
Chapter 39 – Gentle breeze

Clang! Clang!

The sounds of metal colliding rung through the air in this enclosed cavern. The sounds would echo a few times due to the empty space.

Woosh! Thump!

Blunt and bassy sounds played along with the ringing of the metal. If the sounds were not inconsistent as they were, anyone who heard them would feel as if a band of bards were practising their instruments.

These sounds that came from within the cave room were the sounds of the bitter fight between 6 goblins and Adam's party.

Elaine blocked 2 big goblins and 1 average sized goblin alone. They could not get an inch past her. If they ever tried to overwhelm her in numbers her sword would go out and scare the goblins silly till they focused on her.

Right at the start of the fight Luna had already taken aim and annihilated 1 skinny zombie with her air blades that she was most proficient with.

Adam took this opportunity when the other two skinny goblins were disoriented to throw two daggers at them.

Woosh! Woosh!

Swift as the wind the two daggers flew through the air and embedded themselves in the skulls of the two goblins. They died with their eyes wide open in shock.

Now, the only goblins left were the three that were in a bitter struggle with Elaine.

Adam and Luna sat back and watched the show. They were joyfully conversing as if their job was done and they were now on break.

The goblins grew fiercer when they saw the other three die. The averagely sized goblin threw caution to the wind and pounced on Elaine.


Her sword flashed horizontally bisecting the goblin midair. Its colourful and putrid blood spilt all over her as the two parts flew over her and landed behind.

Her black training gear now looked like an artists canvas if one did not have a nose capable of smelling the stench.

Elaine had a disgusted look on her face as the stench assaulted her nostrils. She was a feline clan member and her nose was a lot stronger than humans.

Whap! Whap!

Two stick wielded by the bigger goblins caught her off-guard when she was distracted. One hit her torso while the other hit her left shoulder.

She was pushed back a few feet from the force. Though it did not injure her the pain still stung.

A wind blew by her as she was struggling to figure out a way to fight the two goblins. A grey figure flashed by the two goblins and halted when it was behind them.

"You have focused too much on defence. You have to learn to use that barbarian strength of yours as well." Of course, the figure was Adam.

The two big goblins clutched their throats as a spray of blood gushed out of them. Spraying all over Elaine again.

"Ewwww, You did that on purpose didn't you and who are you calling a barbarian! Come here I'll rub this all on you." She began chasing after Adam as he ran around the room in circles avoiding her.

"Blegh! Sister stay away from me! You stink!" When Elaine closed in on her, Luna caught a whiff of the smell as well.

"You! Where has your love for me gone? Always taking the young masters side." Elaine stopped and questioned.

"well… young master does not stink like rotten vegetables so." Luna said playfully.

"Why you! Come here, let this sister of yours give you a hug." This time the scene of Elaine chasing Luna around the cave took place. Laughter rang through the corridors in this gloomy cavern.

Adam took this opportunity to collect the corpses.

After letting the girls run around a bit he called them: "Come on you two. We have only just begun…"


3 years went by in the blink of an eye.

Adam was seated in the staff dining hall at the lodge.

The sun outside loomed overhead signifying that the morning had gone by and afternoon had set in.

Sitting there in his regular spot he sipped on some tea that had been prepared for him.

He had changed.

The growth in his physical body in these years was so eye-catching that it could be called nothing less of a transformation.

His childish look had all but vanished.

He now stood at 5 feet 2 inches tall. His body had grown lean and the muscles protruded at just the right places. Enough to give his body a defined look. He looked just like a leaner version of the monk in the painting.

His face had grown mature. Adding to the charm that he already exuded.

His jawline had become a marvel to behold. He could put the most handsome actors from his previous world to shame.

Coupled with his pale and smooth crystalline like skin he truly looked like a pretty boy if someone only looked at his face.

The biggest change that had occurred to him in these years was not a physical one though.

In these years Adam had started integrating his old personality into his new refined and elegant one. When he had first arrived in this world he had drawn a clear line that this was a new life. That had lead to him isolating his previous quirks.

As the years went by he realized that bottling up his quirks was just a temporary solution. Why should he be afraid of being a little rowdy once in a while? It wasn't like his old personality was bad.

The old him was just not as polite as he was now. The old him was very blunt when he spoke.

In these 3 years, Adam had brought forth these qualities and melded them together. He had truly become the person he was. The new the old, they were all him.

He would be polite to the ones he cared about and blunt to those who he did not like. This was how he had become.

Lost in thought the 8-year-old boy did not realise the door open behind him and the two girls who had stepped in.

The girls were around the same age as the boy who sat in the room.

The first girl that stepped in was dressed in a red cheongsam with a phoenix dancing in immortal flames of varying colours printed on it. Her long and silky hair was bright orange with black stripes in it.

This was Elaine. She had grown her hair longer and it now reached her lower back.

The girl behind her was Luna. She was dressed in a silver cheongsam that matched her hair. The design of a white Bi-an dancing with falling snow was imprinted on her dress.

Her short hair was no more. Replacing them were majestic and long silky hair that went down to her lower back. The two looked so similar that is was uncanny. The only difference other than the physical colours of their eyes and hair was their aura.

Elaine gave out a valiant aura while Luna gave out a cool but warm soothing aura.

They had their tails wrapped around their willowy waists like belts. The colours and stripes blended in with their outfits and only added to the overall appeal and allure.

The two girls stood in the doorway. Faint steam was still hovering around their bodies. Their exposed skin had a pink sheen to it. It was obvious that the two had just stepped out of a hot bathtub.

The girls had only grown prettier and their faces were slowly losing the innocence of a young girl and gaining a woman's charm. Even their figures had started to develop.

Just like Adam, the girl's had grown in height. They now stood at around 5 feet tall. For their age, the three had grown considerably but this was only slightly above average for kids that grew up in this world filled with magicules and trained as adventurers.

It was only normal to see this kind of growth after they had received their class's body skill's so early on. This was another reason why parents would get their kids initiated a little early on even if they did not send them out to train till later on.

Who did not wish to see their kids grow up strong and healthy?

The twins walked into the room and came beside Adam who was lost in thought.

Looking at his furrowed brows they figured out that he was lost in his own world and they also knew what he was worried about.

Today the three of them had hit the highest level possible with the help of the dungeon.

The three were now level 15 adventurers.

The highest level monsters in the dungeon were the purple copper armadillo's that had a level of 10. They were found on the 3rd and last floor of the infant dungeon.

After the group hit level 15 today they gained no experience from slaying the monsters any longer.

They had now outgrown the dungeon and needed to find higher level monsters. This meant that they would either have to explore the wild or travel to a different dungeon.

This was the current problem that Adam could not find a good solution toward, to help solve it. The biggest problem was that Yuki thought they were too young to begin adventuring.

The worst part was that Adam agreed with her. He was only 8 years old. He had not even hit the double digits yet. What sane person would send out someone so young to live independently? To even think that his mother would allow it was a fool's wish.

Adam knew that he could handle himself but how could he convince the others?

While he though through these thought's, Luna sat down beside him on her knees. She then pulled his head gently into her lap.

Adam was startled but he went back to his thoughts immediately the second he realised the two girls were the ones around him.

He was now lying on his back next to the table with his head on Luna's lap.

Elaine put her head on his stomach and used his hand to cover her face to avoid the sun that trickled in from outside through the open sliding doors. She fell asleep as soon as she did.

Luna sat with a straight back and closed eyes, only moving her hands. Her thin fingers swirled on his forehead and then ran through his smooth short and raven black hair. Her hands repeating the actions randomly but in a fluid motion that led to Adam's furrowed brows relaxing.

His head was trimmed on all sides except the top. It really added a bit of manliness to his handsome exterior.

This peaceful scene would warm the hearts of even the coldest of iron warriors.

The three had returned early due to hitting the level cap and were now waiting for Yuki to arrive at lunchtime to further discuss their future endeavours.

The birds chirped their melody outside and the flowing of water sounded from the kitchen. These warm sounds washed through the room and cleansed the rush of time away.

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