
Chapter 5 – Relief in Completion

Seeing his two brothers call him over Poseidon could not refuse. Warily he stepped forward. Discussing the matter with the other two, he understood the dilemma that they faced.

After giving it a try himself and gaining the same result, he spoke up "Maybe it is a matter of a lack of magitoms. Let's try pulling in as much magitom as we can simultaneously. Pool it together and then form the body."

"that is plausible," Zeus said. Having no better ideas at the moment to refute him they got to it immediately.

Watching the three men huddled up and whispering to each other in secrecy, the two woman and four children, couldn't help but scratch their heads in puzzlement at their odd behaviour.

While they tried to figure out what was going on, the three men began exerting all their might into pulling in as much of the surrounding magitoms as they could. Within the black mist, a huge amount of magitoms was swirling. In the beginning, it was invisible as the wind but slowly it was gaining more substance. Within seconds the magitoms had become a swirling mist in itself.

"this is the most I can pull in for now! Shall we begin?" Hades said with gritted teeth.

"I have reached my limit too. Let's begin." Zeus complied and Poseidon nodded his head as well.

The mist condensed with the order of the three. First, the organs formed and then the bones, following which the muscles formed and finally, the skin and hair materialized to form a small infant body around the soul.

The three gods were confident in their capability and usually, they would have not given a second thought to their combined efforts ending in failure. However, souls were a mystery even to them. Poseidon suggesting a lack of magitoms was the most basic and simplest of problems that could be plaguing this soul from fusing with a body.

It would not be a stretch to say that the three of them placed at most a 10% chance of the body and soul fusing.

Watching the body intently the three of them scanned it with bated breaths.

5 seconds passed.

10 seconds passed.

"have we succeeded?" Poseidon asked.

Shaking his head in dismay Zeus replied " the organs have still not begun functioning. It is most likely a failure." Just as he finished, the body began slowly disintegrating. "this is good though!" He commented.

"What's good about this?!" Hades questioned, not understanding his brother's excitement in failure.

"The body was capable of staying intact longer with more magitoms. This means my earlier assumption, that the body required more magitoms to be compatible with the soul was true. But why does a normal mortal soul require such a high-level body? We have to be overlooking something. Is this soul really from a remote planet in the smaller realms?" The usually quiet Poseidon was shocked by the events that this soul had initiated. In his confusion, he began pondering on his thoughts aloud.

"it might be an innate disposition of the body. These things usually go unawakened in the lower realms. After all, they don't even have sufficient magicules. No point even mentioning magitoms, to make use of these unique constitutions." Hades conferred with a sneer.

"That is true. This does give us a headache, but now that we know the cause. The solution is also an easy one. A little expensive though it may be. We have come too far to disappoint the children. Plus I do not want to admit defeat to this mere mortal soul." Zeus couldn't help but let slip his real intentions. This soul had truly been a massive headache for them.

If they knew that it was the actions of these children that they were trying so hard to please, was the real culprit causing them this immense trouble. What would the expressions on their faces be?

The youngest Eros could no longer hold his anticipation in and asked timidly "Esteemed uncles are you done yet?"

Looking toward Eros the three scanned the expression of the other kids as well. They realized that it was only a matter of time before the older kids got impatient too. They could not afford to be asked why they took so long. The only answer to that was that they did not have the ability to pull in enough magitoms to satisfy a mere mortal soul.

"Let's all take out 1 drop of life origin water." Getting to the point straight away, Zeus proposed the idea that all three of them were thinking about.

Life origin water was condensed magitoms. It would form primarily in caves and other enclosed environments that were capable of attracting the nearby magitoms into them. The density of the surrounding magitoms usually determined if life origin water could form and the rate at which it would form. Olympus only had 2 such caves in the whole of their dominion and both of them would require a millennium just to accumulate a small puddle.

Reaching a consensus on the plan the three took out a drop of life origin water each and began experimenting. They first made a whole body with the drops. It remained stable for a minute but dispersed back into three droplets soon after. They then started lowering the scale to determine how much each drop would be able to create in the body. They tried making just the head, a limb, the skeletal structure and finally just a heart before succeeding.

"Three drops of life origin water for just a tiny heart." If it wasn't for the Fearsome aura that their powers exuded. All three brothers would not be able to hide the despair they felt at the moment. They internally felt as if someone had chopped away and stolen a liver from them.

It should be known that a single drop of life origin water, was capable of completely healing the wounds of a god at the verge of death, instantly. It was one of the most precious life-saving commodities that one could have and it was being used to make a body for a mortal. How could they not lament at their loss?

It was too late to complain and having comprehended how much water was required to complete their objective the three men took out a quarter of the droplets in their vials and got to work immediately. They were warrior gods! Even if they had to cut off their own limb they would do it, if the situation called for it. This was nothing compared to the weight of their words.

Soundlessly they put together the water and gave the order for the body to form. To avoid any other mishaps they started to pull together the surrounding magitoms as well. A crystal-like an infant body was formed around the orb like soul. The surrounding mist like magitoms that were pulled in started being sucked into the body unendingly. As the soul started to meld with the body, beginning to take shape. The magitoms in the surrounding were pulled to it like a magnet.

The three gods stepped back in shock at the sight. The body was like an insatiable black hole for magitom. Winds were pushed up in the hall and the torches began to flicker before going out all together.

Eventually, everything settled down. The torches were re-lit and before everyone laid a floating sleeping infant. Skin that resembled Eros's, pale but with a charm that was undeniable. Small and plump it wiggled a bit in its sleep.

"Ahh! It is soo cute!" Athena was the first to run up to it and take it in her arms. She coddled the little thing as if it was the most fragile thing she had ever held. Artemis followed and started playing with its little hand. Putting her finger on its small palm and giggling every time that it would squeeze.

Aphrodite and Tyche came over and seeing how cute the baby was, they joined in and started playing with it a bit too.

The boys wanted to join too, but how could they get past the excited women. They could only come over and hope that they could get a few glimpses of it.

"what shall we name this little one?" Aphrodite brought up the topic that all of them were thinking about.

"He is a boy so something heroic would be best!" Artemis chimed in.

"He already has a name. He is called Adam. Adam Emeraldes!" Athena had read his memories. She knew everything about his past, so how could she not know his name.

"Emeraldes… like emeralds. How about this, sister Tyche, let's give him eyes as if emeralds! It'll be our little gift to this cute little one." Aphrodite was enamoured by this child's likeness to her own son. She really wanted to give it something before it was sent to the mortal world. Thus, she came up with this idea.

Seeing the look in Aphrodite's eyes and then looking at the child in her arms. She could not bring up the notion of rejecting the idea. "Fine. Only this once. I shall bless him with eyes that are unerring. Should no false pretences ever beguile him." Waving her palm over the top of the child's eyes she began chanting. The language that she used only further intensified the feeling one felt when she usually spoke. Anyone listening to her chanting would feel a cool refreshing feeling flowing through them, as well as feel bogged down as if they were running in circles in muddy water at the same time.

Coming to a stop she placed her palm down on its face. Satisfied with her work she pulled the child in closer and started caressing its face.

"Sister Tyche actually likes the child. Hahaha" the sly voice of Aphrodite teased.

Afraid that the ladies would get attached to the child. Zeus harrumphed to quiet down the room and then spoke "Enough! You have even blessed the child. No more! Pass it over, I shall send him down."

"Hmm," Poseidon nodded.

"Just send it away already." Hades had taken on too many losses because of this child. All three of the brothers, though they did not show it, just wanted this episode to be done with.

Before the ladies could even speak up to protest. The child was already in Zeus's hands.

With a slight nod to the skies a wind kicked up and the baby slowly floated up from his hand. "Send it down." With a quiet little order to the winds, the child was swiftly carried out of the hall and sent to the lower realms.

Turning towards his two brothers he spoke shaking his head "Lets never talk about this matter again. Luckily we shall never have to see that mortal ever again." As he said that he felt an ominous premonition. 'what was that?' Hoping that it was a figment of his imagination, he walked back to the group.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed and will enjoy my writing.

Abeinicreators' thoughts
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