
Chapter 35 – A tailor

The next day the lodge was as packed as the day before.

It seemed a new hype had been created and it did not seem to be calming down anytime soon.

With that Yuki was too busy to attend to anything else and was seen running through the halls of the lodge occasionally.

Fen had gone off to the guild once more to figure out which profession class she wanted to decide on and would not be back till late in the evening.

This left the three completely free and devoid of any distractions to begin their training.

Adam had unusually woken up early today due to his excitement. Fen and the girls had only needed to spend 10 minutes before he had groggily stepped out of bed.

Right now the three, Adam, Luna and Elaine, were standing in the backyard. A few new sets of training equipment had shown up from the armoury store late in the evening yesterday and was now placed in the yard ahead of them.

Without a word, the three began on their own predetermined training plans for the day.

Around noon the two sisters came toward each other. This was going to be their first spar.

Adam who saw this from the side also took a break to watch the proceedings.

They stood around 8 metres away from each other. This was a rule set by Yuki the night before. It wouldn't be much of a spar if the fight began in close combat with Elaine having an absolute advantage.

With the distance, Elaine's durability could be put to the test as well.

The two sisters had livened up Adams training routine a lot. They would chat and fight while they trained. Even now the two were teasing each other before the fight.

Previously he was able to completely concentrate on his training but now he had to divert a bit of attention to be able to maintain a conversation while he trained. He had grown too accustomed to the quiet environment around the lodge. The dungeon would not be the same.

Monsters loved to roar or screech while they fought. Unintentionally the girls had increased the difficulty of the training and had created an increased level of tempering for themselves and Adam.

"Hmph. Let's see how good you are. Wait till I come close to you… I've won this for sure." Elaine said to Luna.

"You have to get close first. Youll just end up getting tired from my hits and give up." Both girls were still panting from their training. For some reason, they were still able to maintain enough breath to fight.

Adam continued to watch on in admiration as they fought. He was not in admiration of their ability to fight but their endurance.

'It seems the rumours of the tiger tribesmen being natural born warriors was not an exaggeration.' This was something he had read about and heard from Ungad as well.

After a few more back and forth quip's the girls seemed to calm down and the atmosphere got tense.

Without warning a gale arose around Elaine. The strong wind buffeted her body. Pushing her back and forth. The wind hit her from different direction's randomly and she had lost her footing.

This was the Air element territory spell. The chant for a territory spell was so quick that even Adam had not noticed when she chanted it.

Not providing any chances for Elaine, Luna started chanting her emission spell.

Light grey winds condensed around her to form the shape of the blade of a sickle. three wind shaped blades had been formed.

Luna continued chanting. She took a few more breath's of time to remove the sharpness from the blades. Slowly the blades were becoming blunt.

While she was experimenting. Elaine took the chance where her sister was distracted to curl up and build momentum. With a single leap, she stretched out and used the full force of her body's momentum to break out of the space of the territory.

Shocked Luna lost focus on creating her blades and looked over.

Elaine was bounding in her direction with her sword in one hand while her buckler in the other. The buckler had been raised up to her chest and covered her face up to her nose. Her eyes were visible over the top of the shield.


A downward slash came upon Luna. She hurriedly raised her metal staff to block.


The two metals collided but the match had been set. Luna was unable to keep her footing from the force and her chant had been disrupted. The three blades had dissipated while she fell on her butt. Elaine's sword was pointed at her face.

A bright smirk on Elaine's face, proof of her victory in the first battle. Stepping back she sheathed her sword and placed her buckler on the holder on her back. Turning around she called:

"Young master I won! Umm…do I …do I get a pat now?" she asked with a blush. The fight had ended quickly and she was barely out of breath. Only a bit of perspiration could be seen on her forehead.

"Yes… fine." He walked up and ruffled her hair gently.

This was their first combat experience. It wasn't fancy or flashy. Whoever lost concentration or was distracted first would be the loser. This time it was Luna. There was not much skill or anything involved yet. They had only just begun training after all.

Luna was still sitting on the ground. She had pulled her knees in and buried her face in them while her hands hugged her knees as well.

Adam walked up to her and patted her head.

"Not fair. I won!" Elaine seemed dissatisfied.

"I said I would pat whoever worked hard. Not who won." He said with a smile.

Luna peeked her head out and smiled. A tear was still rolling down her cheek.

"Don't take it too hard. You both need to learn from each other. You are sisters and we are a team. This is training. Will I or you cry after our spar in the evening as well?" He tried to console her.

"No, I understand. I'm sorry." Luna said.

"I'm sorry too. I might have gotten carried away." Elaine apologised.

"No need to be sorry. Let's get back to training." He gave Luna a hand and helped her stand up.

Training resumed.

In the evening Yuki and Fen were back and were now standing on the porch. They were watching the two sisters face off against Adam.

Within 3 moves Adam had closed in on Luna and struck her down. On his 7th move, Elaine had finally admitted defeat.

There was no surprise in the outcome. The girls were like Adam when he first entered the dungeon. Unable to even handle the weights of their weapons. It was only natural that he held an advantage since he had already gotten used to his weapons. Not to mention his dual class body.

Like this, training was concluded for the day.


3 days went by.

Today Fen had come back in the afternoon and the three trainees took a break in the backyard as she gave out her announcement.

"I have decided to pick the tailor profession class."

"Why did you pick that one in particular big sis?" Adam asked with curiosity. There were a lot of different professions that she could have chosen from.

"Young master is always complaining about how you find the clothes mistress had bought for you to be too loose. So I thought I could design and make you some clothes that you like." She blushed a bit toward the end of her explanation. She knew it was a slightly silly reason but it was the best reason in her opinion.

"Ah…umm thank you, big sis." She had taken such a big decision with his interest in mind. There was no way he would question her more or criticise her.

"So what kind of clothes does young master like? Tell big sis and ill make it for you." She patted her chest in confidence.

"Hmm… yes, I already have a few ideas." Adam had already been missing his clothes from his previous world a lot. He just did not know how he could have them made here. None of the tailors would understand anything of what he said. This was especially so since the materials in this world mostly came from monsters.

With his big sis Fen, he was not worried to bounce around ideas. He knew that she would never judge him.

And so… Adam took the day off from training and spent the whole day with Fen in his room.

The engineer in him had reawakened. Though at his job he did not deal too much with sketching. These were skills that were honed through years of study when he did his undergraduate and master's degree.

Sheets upon sheets littered the room. Most were crumpled up and thrown around while a stack had built up on the table they were working on.

Adam had gotten so into it that he had ended up creating his own standard measuring sizes and a range of copied clothing lines.

If one went through the stacks of paper they would see detailed drawings with different measurements of material on them. If a modern person were to browse through these sheets they would be able to tell each garment of clothing that was drawn on them.

He had replicated all the most basic clothing pieces that one could see at any random department store back in his world.

However, there were three sheets that stood out among them. They were so detailed that anyone who looked at them for too long would get dizzy from reading the amount of information that was on them.

The first sheet had the title of 'T-shirt'. Yes, it was a basic plain T-shirt.

The second sheet had the title of 'Hoodie (Lightweight)'. A long sleeved open front hoodie was depicted on the sheet from various angles. Zippers were technology that hadn't been invented in this world. Adam did not know how to process them either so he left the design without it.

The third and last sheet had the title of 'Joggers'. A pair of pants that were slightly baggy around the ankles were drawn with great precision on the sheet.

This was Adam's trifecta of comfort fashion. Clothes that when worn would sooth his very soul.

When he handed over the finalized sheets to Fen, he had bequeathed unto her the huge responsibility of figuring out which materials would make these clothes.

This was how the epic tale of how Fen travelled the world searching for materials began. Eventually reaching the ultimate peak unintentionally and ruling over the world.


But this was the start of Fen's gruelling experiments where she would spend nights and days to perfect her craft and find the suitable texture's of materials that her young master had so detailedly explained to her.

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