
Chapter 07

Currently there were only three people in the room. Will, Chief and something else. Chief had called it a sow, but it wasn't a pig. Will realized it was female because of the breast and her genitalia was exposed. She had a greenish brown skin color, but was it a female Goblin? She was rather large, Will even estimated that she was bigger than a regular sized human, at least humans from his world since he had never seen a human here before. She was tied up to large boulders in the room, but even if she wasn't it didn't look like she had the strength to struggle. She had small cuts and bruises all over her body, her eyes were glazed over as if she didn't have any consciousness, but she would sometimes let out painful moans every now and then while she breathed.

Will suddenly felt an urge, an instinct. The first Goblin instinct he had besides eating, he wanted to jump whatever it was that was in front of her and mate. However the human part in his mind was aware of this so the most he did was get back on his feet. Chief gave Will a shove towards the female in front of him, but Will refused to budge. Chief then shrugged and called in a couple of other Goblins, they all surrounded the female and did what Will had refused to do. Will just turned around and walked slowly back to his own room. He noticed his siblings weren't there and assumed they were with the other Goblins.

It suddenly dawned on Will, was that thing his mother? She had obviously been there for a long time, had Will and his siblings all been born from her. This notion suddenly made Will want to throw up. He then remembered all the fantasy stories from his own world about Goblins, so far a lot of the facts about Goblins had lined up, some didn't but most did. [Does that mean there are no female Goblins? Do all Goblins mate with other species to procreate? So what was that thing in there? It was bigger than a Goblin, but had similar features…] Will tried to recall what he had seen. She was big, bigger than what he assumed humans were. She was greenish, thinking back she was also quite muscular. Tusks! He remembered she had tusks. One word popped up in his head, [Orcs!]

This world had Goblins, so why not Orcs? He tried to remember everything he could about Orcs from his previous world. There were some discrepancies between western fantasy and eastern fantasy when it came to Orcs. Eastern fantasy usually depicted Orcs as big pig like humanoids. However in western fantasy, especially Tolkien, Orcs were corrupted Elves. [Tusks are more of a pig feature, but other than that she was pretty humanoid. If it wasn't for her bulging muscles mixed with excessive fat in some areas, she could even be somewhat attractive.] Having this thought made Will shudder even more, having lived in a civilized world, the very idea of forcing himself on someone twisted his stomach. But he couldn't force the others to stop, he was only one Goblin.

When night arrived all his siblings returned to the room, they were all in a good mood as they went to bed. Will could feel the stench on them so he decided to leave before showing any outward signs of disgust towards his brothers. He headed for Chiefs room to try and make some sense of the situation. Chief frowned as soon as he saw Will, "Why not mate? Sow was ready." Will couldn't look Chief in the eye, but he didn't want to leave before getting some answers. "Was I born there?" Will asked, the lack of vocabulary made it hard to formulate a question that made sense, so he tried to get as close as possible. Chief only nodded, he signaled Will to sit on one of the furs opposite of him after realizing Will had some misgivings about the situation. "Will born from sow. Sow strong Orc, give eight Goblins. But even strong sow needs two moons rest."

After talking with Chief, Will left the cave and went outside, he finally understood the situation. Goblins procreated using other species females, but considering how strong Orcs were, he also assumed it had to be a humanoid species, or else the Goblins would have just mated with random animals in the wild. It was much easier getting their hands on animals than an adult Orc. This also probably meant there weren't any other types of humanoids in the area, if there were it would be easier getting their hands on them than Orcs. It suddenly dawned on Will the trouble they were in. In both eastern and western fantasy there was always one trait Orcs had in common, they were tribal. They had a sense of community, they had hierarchies. Which meant they were probably looking for the enemies that kidnapped the female Orc.

Afraid of retaliation, Will decided to immediately start making more weapons. He had tried making bows, however he had little knowledge and couldn't get the strings to work. He tried leather straps, he tried sinew from the animals, but nothing quite worked. He assumed there was some special method that he just lacked knowledge in, so he gave up on the bows and continued making daggers and spears.

Then a few days later, the thing Will was afraid of happened. An Orc scout had killed a few members of a hunting party.

Here's the second chapter of the day. Again, I'm aware the chapters are short, I could just make these into one long chapter, but I prefer it this way I guess.

Again, thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!

Snapplemonkeycreators' thoughts
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