
Chapter 13 – Making a choice

Outside the celestial enlightenment room.

Two people were standing and chatting animatedly with each other.

One was a young girl barely 15-16 while the other was an aged but energetic lady probably in her late 40's.

"Mrs Bren, will the young master truly be fine?" This young girl was obviously Fen who had just seen her young master walk into the room alone.

"Oh my! I thought only Yuki was a worrywart. It seems everyone around this boy overly cares for him. Worry not. How could he be in any danger in the Guild's premises? He should be out within minutes." Mrs Bren was truly astounded at how this little boy had soo many overly caring people around him.

"If Mrs Bren says so. That would be good." An anxious expression still lingered on her face despite her words.

Mrs Bren could only shake her head and stand quietly. There was no cure for this type of anxiety.


15 minutes later.

"Why is this taking soo long? Didn't you say that this would only take a few minutes Mrs Bren?" Her anxiety had reached its peak. If Adam did not step out soon she might really break down.

"This is strange. He truly shouldn't be taking this long unless…" Her words trailed off into a thought that she wasn't sure she should voice out.

"Unless?! We must go in! Mrs Bren, please open the door!"

"That is impossible. The door can only be opened from the inside once the initiation commences. Calm down… it is not a bad thing that he is taking so long."

"It's not bad?" Fen's Frantic outburst instantly deflated upon hearing these words.

"Yes, this can only mean that he was given multiple choices of classes and is deliberating which one to choose. Very few people are compatible with multiple classes after all." Obvious praise could be heard in her voice.

"Good! Good. This means young master is a genius with great potential even as an adventurer." A Brilliant and sugary smile bloomed on her face. Satisfaction was apparent on her face. Her young master's accomplishments were her pride and joy.

Seeing this even Mrs Bren let out a smile. 'What a sweet and cute girl.'


While all this went on outside. Inside the room, Adam was in deep contemplation.

He had thought of various scenarios where he would be given no choice of a class, a selection of classes he did not want to undertake or even be given the choice of all classes.

What he hadn't expected was that he would not only be given the choices of all classes, but he was also given two choices to choose.

This was unprecedented from all the information he had gathered and so he was caught surprised and completely unprepared.

Luckily he was already set on his first choice.

The Monk Class was his first choice and he was firm on this.

This made things easier for him. He had to choose a class that would compliment this class the best.

The Tank class was definitely not one of the choices. This class relied on armour to enhance defence which in turn made this a limited mobility class. This completely contrasted with the Monk's class that relied on little to no armour and evasive ability.

The next class would be the Shaman Class. The Shaman Class was a tedious class that relied heavily on concocting potions or taming beasts. This was a support class that heavily relied on external factors that had to be prepared beforehand. The Shaman class's skills were mostly passive skills that enhanced learning capabilities and natural affinity.

This seemed completely redundant as it provided little to no benefit to him as he already had the matchless comprehension skill. This class also did not fill in the gaps to decrease the drawbacks of the Monk class so he put it aside.

The Final two classes were the ones that really put him in a dilemma.

The Ranger and mage class both solved the major problem of the Monk class being at a disadvantage at a range.

The mage class has a long-range high potential attack capability. Spells were the main form of attack. Its drawbacks were Low mobility and defence. The monk class complimented this class very well in filling these gaps.

The Ranger class has a mid-range to long-range attack capability. This class was known as a jack of all trades class as they could even fight in close range if forced to. Ranger's relied on weapons to attack.

Dagger's, throwing knives, bows and arrows, etc.

Usually, rangers would pick a specific weapon and then train in that specifically. It was useless to train in multiple weapons as carrying around too many weapons would be a burden. This was a high agility class that would only adorn light armour at best.

It could be seen why it was such a tough choice for Adam to decide between these two classes.

He spent a while pondering over this before coming to a conclusion.

Though the mage class perfectly complimented the Monk class he still decided it would be better to go with the ranger class.

The deciding factor was the issue of stamina. Mage attacks consumed a high amount of magic power for its spells. Magic power was the level of magicules that a body held within it. If completely consumed it would put a strain on the body. This could be fatal in a dangerous situation.

Also, If he chose the right weapon, mastered and used it ingeniously enough he would truly be a phantom on the field.

He could flit about the battlefield from close to mid to long range and be able to attack consistently.

He had the confidence to pull this off.

Increasing his bodies stamina through training was a simple matter of constant practice whereas magic power could only be increased with the accumulation of experience and levelling up. It could be a long and slow process.

After all, gaining experience points was basically the increase in magicules that could be retained within the body. The higher one's level increased the more magicules they had at their disposal.

Every skill used Magicules to an extent. Mage spells were only a lot more demanding as they required pure magicule consumption.

Having made his choice he focused his attention back to his soul.

The timer had counted down to 13 minutes and 24 seconds left.

Seeing this he realized how much time he had spent. "I need to be wary of keeping track of the time in the future."

He willed his sentient mind to make his choices. Instantly a response popped up.

'Choice 1 – Monk. Choice 2 – Ranger.

Please confirm your choices.'


'Choices have been confirmed.

Finalization process has been initiated.


More than one elemental affinity detected.


5 elements detected.

Each class activates 1 element. Please choose an element to activate.

Element choices – Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Metal.

Enlightenment will terminate in 12 minutes and 41 seconds.'

Adam wasn't too surprised by the fact that he had to choose an element. Through his research, he already knew about the elements and that an element would activate along with a class granting the skill's an attribute.

What he was surprised about was that he had an affinity with five elemental essences. He had two classes and would, therefore, attain two elements.

The elements were Fire -> Metal -> Air -> Earth -> Water. Fire element was good against metal, metal against air, air against earth, earth against water and water against fire. This was the cycle of the elements.

There were also the elements of light and dark that were mutually harmful against each other but were moderate towards all the other elements. These were regarded as special constitutions though as a body that had these attributes could not align with any other's.

Fiends were born of the dark element as such it was seen as ominous. Whereas the light element was seen as holy because it played a great role in the war 500 years ago.

Coming back to his choices Adam did not ponder too long.

Each element represented certain attributes and it would imbibe them in the person's body and sometimes even character.

Fire represented a raging inferno.

Water represented freeflow and its ability to change states.

Metal represented sharpness and hardness.

Air represented swiftness and storm.

Earth represented tenacity and life.

Adam chose the earth and air element. He needed a robust body as both the classes did not rely on armour and he also needed to maintain his agility whether in attacks or movement.

The choices for him became very apparent when looked at closely. Also, the earth and air element were opposing elements. As such, he was able to negate one elemental disadvantage. He would not need to fear the air element completely opposing his earth element in the future. Though it would still slightly affect him.

Feeling his decision being made the sentient mind booted up.

'Elemental choice 1 – Earth. Elemental Choice 2 – Air.

Please confirm your choices.'

"Confirmed." He had an honest feeling of déjà vu.

'Choices have been confirmed.

Finalization process recommencing.'

Adam felt a swirl in his stomach.

It felt like a black hole had emerged there and he was sucked into it.

After complete darkness for what felt like a few moments, he regained control of his body.

Opening his eyes, he realized he was back in the room.

His Palm still on the stone hovering on the pedestal. It had gone back to its heartbeat-like soothing glowing.

Suddenly a surge of energy flowed from the bottom of his feet to his head. It was a refreshing feeling like a cool breeze passing over his body.

Retracting his hand he lifted his other one and brought them up in front of his face.

His left hand was glowing brown with hints of green while a whirlwind was raging on his right palm.

"amazing! It's actually magic." You can read about something a million times but only when you actually see it and experience it for yourself, do you truly understand its magnificence. This was what he was feeling right now. His mind was blown.

This was the activation of the elements in his body. As a low-level adventurer, it is impossible to manifest the elements without spells.

As he was enjoying the spectacle before him another notification from the sentient mind popped up.


2 activated elements detected in the body.

Analyzing courses of action.'

"Why should we take action against it? It's a good thing." Adam was confused about it.

He thought about it a bit. 'There are very few actions that can be taken. What if these two opposing elements cant be housed in the same body? Will it deactivate one element? That will waste my choice and leave me with only a single element.'

He panicked slightly. It would truly be a disaster if that outcome were to take place.

'Luckily', before he could panic any more his sentient mind relayed another message.

'3 options for future action have been confirmed applicable.

Option 1 – Deactivate 1 element.'

His heart sank reading it. But he kept reading on.

'Option 2 – Deactivate 2 elements'

'That's literally both of them! I will literally be worse off than any other adventurer!' He felt like he was only further sinking down a sinkhole with these options.

'Option 3 – Fuse elements

Would you like to proceed with a choice of an option or terminate this course of action?'

Adam almost fell over. Was his sentient mind learning and growing up to be a sadist?

Next chapter