
Chapter 10 – A world of adventurers

3 Years later.

Adam was now 5 years old.


The guild in the city had been built within a year and Adam had visited it several times since then.

What he found out from his visits only further fueled his excitement.

Adventurers were divided into battle classes and profession classes. This he already knew.

To become an adventurer one had to be initiated by a certified guild. This initiation involved being deemed worthy by the celestial enlightenment stone.

This was a priceless resource that was strictly controlled by the guild. No one knows how these stones were made or where they are procured. It is one of the most closely guarded secrets of the guild.

The celestial enlightenment stone contained the knowledge of the path. It was capable of unlocking the potential of an individual and guiding them. The initiation required one to choose a battle class and receive its subsequent blessing. Once one was initiated they would officially set out on the path as a level 1 adventurer.

There were five battle classes that one could choose from.

Tank – This was a heavyweight class that would stay at the forefront. Durability and stamina are their main advantages with moderate attack power.

Mage – Back line attackers. They are spellcasters with the highest attack potential but low stamina and durability.

Shaman – midrange unit. They have the highest utility as they used concoction's to heal allies or debuff an enemy. They also have higher affinity with monsters and nature.

Monk – Front line agile attack unit. High attack with moderate durability and good stamina.

Rangers – Mid or backline attack and support unit. This class was a highly agile class with moderate attack capability.

Choosing one of these classes would officially certify one as an adventurer. Adventurers would be classified and receive titles based on the level of their class.

Level 1-10 was a beginner adventurer. This is where most of the population of Two Fang city could be categorized.

Level 20 was an intermediate adventurer.

Level 30 was an advanced adventurer. This is where the true distinction line was drawn. Anyone who reached this level would be referred to as a hunter.

This was because this level opened up new paths to people walking towards the top.

At level 30 advanced classes would be made available for a hunter to choose from.

Each class would have two advancement paths and it was the choice of the hunter to pick the path they wished to proceed in.


Each class further subdivided as such:

Tank – 1) Heavy tank

2) Shieldbearer

Mage – 1) Formation Mage

2) Elemental Mage

Shaman – 1) Beast Tamer

2) Healer

Monk – 1) Berserker

2) Enlightener

Ranger – 1) Thief

2) Assassin

Each Advanced class provided their own unique abilities. Skills would also be made available at this level.

Not only this, a hunter would even be permitted to take on a subclass. Only true geniuses would take one up though. As a subclass would have to be retrained from level 1 again.

Only someone with absolute confidence in their ability to train a class to level 30 in a short time would take on this humungous undertaking. Other's would avoid it as this could hamper the advancement of their main class. This would effectively not only waste their time but also decline their potential.

Picking up a support skill just for enhancement buffs was also pointless. How much could a low-level enhancement skill help level, 30 hunters? It would be smarter to divide their time on skill's that would give them higher gains.

As such, it was common to see more hunters specializing in 1 class than dual classes.


Till level 29 all adventurers would have the same basic skills and the distinction between individuals would only be clear through their ingenuity of using their skills and their basic power level.

However once one crossed the Level 30 mark they would be scouted by kingdoms and admitted into their schools or certain geniuses would even be scouted directly by the major sect's around the continent.

This would provide them access to advanced skill's that have been crafted by the masters of the continent over millennia.

Thus, Level 30 advanced adventures not only leapt in power but also in status. Truly a day and night comparison between a Level 29 and 30.

This sounds good in general but the difficulty to reach that level was also enormous. Every 10 levels after level 10 would require an individual to receive the blessing of the celestial enlightenment stone.

As such, level 19, Level 29, level 39 and so on were all cap's on the level of an individual.

The guild would evaluate every individual by appointing them solo missions. These missions would obviously be catered to the corresponding level of the person being evaluated. The difficulty of these missions, however, would even work an adventure two level's higher than the person being evaluated to the bone.

This was an assessment set by the guild to test a person's ingenuity and level of potential. How could the guild allow anyone to advance so easily? If a person only relied on gaining experience without putting themselves in real danger or advancing their level of skill they would only be mediocre at best.

Such a person would be a stain on the reputation of all the other actual adventurer's and the name of the guild. To avoid backlash from the powers around the continent. The guild had to ensure the strictest advancement criteria and as such this system was formed.

This was all however very far away from the current Adam.

He had still not even taken the initiation to become a hunter.

He had already decided to embark on the path of an adventurer from the first time he learnt all of this.

It is easy to decide on an action… the hardest part is finding a way to accomplish it.

For Adam, his greatest support had become his greatest hurdle.

The first time Adam brought forth his idea to become an adventurer. Yuki went into such a huge fit of rage that she almost tore down the whole Four Ways Melody lodge.

Every time after that didn't go any better either. They would be at loggerheads every day since then. Adam was stubborn about this choice and Yuki didn't seem to have any thoughts of backing down either.

Today was no different. The mother and son were in another heated argument.

"Just become a scholar. I have bought you all the books you have ever asked for and given you the best training from all the travelling customer's. You are only 5 years old! Why must I allow you to go out and fight monsters?" Yuki started out mellow but as she progressed her pitch heightened with her voice.

"who said I'm going to fight with monsters now? I only want to take the initiation. Why is that soo bad?" Adam was always calm. Even in the most heated of the situation his head would always stay cool. This would only exasperate his opponent.

"If you don't want to fight monsters then why would you take the initiation anyway?" This was the secret trick of all mothers. She understood clearly what he was saying. Changing black to white was but a simple task through a little show of ignorance.

How could Adam lose his cool and fall for this though? "Mother I know you don't like the idea of me being an adventurer but this is what I've chosen. I want to live a life of adventure. I will not immediately set out. That is still a few years ahead."

"Can't I at least give it a try. If my talent is bad then I will give it up and become a scholar immediately!" This was his final trump card and concession.

Yuki also seemed to have grown tired arguing with her son. For the past few months, they had argued non-stop on this matter.

She had gone so long opposing him but she knew that someday she would have to let him go. It was the fate of a chick to fly away from under the protective wing of their mother.

"Fine go. You have grown so big that you make your own decisions now!" She pouted and started sulking.

'Why is my mother so melodramatic' melodrama was ingrained into the souls of every mother it was an unavoidable truth.

"Soon you will even forget this old mother of yours." Before Adam could even speak to console her she had already shot another lethal bullet.

"Mother, please! You are the most beautiful lady I know and you will always be. How could I forget the one who is forever the first in my heart." Adam would never lose in a contest of speech. He had been trained the past 5 years in eloquence and the various arts.

He was a monster of a student that soaked up all the knowledge that he could get his hands on.

So he continued consoling her. This lasted another hour before she finally gave her consent honestly.

"Nothing but Flowery words. Fine. Your mother is very open-minded. You can go take the initiation. I'll go talk to the guild master tomorrow!" Yuki, when it came to her son truly, was on extremes. When she opposed him she would do so for month's on end but when she supported him she would flatten a mountain in just so he wouldn't have to climb over it.

Maybe this is what unconditional love truly was.

'So this is open-minded huh?' His eyes couldn't help but twitch involuntarily as a defeated laugh left his throat.

He couldn't delay too long in case she changed her mind. He immediately replied.

"Thank you, Mother!" Adam knew that this was the hardest hurdle he would have to cross and was glad it was over.

An iridescent smile bloomed on Yuki's face. Her son had finally made up with her. She was truly worried that he would begin to hate her if she stays too adamant. Luckily it had ended well.

"Come here and give your mother a hug." She had missed the feeling of doting on him too much.

'aah, I've truly ended up with an eccentric mother in this life.' A sigh was exhaled and he walked over to the seated Yuki and hugged her.

Though he says that, it was also truly hard for him to genuinely fault her. Getting attached to someone who loves you soo unconditionally was inevitable. After all, affection is something that grows slowly over time.

There was a lot more information in these chapters.

So I tried my best to keep it light and humorous.

I can only hope that I did not mess up too bad xP

Abeinicreators' thoughts
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