

" you really think you can get away with it huh" " No it's not what you think. w- what are you doing " " payback. this is what happens to people who decive me"

Nessa007 · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Going to Los Angeles

I'm very sorry for not updating or publishing any chapters I fell sick and webnovel made me sign in again so it took a lot of time. I woke up 4: 30 am just to publish this chapter.


" Ha hahahaha" Mahira and Raj laughed and Priyanka joined them.


3 weeks later

" Mahira, come, come" squealed Priyanka

" What is it? " Mahira asked sleepy eyed 

" We've been accepted" 

" Accepted to .... Oh Woodbury university" 

" Yeah"

" That's good. Is it only me or the three of us " 

" The three of us, duh " 

" Oh; very well, let's get packing.

" I have to tell Raj"

" We'll be leaving tomorrow" said Mahira but Priyanka was long gone.


" Bye aunt" 

" Bye aunt" 

" Bye mum" 

" Good bye my little darlings. Mahira please take care of Yourself, Raj and Priyanka" said Priyanka mum Asha 

The corners of Raj and Priyanka lips twitched.

"Good bye mum " 

" Good bye aunt " 

" Good bye mum"

" Good bye babies, take care of yourselves" said Alia.

" Oh my baby is leaving the country and I'm not with her. I can't let you go , eat well, sleep a... and don't cause trouble". Asha is now leaning on Priyanka. " You're so grown up , you going out of the country by your self And I really can't let you go sob, sob ,sob" Asha ranted.

" Mum you're so dramatic. I'm just going to Los Angeles to study besides I have Mahira and Raj with me" 

" But still..." 

Alia cut her off " Asha stop. People are staring" 

" Hmph, let them stare."

" Asha....." Alia made Asha face her and gave a sign to the trio whilst she distracted Asha.

The three quickly went . Seeing their disappearing backs Alia sighed and a light flash in her eyes. " What's with that look " Asha asked.

 " Nothing. Let's go home" 


The plane took off and Priyanka couldn't stop talking about how beautiful the sky is. And indeed it was ; the blue sky had a hue of pink and orange plus the clouds making it look like fluffy pillows. 


I'm really sorry 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺