
Chapter 12 – Choosing a class

Walking along the street the two crossed countless stores.

Armoury store, weapon store, tailor workshop, tannery workshop, grocery stores…

All these shops and stores catered to every need of adventurers and common folk alike.

"Big Sis… I keep seeing 'Beginner' before the level of all the professions on the Plaques. Is there a different system to classifying professions?" Looking at the shops around and the plaques placed in all of them. Adam decided to voice out his question on his earlier confusion.

"Yes, it is completely different. Each profession is classified into beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and master titles. Each title has 10 level's to it. It is said that levelling in a profession is incomparable to adventurers as it only relies on the skills of individuals. Skill can only be improved through practice and then there is the issue of a person's capability."

"I understand. So if a person truly lacks an affinity with a profession, no matter how much they practice the craft they would have no chance of making headway." It seemed that a person's passion determined their way in life even in this world.

"young master, look ahead" Fen Pointed to a three storey building made completely of black coloured wood. The building had a simple construction. It looked like a rectangle with two more smaller rectangles placed atop it. Black tinted glass windows were scattered symmetrically around the four sides of the building's three storeys.

A huge golden insignia was engraved into the wood of the side facing the street.

"we have arrived at the guild!" Fen gestured a little grandly with her hands outstretched, palms open and pointed toward the building.

Adam found her action's a little funny so he cracked a smile.

"Let's go in." Walking past her he arrived at the two glass doors that were the entrance to the building.

He was really surprised by the lavishness of the building. Glass was obviously a luxury commodity. All the stores and buildings he had come across had wooden windows.

This was the first building with glass that he had seen.

Pushing the glass doors open he entered the building. He had already been here before so he wasn't going to waste time appreciating its details.

Black marble floors spread out across the wide open space of this ground floor. A reception desk was placed in the centre. Two sets of stairs were on the left and right of the desk leading to the floor above. Long tables and benches filled the left and right of this hall. A bar was on the left and a small restaurant on the right.

It was still pretty early in the morning. Plus this town's dungeon was still not open to adventurer's. As a result, very few people could be seen walking about or sitting at the tables.

The only adventurer's present were those who were passing by to complete a mission in a nearby location or those who were returning. They could turn in their mission's here and return or take on another mission at this branch.

Walking side by side the two came to a halt at the reception desk. The desk was a cool marble as well but it was completely white. The desk was in complete contrast with the rest of the room making it stand out.

Adam was currently 3.5 feet tall. The almost 4-foot desk completely blocked him. And he couldn't see past it. So he could only look at Fen helplessly.

Seeing her always calm young master defeated by a mere desk was truly amusing to her.

She realized that now was not the time so she tamped down her excitement.

However, before she could say anything. The person behind the desk spoke up. "Good Morning Fen. What can I do for you today? Is little Adam with you as well?" A soft voice that was slow and relaxed rang out from behind the desk. Standing up and slightly bending forward on the desk the image of the person came into Adam's view. A genial old lady dressed in dark grey robes with hints of black highlights. With a kind smile on her face, she met gazes with him.

"Oh, you really have come. I'm surprised that Fen is the only one with you today!"

His previous visits, of course, were with his entourage of maidservant's. An awkward smile played on his face.

"I'm sorry for the commotion we caused the previous times Mrs Bren."

"Don't mention it." Her hand stretched out and messed with his short and silky hair as she spoke. "Enough with the pleasantries. You've come for the initiation yes?"

"Yes!" He replied curtly. A glint of unswerving determination in his eyes.

"Yuki already spoke to the guild master of our branch. She has also already filled out the form." Digging through her desk cabinets she pulled a 5 sheet form that had already been filled. "all you have to do is put your signature at the end."

She pulled out an ink quill that was dipped in an ink pot on her table and handed it to Adam.

Flipping through the pages of lines and lines of information that was handwritten he felt a sense of gratitude. Opening the last page he saw a blank line at the end of it and put his signature there.

"Done." He handed the sheets back to Mrs Bren.

"Vey well. All that is left is to explain the process to you." Putting the files back in a cabinet she started her small lecture.

It was very simple. Adam would be placed in an isolated room with a celestial enlightenment stone.

He would have to place his palm on top of it to activate it and begin the enlightenment process.

Every individual has a different body constitution and as such different potential's. The stone would judge the body and give choices to the user about the potential classes that they can apply for.

Getting through the formalities Mrs Bren led the two to the second floor. This floor had a long corridor that connected the two ends of the building.

Standing at the first door to the right of the left corridor Mrs Bren spoke up. "Alright, Adam go in." She pushed the door open halfway and was still holding it.

"Best of luck young master!" Fen encouraged.

Adam was slightly nervous. He was a man from another world. His life had been completely different previously. Truly worlds apart. This choice he was about to make was going to define his whole future.

But he was also a game addict and a modern man. He had come across the concept of travelling to other worlds and reincarnation. This was one of the reason's his transition to the culture's of this world went so smooth.

He had reservations but no fear! He boldly walked in. Mrs Bren pulled the door shut from the outside.

"Let's do this!" He gave himself a short pep talk.

Looking around. This was a completely empty room. The Floor was still the black marble but the walls and ceiling were blue in colour. The room was lit by four wall-mounted illumination magic tool lamps that were symmetrically placed on two opposite walls. They looked like translucent shells that were illuminating the room.

In the centre of this spacious room was a small pedestal with a dimly glowing jagged stone hovering atop it. The glow within the stone was like a heartbeat. It would brighten and dim in a set rhythm.

In ten steps he was in front of this hovering stone that was obviously the celestial enlightenment stone.

'I'm prepared for this' Being a gamer the one thing he knew was that when making decision's like this. The more information the user had the better.

The research done was key. It was the difference between blindly roaming a game trying to solve the creator's intention's, reading through paragraph's of text to find only the last few words useful as compared to knowing exactly which mission's to accomplish and which to avoid and which areas are the best to gain experience and loot.

This was why you would see people in games who were able to level their characters,20-40 level's a day which would normally take a person a week.

The power of proper information utilisation can be terrifying.

This was a basic principle that all gamers knew and Adam had utilized this.

He already knew which class he was going to pick. Sorting through all the information he had. He had chosen the Monk class.

Monk's were a very close range combat class. They did not rely on armour rather they relied on agility and body durability.

This meant that the body of a monk was trained to take direct hits. One can imagine how sturdy the body must be and yet they were known for their evasion capability. Adam saw the most potential of growth in this class that relied on the person's body itself.

This was not the end of the research he had done. After reaching the advanced level one got the opportunity to promote to either a Berserker or Enlightener.

The skills in these classes gave body enhancement chants. These chants would effectively buff the base attributes of an adventurer. Berserker dealt with self-enhancement chants while Enlightener gave access to an area of effect chants.

The possibilities of this class can be imagined. The only drawback would be facing long-range attack's. He realized that if he could not get into range to attack he was at a disadvantage.

Every class had its negatives. Reaching level 30 was the only way to negate them by training a subclass.

Taking all the pros and cons into consideration and after countless deliberation's Adam still arrived at the conclusion of taking the Monk class.

There was also the chance that he wouldn't be given a choice or would be given choices that did not involve the Monk class. The only thing he could do was improvise after the scenario occurred.

He settled down his thoughts and firmed his will.

Raising his hand he placed it atop the jagged stone. The warm glow started spreading throughout the stone and then a sudden flash of light occurred.

"What happened?" He looked around and realized he was forced into his soul. This is where he would come as a baby. He had figured out his various abilities here. It had been a really long time since he had been back here.


'An incoming foreign source of information has been detected.'


'Analyses complete.'

'Summary- Two enlightenment applicable individual's detected.

Both individuals are applicable to apply for all 5 classes.

Please make your choices quickly.

Enlightenment will terminate in 29 minutes and 57 seconds'

The timer continued counting down 56, 55 and so on.

What had taken place just now is as follows:

His sentient mind had kicked in. As the enlightenment stone had examined his body and sent him information appropriately. His sentient mind analyzed and deciphered the information for him to read at his discretion.

"What?! Two individuals? there is no way that the enlightenment stone has judged wrongly. Centuries and more it has been used without making a mistake. The only probabilities that are plausible are then… someone touched the stone along with me or I am applicable to choose two classes."

No one had entered the room with him, this was a fact. So that only left the last probability.

"My sentient mind! It has to be!"

"The stone must have judged there to have been two separate individuals because of its capabilities to perform as a separate entity!."

"Hahaha, I have truly struck gold with this skill."

People had to wait to reach level 30 to choose a second class. The difficulty of just reaching that level was enormous and most didn't reach it.

He already had the chance to choose a second class when he was starting out. This meant that if he ever reached level 30 he would have the capability to simultaneously have 4 classes.

The potential future capabilities he would have if he accomplished this, were monstrous, to say the least.

"which class should I choose?" A grin emerged on his face.

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