
Chapter 14 – Fusion

'Option 3 – Fuse elements'

Reading it again Adam was overjoyed.

It had to be understood that the best outcome he was hoping for was simultaneously having both elements in his body.

However, this was just like housing both elements in his body. He gained the negative's of both element's but could only use each element at a time selectively.

This meant that he would have to personally will either one of the elements and only one would be able to function at a time.

For example, if he came across an air element monster he would will his air attribute into his attacks and body. His body however still had the earth element and would be slightly affected by the monster's attacks even with the air attribute negating a bit of the power.

Whereas fusion of the elements meant that both elements would coexist simultaneously in his body without any conflict. In fact, the two elements would nourish each other and would definitely be a lot stronger.

Each of his attacks would carry both the air and earth attribute. Of course, it would truly show its formidability in more advanced level's.

For now, the most important gain through fusion was the complete negation of his air element weakness. if his earth element was fused with the air element without conflict it had already fundamentally evolved.

How could the external air element's affect it at this point?

This was the same for his air element.it had gained the earth element's moderate nature with metal.

In essence, Air attacks would be weak against him. Also, he would gain an advantage over the water element and earth element while not facing any disadvantages from the other elements.

"Are there any flaws to my thoughts and why am I able to fuse these elements?" Adam wanted to make sure that he wasn't thinking in the wrong direction so he posed this question to his sentient mind.

'Primary user's line of thought is correct.

The Fusion of elements is facilitated by the body's capability to house said fusion.'

"Good I'm not wrong." He was already very sure but it was still a relief when he read it.

"Bodies capability? Is my body special and how?" Adam wasn't sure if his body constitution was special and if it was, what was special about it.

'Insufficient information.

Database lack's resources.'

'hmm, so it's not that it can't answer. It is more like I haven't learned enough for it to formulate an answer.' He thought to himself.

"Okay, I have already spent so much time in here. Big sis Fen must be worried about me. I should hurry up and leave. Choose option 3, fuse elements."

'Option 3 has been chosen.

Please confirm your choice.'


'Fusion commencing.'

By now the manifestation of the elements on his palm's had long faded.

This time a surge of elemental energy was churning inside him. It was like his blood had thickened and was flowing slower throughout his body.

The elemental energy within him was flowing through his body in cycles.

It was a slightly discomforting feeling but Adam was able to get used to it very quickly.

'Fusion completion in 47 hours and 59 minutes.'

"So it will take 2 whole days…" A fusion of the elements was not a joke. It could be seen from just the advantages it provided what a major evolution it was for the elemental energies in his body.

Adam was slowly reddening on his cheeks. A heat was starting to emerge throughout his body. It was like he had caught a fever and his body was burning up.

"It seems this process is burning through a ton of my energy." Realizing what was happening. He decided that he should hurry up and go home or he would risk collapsing.

"Luckily I ate a lot this morning." It hadn't gotten too bad yet. The process was gradually sapping his energy. He concluded that at the rate it was currently at he could still go on for another few hours.

He was linked to his sentient mind at all time's and knew that it had still not finished yet. So he willed it to proceed.

'Two 'Class Cards' have been formed.

Class card 1 – Monk

Class Card 2 – Ranger'

Within his soul world, two ginormous skill cards manifested themselves. Adam could peer into his soul world at all times. Only when he wanted to explore it did he have to meditate.

Looking at those 2 cards he was totally astonished.

The cards were completely made out of wood like material that radiated a slight glow. As the cards were forming a thick mist like clouds also started shrouding the cards.

Before the mist could shroud the cards he was able to get a glimpse of the top bit that was barely visible for an instance. He saw square boxes with a question mark on them and it seemed as though the main skill branched out into those boxes.

This looked very similar to skill tree's in games he had played so he guessed he would have to make choices in skills in the future as well.

The most important part, for now, was still the top bit of the skill cards that were showing!

For the Monk card… at the top in calligraphy, the word monk had been engraved into it. The writing could only be described with one word – Perfection!

Below it there was a square in the middle of the card. The sides of the square had golden design's that looked like vines growing around it. It looked like the display of a painting.

Within the square, there was a tall man surrounded by a forest. The man was as tall as some of the trees in the backdrop. He was dressed in orange Daoist robes. He had pulled down his robes to reveal his upper body.

His face was hazy and you couldn't get a clear picture of it from any angle. His neck was as thick as a person's thigh. The muscles on his shoulders were developed to the point that they looked like right triangles.

Every muscle on his chest and arms were outlined. His arms were buff and the veins on them protruding like lightning running down his arms. His almost barrel-like chest slowly contracted as it went down to his waist full of abs.

His body was almost as if chiselled from stone by a master crafter. Truly magnificent.

This was still not the most eye-catching thing about the picture.

The man within was moving. Sometimes he would sit in the lotus position another time he would be standing and performing a punching routine. His actions were varied and they didn't follow an order or repeat.

It was like the man within the square painting was truly living beyond it.

Underneath the painting, a few lines of text were displayed. The words were popping out like a hologram on the card.

'Body of a monk : (Passive Skill)

Level - 0

Exp to next level – 0/1000'

This was the skill that granted him the abilities of a monk and set him on the path of levelling as a monk adventurer.

A line extending from this square into the mist covered area of the card below could be seen.

The other card was also very similar and made of the same material.

The only difference being the square and the lines of text.

At the top, in crude letter's that seemed to be carved out by a knife or dagger of some sort was the word 'Ranger'.

The rim of the square below it had a design of multiple different short weapons, bows and arrows of different kinds. It exuded a completely different presence from the monk card.

The monk card was soothing while this card had a sharpness to it.

Within the picture of this card was an alluring woman dressed completely in black skin tight clothes.

She wore a full sleeved top and full-length tights. Even her hands were covered by white gloves.

There were belts with holsters attached to them for different weapons all over her. From her ankles, thighs, waist, wrists, forearms, back and even her moderately bulging chest.

She exposed no skin below her neck.

Just like the man in the monk painting her face was hazy.

Her crimson hair was tied into a single ponytail that pointed to the back.

She was in a completely brick-walled room that looked like it was in the basement of some old castle.

The room was filled with wooden shelves, stands and tables that were all completely filled with cold and glimmering weapon's.

Chain's hung from the ceiling upon which hung more weapons.

Her wide hips swayed as she walked around the room in heeled black boots inspecting the different weapons. She would occasionally bend her thin waist forward and with her long slender hands pick up a weapon or two from a table or shelf. She would then execute an exquisite movement with it.

Watching her was mesmerizing, to say the least.

Below the square were a few lines of text.

'Body of a ranger : (Passive Skill)

Level – 0

Exp to next level – 0/1000'

Adam was lost in his admiration of both cards especially the two live paintings when he was jolted awake by a message from his sentient mind.

'Efficiency increase through card merging detected.

Merging cards.'

"What?!" He was even capable of merging these two class cards. If he wasn't shocked by the fusion of elements before then now he was completely rattled.

This was truly unprecedented. Was his sentient mind going to create a completely new class?

This was way too exaggerated, even by his standards.

His thoughts were about to run wild when the completion message showed up and he rushed to read it.

"Ah, thank god. I would have truly lost it if it got any crazier!" he breathed out a sigh of relief.

Adam hadn't realized it but since coming to this world he had grown increasingly more expressive.

He was very isolated in his previous life and after the tempering of his soul, he had become almost as plain as a sheet of paper.

The interaction's he had with the eccentric Yuki and the caring Fen had started shaping him unconsciously.

His ability to maintain a cool head in a heated situation, however, was embedded in his soul.

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