyousuke introduced himself to Valor. He was still looking at Valor's injuries and got worried. "When have you been bullied?" Kyousuke asked him again.

". . . ." Valor fell silent after hearing the word "bullied" and suddenly tears fell from his cheeks.

"It's fine if you won't say—" Valor interrupted Kyousuke.

"It's fine" Valor cleared his eyes and started.

"You see; I'm the weakest. I inherited my grandfather's magic or affinity which was the strongest in my clan. My clan isn't famous but they're powerful but when I tested it… nothing came. I was a disgrace to my clan but my parents and grandfather still supported me. Well— ever since I started learning here, I was always at the bottom level which is Flow. Somehow, they found out about me not controlling my magic, that was when I was starting to be bullied until now, college year" Valor finished talking while he was clenching his fists and trying hard to not cry.


". . . ." Kyousuke didn't say any words and only kept quiet.

"Kyousuke!" Yelled Ruri from a mile away with a nurse following her. "I called the— WHAT THE?" Ruri was in shock from seeing a bunch of knocked out delinquents. "Jeez, on the first day too…" The nurse picked them up with her psychic powers and carried them all with ease.

"Nurse, include him too," Kyousuke said, pointing at Valor. Valor nodded and followed the nurse. 

"So… where is our classroom?" Kyousuke asked Ruri for directions.

"Follow me" Ruri guided Kyousuke to their room even with the confusing paths. "So nostalgic" Ruri whispered and recalled her memories; guiding Kyousuke. "Okay, we're here but don't get surprised" They arrived but Ruri warned Kyousuke about something.

"What for?" Kyousuke asked Ruri because of his curiosity.

Ruri hesitated and opened the door. The room was quiet and peaceful and… mostly empty. There were only four chairs in the room and a desk for the teacher.

"There's only four of us, hehe" Ruri laughed ironically.

"What?" Kyousuke was in shock and in question. Was it really that hard to get into Gundra level class? Is what he thought.

"Oh, you're finally here" the voice of Soichiro echoed and Kyousuke slowly looked at his teacher.

"What?" His mind was starting to get confused and flustered while Ruri was mindlessly laughing.

"Now sit," Soichiro said and both followed his instructions. "Okay, introduce each other" and one student raised their hand and walked forward.

"You may start," Soichiro said to the red haired student.

"I'm Gunter Okami!" Gunter said loudly and continued "I am a swordsman and I'm an expert Blacksmith!" He suddenly inhaled and yelled 

"I will be the best swordsman and blacksmith in the world!!" He yelled with determination written on his face and sat down after. The girl with long black hair with a katana on her waist that was sitting beside Kyousuke walked to introduce herself.

"I'm Ginny Raijin" then she suddenly fell silent and sat.

"That's it?" Kyousuke exasperated Ginny by using her introduction as an excuse.

"So?" Ginny responded while the others, including Soichiro, were watching. 

"Could you… be more cheerful?" Kyousuke irritated Ginny more while his head was resting on his hand.

"Why won't YOU?!" Ginny said while her eye was twitching and her hand on her katana while maintaining her composure.

"Oh— want me to freeze you?" Kyousuke unexpectedly snapped and threatened her. Ruri was starting to fall asleep because of lack of sleep.

"Wanna go?" She slowly unsheathed her katana from her waist and was starting to get annoyed.

"That seems fun!" Kyousuke said with enthusiasm and smiled due to excitement. His eyes were locked onto Ginny.

"Umm…" Gunter said out of the blue and tried to disrupt them. But none of the two listened to him and Soichiro was starting to get entertained. 

"Interesting. But finish the introduction first" Soichiro said with a sarcastic smile but did have a point though.

"I am Kyousuke Kanji and this girl sleeping here is Ruri Garou, now let's go!" Kyousuke hurriedly finished the introductions including the sleeping Ruri.

"What's the hurry, honey?!" The annoyed Ginny said while pointing her katana at Kyousuke.

"Alright, now that's finished. Follow me" Soichiro started walking. Ginny sheathed her katana and followed Soichiro, Gunter also followed with disappointment on his face and Kyousuke followed while carrying Ruri.

While they were following Soichiro, Ginny and Kyousuke were still barking at each other and other students were getting disturbed. Ruri was sleeping at Kyousuke's shoulder and Gunter was quietly following Soichiro with a face of disappointment. Soichiro was secretly happy about where they were going. After a few minutes of walking, Soichiro went to a halt.

"We're here!" Soichiro said with a big smile and turned around to his students, "Welcome to the Training Arena!" Everyone got silent and Ruri suddenly woke up.

"Huh? What?" Ruri said out of confusion while still hanging around Kyousuke's shoulder. Kyousuke let go of her and fell down and immediately stood up.

"Here… all of you fight!" Soichiro said out loudly and the two spoke.

"Hell yeah!!" Kyousuke said out loudly while raising his fist up high and pointed his finger at Ginny, 

"C'mon, let's go!!" Kyousuke said happily

"You don't have to tell me that!" Ginny also said happily.

"Uh… what's going on?" Ruri asked without getting updated of the situation. Gunter responded to Ruri's question with, "It's a long story…" 

"Hold up" Soichiro blocked Kyousuke and Ginny's path in going in and both said: "What?" 

"You two will not fight… yet" Soichiro explained to Kyousuke and Ginny and, again, said: "Why?"

"First, I want you to know each other's strengths and weaknesses later on" He lectured Kyousuke and Ginny and continued; "the first to fight will be Kyousuke and Gunter and then Ruri and Ginny; fair right?" Soichiro said with and entered.

Kyousuke and Ginny got disappointed, "That's not something you two should be disappointed at!!" Gunter said angrily at them while Ruri was still confused. Ruri and Ginny sat down while Ginny was pouting; Soichiro sat beside them. Kyousuke and Gunter stepped on the platform and positioned themselves at their opposite side.

"1… 2… 3… Start!" Soichiro shouted and signaled.

After Soichiro signaled them, Gunter summoned two swords out of nowhere but suddenly Kyousuke was already in front of Gunter, "What?!" Gunter said and blocked himself with his two swords and Kyousuke punched Gunter and the wind's direction changed to where Kyousuke punched. Ruri with her usual face and still watched while Ginny was shocked at Kyousuke. Soichiro just smiled.

"Interesting" Kyousuke said and stepped back and the dust cleared up. "Fire armor?" Kyousuke asked directly at Gunter's direction. Gunter was surrounded by fire and both of his swords weren't melting.

"You sure got me there," Gunter said while clearing off the dirt and dust that had gotten to him, "You weren't decided at Gundra level out of a whim, buy" Gunter said while he was slowly trying to construct something from his back. "So am I!!" The thing he was constructing finished. It was… a shield? 

"What the?! Two elements?" Kyousuke was shocked but excited at the same time. Gunter threw the shield at Kyousuke and he blocked it with his two arms. Kyousuke got rid of the shield but suddenly Gunter was already charging at Kyousuke. Kyousuke casted an Ice wall and somehow avoided an attack. Kyousuke took a breather and became more alert of his surroundings. Considering Kyousuke's affinity is vulnerable to Gunter's fire affinity.

Gunter melted Kyousuke's ice wall and continued to attack. Both did not speak while they were dueling but Kyousuke felt excitement and so did Gunter. They have let their abilities to talk. Kyousuke shooted ice shards towards Gunter but he melted it instantly with his fire guard. Despite Kyousuke's excitement towards the battle; he also felt cornered at the same time. Kyousuke suddenly stopped running and Gunter also stopped out of nowhere.

"Time to get serious shall we?" Kyousuke said to Gunter.

"What!?" Gunter reacted due to their differences in power. The same as Kyousuke, despite his excitement, he was getting exhausted and his mana was depleting. To Gunter, Ruri, Ginny and Soichiro, Kyousuke's eyes suddenly turned blue like ice. His aura also changed and the floor trembled.

"What is this aura?!!"— "Is there a villain coming!?" Students of the school quivered in class by Kyousuke's aura. There was an ounce of fear in Gunter and Ginny for a second and Ruri didn't feel fear but a feeling that couldn't be described.

"Are you kidding me…" Gunter said and felt the ground tremble more and slowly another arena was emerging from the ground. "I QUIT!" Gunter loudly said and suddenly dropped to the ground with his hand on his heart. Kyousuke's eyes turned to normal and he didn't continue his spell. 

"That was close, a bit more and I could've made my new spell" Kyousuke said and he reached his arm to help Gunter. "Since you're a blacksmith, could you make me a good pair of daggers?" Kyousuke asked while helping Gunter stand. 

"Good? You are talking to the greatest blacksmith! I'll make you the greatest pair of dagger!" Gunter said with determination. 

"Okay, next!" Soichiro said without highlighting the best things that just happened. Ruri and Ginny looked at Soichiro with the expression that says 

"Dude, wtf?" And both came down and Kyousuke and Gunter walked up and sat together beside Soichiro.

"Start!" Soichiro suddenly said and Kyousuke and Gunter got startled. "Wait!!" Kyousuke yelled loudly while Ruri was almost attacked, "What is it?" Soichiro asked Kyousuke.

"Gunter, make a spear for me" Kyousuke requested to Gunter and happily agreed. In just a second, he made a long and sturdy spear. Kyousuke thanked Gunter and suddenly threw the spear. "Dude, what are you doing!?" Gunter said while also trying to catch the spear and the Ruri suddenly jumped and took the spear.

"Relax, she's an expert," Kyousuke said and laughed for a moment while Gunter almost lost his soul. Soichiro smiled, "Continue!" Soichiro said loudly. Soichiro noticed something from Kyousuke, 

"Why didn't you wear the gloves?!" Soichiro said angrily at Kyousuke because of his dagger tattoo.

"Ah, I forgot. I was training with Ruri and forgot" Kyousuke said like it didn't matter and Soichiro clicked his tongue out of anger.

After Ruri took the spear, their duel continued. Ginny instantly attacked and Ruri successfully blocked it. Ginny was fast as lightning, "Flash step" Ginny suddenly said and she became faster and unpredictable.

'She is not as fast as Kyousuke, not as strong as Kyousuke, I can do this!' Because of sparring with Kyousuke, her senses could sense Kyousuke, even if he was as fast as light, even for a moment. Hrr senses grew stronger because of Kyousuke, she got stronger because of Kyousek, everything improved in her because of Kyousuke!

"Tornado Rise!" Ruri casted her new spell from before but at the moment it was different. It wasn't small but it was huge! Ginny was suddenly sucked in the tornado, "Wha…!!" Yet even in her current situation, she didn't unsheathe her katana, not like the time in the classroom. But then she unsheathed it, "Interesting" Ginny said while being in circles and the cutted her arm with her katana and lots of blood came. Ruri got surprised but she didn't cancel her spell, "Blood Cypress" suddenly her spilling blood stopped. 

Her blood remained still and then slowly formed into a flower. Ginny's blood flower attacked Ruri but she dodged. The blood flower attacked again and one hit Ruri and made a light wound and a bit of blood came out. "Shi—" Ruri was disturbed by Ginny, "Blood thread" Ginny said out loudly and Ruri's blood suddenly disappeared. But Ruri's spell was cancelled and Ruri was acting differently. Ginny stood up and walked closely to Ruri and said, "You… lose" she held her katana and wanted to cut more wounds to make more of her "flowers" but Kyousuke instantly jumped and restrained Gimny from making more.

"Enough," Kyousuke said and Ginny undo her spell on Ruri and Ruri passed out. "Why do you two have two affinities?" No one answered Kyousuke's question and Gunter picked up Ruri.

"Okay! Next Kyousuke and Ginny!" Soichiro said with amusement on his face.

"Gunter, take care of Ruri, I'm about to beat her ass"

"She'll be fine," Gunter rest assured Kyousuke.

"I won't fight," Ginny said out of the blue and Kyousuke suddenly looked at her.

